Flex :: Delay Repeater Until Rest Of View Has Loaded?

May 30, 2010

I have a flex repeater for an accordion inside a TitleWindow that is quite slow, I've already set recycleChildren to true, which has helped, but it's still slow on the first load and causes the animation to stutter when I open the TitleWindow.

The repeater is just one part of what's visible in the TitleWindow, what I would like to do is have the repeater load after the rest of the content in the TitleWindow so the animation of the TitleWindow being opened doesn't stutter (the main problem).

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Flex :: ViewStack With A Repeater - Repeater Gets Placed At The Bottom?

Sep 2, 2010

I have a problem when creating a ViewStack, with a repeater along with other components (i.e. vBox) inside the ViewStack. The repeaters get placed at the bottom of the view. Despite the repeater is listed before other components, it is placed at the bottom.Is there a workaround where I can get the repeater drawn before the other components?Here is an example:

<mx:ViewStack id="viewStack" width="100%" height="100%" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF"
backgroundAlpha="1" paddingLeft="5" paddingRight="5" paddingBottom="5">
<mx:Repeater id="editorsRP" dataProvider="{dynamicFields}" [code].....

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Flex :: Dispatching Custom Event From Repeater Component And Listen Event In Other Repeater Components

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Edit: Added whole stuff here.

<!-- AttributeMapping.mxml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Canvas xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delay The Preloader To View MovieClip Right Away?

Jun 28, 2010

I have a preloader with directions to view the swf. But it goes so quickly that you can read the directions. Is there a way to put a delay in the preloader before it begins the swf file??This is my code in the preloader...

ActionScript Code:
var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Final.swf");
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: PreLoader Not Loaded Before Rest Of Movie?

Feb 10, 2011

I have a preloader that is about 150kB in size and it doesn't load completely until about half of my 6MB movie (yet to be optimized) loads. So by the time my preloader progress graphics come up, 50% of the whole 6MB movie is already loaded. Moreover, it's blank until 50% of the movie is loaded (the preloader just seems to wait until that point before it's graphics and actions begin)?

I have the pre-Loader in the first frame of the movie and the movie begins in the second frame. I tried using separate scenes (a preloader scene preceding a scene for the rest of the movie) and that exhibited identical behavior.

Question: Is there any way I can force my preloader to completely load and run--load progress graphics and all--before the rest of the movie starts loading?

(see code below just in case).

Also - I'm using greensock tweenlite in the preloader, would that make a difference?

PS: When I say movie, it's actually a website

PSS: I'm using MovieClip(root).loaderInfo.bytesLoaded and bytesTotal etc...

import com.greensock.*;
const ROTATION_INCREMENT1:Number = 0.25;
const ROTATION_INCREMENT2:Number = -.125;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Appears Once The Rest Of The Site Is 80-90% Loaded?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play Frame 30 If 30% Is Loaded Form The Rest Of The Movie

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Flex :: Presentation Model Pattern Can View Specific Logic Reside In View?

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I'm currently using RobotLegs with the Presentation Model pattern to develop a Flex 4 project. I understand that all business logic related to a View resides in the Presentation Model associated with that view, however, I am confused when it comes to View specific logic.For example, I have an indicator that needs to be positioned relatively to list items depending on which list item is selected. Is it acceptable in the Presentation pattern to put the logic that will position the indicator in the View and simply have that logic run in reaction to a selectedIndex property changing in the presentation model?The reason I am considering this is that since the Presentation Model does not have a reference to the view it is difficult to come up with an ideal solution for manipulating view components.

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Flex :: Dynamic - Flex Repeater Horizontal Scrollbar?

Dec 7, 2011

In my application I'm using a canvas and repeater inside HBox it is Dynamic,..now I want to keep a horizontal scrollbar for the same, I may display more than 50 canvas addresses inside that Hbox and repeater.Here is my code:

<mx:HBox id="addrBox" x="42" y="161" width="1000%" styleName="ContextPanel" resizeEffect="resize" horizontalGap="5" height="0" paddingLeft="15">
<mx:Repeater id="rpt" maxWidth="1000" dataProvider="{ customerAddress }" >[code]....

Kindly give some idea for getting horizontal scroll bar for the Repeater.

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Flex :: Change Label In Repeater?

Nov 21, 2009

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Is this even possible to change label in repeater?

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Flex :: Get Text From A Repeater Object?

Mar 3, 2010

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Flex :: Modify The Vertical Gap In A Repeater?

Jul 2, 2010

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Flex 3 - Conditional Statements For A Repeater

Jul 12, 2011

I have an xml file that has a start date and length of a project... I use a repeater to load each project. The users' screen only shows 2 weeks at a time. I would like to make it so that if a project doesn't fall within the two weeks on screen, that the project isn't loaded. I could do this by sorting through the XML and finding the correct projects to load, and putting them into an array collection, but there's a "move date" button which allows the user to change the two weeks that are showed. Once the two weeks are changed, I would need the projects that fit into that new 2 week window to show.


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Flex :: Use Repeater For Components Inside Swc?

Nov 4, 2011

I build a swc file by Flash CS5 contains some interface component like TextInput, Label.And then I use it in a flex program.

But I meet the problem when I want use flex repeater for this component.

Following is the a component defined by myself in swc file using Flash CS.[code]...

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Flex :: Repeater Component With Grid Layout?

Aug 3, 2009

I have a randomly-sized array of items. I'd like to display one label for each item in a Repeater component. I want them to display in a grid layout with 5 columns and as many rows as needed. How do I do that in Flex / ActionScript?

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Flex :: Checkbox Visibility Binding In Repeater?

Nov 20, 2009

I am trying to dynamically bind the visibility of a checkbox control to a data field of a repeater as follows.


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Flex :: Repeater With Dataprovider Flickers A Bit When There Is An Update

Dec 16, 2009

i have the following code:
<mx:Repeater id="user" dataProvider="{data}">
<mx:VBox styleName="repeaterVBox">
<mx:Text text="{user.currentItem.a}. {user.currentItem.b}"


the dataProvider 'data' updated itself every 3 seconds, so every 3 seconds that is a flicker of some sort, i see for a really short time an empty area and then it gets redrawn again. is there a way to make the update somewhat faster ?

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XML :: Flex 3 - Using Repeater And Sending XML Information To Component

Apr 26, 2011

I trying to import an XML file, and send bits and pieces to a custom component. My XML file is structured like this:

<projName>{Insert title of project here}</projName>
<startDate>{Insert date here}</startDate>
<daysOffset>{Insert a number here}</daysOffset>
[Code] .....

When I save the project, I do not get any errors or warnings. However, when I attempt to output the values in the component, the projectPositions piece comes back as Null.

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Flex 3 :: Refreshing Repeater After Adding A Child

May 23, 2011

Within a child, I have an XML element with the following structure:[code]I then use a repeater to list each out onto the screen. There's a button I have created that is used to create a position. So, once the user clicks this button, I call the following function:[code]The above function creates a new XML object, puts some default values in, and appends it to the list of project positions. After appending the new information, I made the height of the project larger and then check to make sure the new project height isn't overlapping any other projects... but that information is irrelevant to this post.My problem is this - once i append a new child to the XML variable, it doesn't appear on the screen. Is there a "refresh" or "re-render" option i can do to the repeater in order to make the new child show?[code]Once i make the changes, and use the XMLListCollection as the dataprovider in the repeater, the information no longer loads on the screen.

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Flex :: Limit The Number Of Items In The Repeater Object?

May 19, 2010

I'm using a Repeater object in Flex. Would be possible to stop the repeater after 50 iterations.. even if my dataProvider is bigger ?

I want to display only the first 50 items. I'm using MXML to implement the repeater.

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Flex :: Components Inside A Repeater Not Resizing As Expected?

Jun 3, 2010

I have an mxml panel in which I'm using a repeater. The panel can be resized horizontally and I would like for the repeated components to resize together with panel. Here is a simplified example of how things look like:

<mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical" ...>
<!-- scripts and some controls -->
<mx:VBox width="100%">


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Flex :: Ensure An Item Gets Deleted Inside Repeater?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a code like this:

<mx:Repeater id="allItemRepeator"
<components:ComponentSelector id="componentSelector"


When code changes for allItems the item disapears from screen as expected but still sits in memory! I know this by a function inside a compoenent that has "trace" so the trace output still displays even after the component disappears from screen. How do I ensure that the element is deleted when it's reference is deleted? Will using List-based component to display items instead of "Repeator" solve the problem (it requires significant refactoring of my code so I'm asking before trying it out)

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Flex :: Repeater Item As An Array Index (binding)?

Oct 12, 2010

I have a label inside a repeater (rptInfos), and I have an arraycollection (Texts) that has the translations. The "Texts" content is changing when I change the language, and normally I use {Texts.getItemAt(219}} for example when I need a translated text. But in the repeater I have a translateable column, so I want to use it like this:

<s:Label text="{Texts.getItemAt(rptInfos.currentItem.DictID as int)}" />

but it says "Syntax error: expected a definition keyword (such as function) after attribute , not target".I wanted to translate it in the labels creationComplete event, but than I can forget about binding, so only when reloaded can I have the content to update.

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Flex :: Unable To Generate Initialization Code Within Repeater?

Feb 22, 2011

Following error is arising if I use NavigatorContent in Repeater. Is there a way to initialize image and lable on which I am encountering following error: Unable to generate initialization codewithin Repeater, due to id or databinding on a component that is not a visual child.

<mx:Repeater id="rep" dataProvider="{usersArray}">
<s:NavigatorContent width="100%" height="100%" label="{rep.currentItem.name}" >


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Flex :: Add Event Listener To Components Inside A Repeater

Oct 11, 2011

I want to add an event listener to each component inside a repeater, but don't know how. Here's some code I have tried:

<mx:Repeater id="rp" dataProvider="{dataProvider}" width="100%">
<mx:Button id="attach" creationComplete="addListeners(attach[rp.currentIndex])"/>

This doesn't work. creationComplete is not called until the repeater has finished instead of (as I expected) when the creation of the button is complete. I'm not sure how to accomplish this.

BTW - I also tried placing the creationComplete on the parent component to the repeater, but it would only be called the first time the component was rendered (the data inside the repeater sometimes changes) so that didn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex: Send Event Or Something To Repeater Item

Feb 13, 2010

I have a Tile with a repeater. I need to select a repeater item or the tile and change its values, or fire an event, or something.

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Flex :: Getting .length Of Custom Component Id Within A Repeater Works Sometimes But Not All The Time?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a repeater that populates a component, called 'project'. The project components are given an ID of 'wholeProject'. In all of my functions up until now, I was able to determine how many project components were made by doing the following:


I used this in for loops, for each loops, and for changing the item settings within a project, i.e. something like this:

wholeProject[i].studentName = "Billy Bob";

However, I'm creating a new function that does not seem to like this wholeProject.length reference. I'm using it within the same level as all the others (i.e. the parent level). So far, my function is simply this:

public function getStudentYears():void

when the application loads, the alert message simply does not appear. If I change the alert to something like this:

Alert.show("This is just a test.");

it works just fine. But for some reason, the wholeProject.length doesn't work in this function whereas it does in all my other ones.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 3: Run A Function After A Repeater Is Completed Done Loading The Children?

Jun 10, 2011

I have a repeater which creates a child named "wholeProject" each time the repeater loops.

<mx:Repeater id="projectRP" dataProvider="{projectsHttp.lastResult.project}">


As you can see from the last line of the piece, i have a the creationComplete option run two functions. What I would LIKE to happen is once the repeater is done loading all of the block:project pieces for each function to run once and only once. Instead, the two functions are running after each is created. I tried putting the creation complete in the tag, but that didn't work.

Is there a way to tell the creationComplete piece to run only when the last piece of the repeater has been created?

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