Flash :: Safari Is NOT Loading Until Container Div Is Visible?
Dec 9, 2011
I have a simple swf in an invisible <div>; when user mouseover's the <div> becomes visible.The swf has a ExternalInterface.addCallback( "..." , ... ) to create connection to js that needs to be called at load, such that by the time user mouseovers the flash-js connection is working.PROBLEM: on windows safari the flash does not go through its loading sequence until the user finally mouseovers
1) a sprite with a rollover/out tween, going from alpha 0 to 1 on rollover, and back to 0 on rollout (let's call it "containerSprite"). That part is cake.
2) another sprite within the container (let's call it "closeButton"), that goes along for the ride (i.e., its alpha gets tweened along with the container). That's easy enough to do by making it a child of "container". When I say it is "within" the container I mean in terms of x/y.
3) when I move the mouse within containerSprite and onto closeButton, I want the container to stay visible (easy enough by setting mouseEnabled or mouseChildren to false). But I want closeButton to respond to mouseDown events, so I can't set it to mouseEnabled=false, nor can I set containerSprite.mouseChildren=false.
4) there will be several other sprites within the x/y of containerSprite, each with their own rollover/out tween. The catch is, when the mouse is within containerSprite and rolls onto one of them, the alpha of containerSprite SHOULD tween out (unlike when rolling onto closeButton).
For the life of me, I cannot get it all to work. I can get the desired behaviour in (4) easily enough, either by making the other sprites (mouseEnabled) children of containerSprite, or by making them siblings of containerSprite but higher in the display list. But the desired behaviour in (2) and (3) is vexing me: if closeButton is a child of containerSprite then its alpha tweens along with containerSprite (desired), but because it must be mouseEnabled, moving the cursor onto it triggers containerSprite's rollout event (undesired). If instead it is a higher sibling of containerSprite rather than a child, it has the same problem: if it is mouseEnabled, moving onto it counts as a rollOut event for the container. It seems like the solution ought to be easy, and I'm just missing something that is in plain sight.
I've built a form, and next to my form element I've placed a flash object. When the page is loaded, the form is display: block, and the flash object is display: none.
The layout looks something like (the img is there so that if the user doesn't have flash, the gif animation will play instead):
A strange issue in Safari (both Mac and PC) versions... coming to the site with a clean cache and the Flash file, loads in cut in half, and hugging the top of the browser. A refresh fixes the issue!
How could it be a SWF is not loading in internet explorer chrome on windows but works fine on firefox and safari on osx? I called the file like myhomepage.fr/videoplayer.swf
Does this direct all of swf is non supported on IE?
I have a VBox inside a Canvas. The 'red bars' are custom components based on 'Canvas'. All red bars are of equal height. I have 20 red bars inside the VBox. The scrollbars visible in the screenshot are the Canvas's scrollbars. The scrollbars of the VBox are disabled using verticalScrollPolicy = off.
Without scrolling, only 16 red bars (and a part of the 17th bar) are visible. However, when I scroll down the Canvas I expect to see the remaining red bars - but the bars that are not visible when the application starts don't get 'drawn'. What am I doing wrong? I want the user to be able to see the 17th - 20th bars when the Canvas is scrolled down.
I'm trying to avoid the scroll bar appearance on an UIComponent. Is there any way to obtain the computed width/height that my container component should have to have all children visible? I don't want to compute it myself. I would like to know if there is any variable computed by the component when it decides if it should draw the scroll bar or not.
I've got the following situation, where I have an outer Vbox that is set at a fixed width, and then inside it there is a header made from an HBox and a content area (Canvas) that is much wider than the enclosing VBox (and therefore requires scrollbars on the outer VBox to see it all).
I would like to set the width of the header to fill the entire width of the outer container, but only the visible part, and to remain fixed so that when I scroll to view the content, the header doesn't move.
I seem to have a problem with loading data from an XML file via Actionscript. It appears to only display/load in IE and Firefox, but not in Safari.[code]
I made a simple slideshow type viewer for a client. It works wonderfully for me in OS X using Safari and Firefox, and it works in Firefox under windows as well. Linky Now, the guy writing the backend stuff for the site uses windows, and noticed that when you navigate *away* from the page, and then go back, the images don't load. In IE 7. He sent me a screenshot using some http debugger.
Screenshot So, we figured we'd use a "cache buster" in IE. I made the flash append "?<RANDOM_STRING>" when requesting the images, but it doesn't seem to do the job. The HTTP debugger shows the request occurs, but Flash never actually receives the image. Here's the entirety of the class "SlideshowImage" which is responsible for loading the images ( and other junk, like photo credits, etc ). Hopefully somebody with more AS3 experience can hit me with the proverbial clue stick. I've been writing AS2 for a long time, but AS3 for only the last 6 months or so. I've never seen these problems in AS2, so I assume I'm doing something wrong in AS3.
A final note. I know that the XML file which describes the slideshow is being correctly loaded, since I can see the correct copy overlay and other factors. It just appears that the images never come down the pipe.
I load images from an XML file and sometimes everything would load up just fine, but there are times when flash would stop loading in the middle of my my list...
On firefox, all items usually would load up all the time but there are occassions where it would only load 3 out of 8 or some anywhere before it's suppose to finish. If you keep hitting refresh on the link i posted, you'll see. its even worse on safari since it would seldom load the whole thing... never had a problem with IE though.
here is the code im working on
Code: var productHolder:MovieClip = productHolder_mc; var bannerHolder:MovieClip = bannerHolder_mc; var paginationHolder:MovieClip = paginationHolder_mc; var whatIsaLoading:String = "";
I am working on a project where I require to load an external swf movie in a container at frame3 when I click on a button at frame1. And at he same time the movie should fit exactly into that container. And at the end of the movie it should bring back me to the frame1, where all my buttons are there. Another thing is my first frame of the external movies which I have to load is blank so I want to load a movie directly from frame2 or a specific frame.
If been trying to refurbish my website using solely OSMF but, the sound part gives problems in various browsers. It works in IE6 and FireFox but, it doesnt in Chrome and Safari. Does anyone know what is happening and what their differences are when it comes to file loading?[URL]check it for yourself clicking the buttons in various browsers the Flash button uses native flash sound libs the OSMF button the OSMF implementation.
I am importing 4 videos flv with playback component. When a video is loading, I would like an mc to be visible (like a loading mc e.g.youtube) to be sure the users understands that it's working and loading. But when it starts to play, the mc needs to disappear.
So I imagine something like this code is a start (it doesnt work but it can maybe help to illustrate what I want to do);
import fl.video.VideoEvent; vid1.addEventListener(VideoEvent.LOADING.videoLoad ); function videoLoad(e:VideoEvent){
I've successfully managed to load an external swf file into a movie, but I don't know how to resize it or position it... is this possible?
I'm using this code to load the swf into a movieclip called 'Holder':
Code: var Holder:Loader = new Loader(); var urlrHome:URLRequest = new URLRequest("myMovie.swf") Holder.load(urlrHome);
My 'Holder' is bigger than the swf importing, but ideally i would like to resize and position it in the center of the stage... (at the moment, the movie loads in small and sits at the top left corner of the stage, even though my container is in the middle...
I am importing 4 videos flv with playback component. When a video is loading, I would like an mc to be visible (like a loading mc e.g.youtube) to be sure the users understands that it's working and loading. But when it starts to play, the mc needs to disappear.So I imagine something like this code is a start
import fl.video.VideoEvent; vid1.addEventListener(VideoEvent.LOADING.videoLoad ); function videoLoad(e:VideoEvent){
there a more official name for a 'flash container' ? because very little results come up when i try and search for answers!can you load a container within a container, i'm thinking no but would like to clear that up also! for example i've followed this tutorial htm however when loaded up in a container nothing appears in the mouse over effect.. i've also tried loading jpegs into a swf via an xml which again works fine until i load it up within a container and nothing appears..
If a swf file is destined to be loaded into a container file and interacted with from there, is it considered better practice for the code for the interaction to reside in the loaded file or the container file? I am writing on the timeline, rather than creating classes. Also if a movie clip on the stage contains buttons with event listeners attached and I remove the movie clip as a child, do the event listeners disappear with it, or should i remove them separately?
On the Mac, everything works fine. I load a .swf into an ADM Flash Player Item in the Illustrator SDK and the .swf pulls some information from an options.xml file on local machine to create the UI.On Windows the .swf seemingly won't load info from other files on the computer. I can get the .swf to load inside the ADM Flash Player Item, but it seems like it can't access the options.xml file.When I run the .swf OUTSIDE of the illustrator container, everything works as it is supposed toI thought it might be a security/permissions issue, but wouldn't that come into play even when it's run outside of illustrator
I need to place a image in a container. But well it does not work It doesn't do anything actaully.Its been a while since a used ac3 but still does someone care to take a look?the picture that needs to be loaded and the xml file are all in the same folder.do i need to use a for loop? my teacher said it didnt need it.
// ------------- PICTURE LOADER ---------------- var PicXML:XML; var picXMLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
I'm trying to design a scrolling panel following one of the tutorials. I'm loading some photos using an XML into a container and I want this container to be reactive to mouseX. I can't get this movement all the smooth that I want. The images sometimes vibrate.[code]
i have a xml gallery with a mouse hover scroll bar which loads up photos. I want to have this movie clip load into a container in my menu movie clip but whenever i try nothing shows up. I can load other movie clips fine. I am guessing its something to do with the xml.
I have created a flash gallery where I am trying to fetch all thumbnails and large images from external folders. I am using the following code to load image blow-ups in a container:[code]While this works offline, when I upload the files, the thumbs are fetched from the image folder but not the large images. If there was an issue with the path, then thumbs should also not load.
Late night dumb question time:I have an SWF named "gallery.swf" that loads into an empty clip called "holder_mc" in the parent movie. How do I call a function from gallery.swf that replaces gallery.swf with a file called "purchase.swf" in holder_mc? The function I'm using looks like this:
Code: function ProceedToCart():Void { _root.mcLoader.loadClip("purchase.swf",_root.holder_mc);