Flash :: Pressing F12 To Preview And Use This Feature It Would Not Work ?
Jul 23, 2009
I have recently received a copy of the Adobe eLearning suite, in particular I hope to use Flash for the majority of my elearning projects.I have been having trouble using the learning interactions that come ready to use with Flash. For example,I placed the drag and drop interaction onto the stage area, but when pressing F12 to preview and use this feature it would not work (could not drag the movie objects), the same goes for all the other features I can select radio buttons etc but when pressing the 'cheack answer' button nothing happens.Even though these interactions come with instructions which i have followed, it still does not seem to work. I do not wish for them to be scored, I just want the user to receive correct or incorrect feedback.
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//so.data.skipFran = false;
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on (release) {
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The class or the interface 'com.ahfx.
Product could not be loaded(source)
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Aug 1, 2010
Im making 6 buttons all with different values. When you press one button the number that button holds will show up in 2 dynamic textfields.In the first field the numbers will come upp in a list form, one under another.and in the second textfield the number that the buttons have will add up.I have tried for some days now but cant come up with anything that worked.Haved tried with thisfor one button:
totalsum.text += Number(totalsum.text) + 22;
and this for the next:
totalsum.text += Number(totalsum.text) + 33;
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May 15, 2005
(Flash 5) I have 12 different buttons that are keyboard keys that play a sound when you click on them. I am wondering if, in addition to that, one could hit, for instance, the ` key for this first one, the 1 key for the second one, the 2 key for the third one, etc..etc.. Is there a script for that, in addition to the click?
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Jan 6, 2011
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Nov 20, 2011
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Aug 2, 2010
I have a AS3 project, which shows a map (based on OSM) and prints some information on the map. Now I would like to have a thumbnail for this map.
I've tried [URL] to generate a screenshot of the whole page, the problem is when bitpixels takes the screenshot, the map isn't fully loaded.
Is there a way to say something like DisplayObjectContainer.exportToPNG?
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