Flex :: Developing Resolution Independent Web Application?

Nov 30, 2010

I checked this link Flex Cross Resolution Applications and it did Infact,the display varies from browser to browser, (for eg. chrome vs ie8) Chrome has bigger browser window. How to develop flex applications in this case ? I am using values in percentages.However,panel which displays properly in IE8, appears big in chrome with text and buttons having same size. How to solve this problem

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.net :: Developing A Rich Internet Application?

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http:[url]....I have found this as well: http:[url]....

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as u can see in my flash application, the black box is 160x120 in size, it is the size of the camera preview that I want in my flash application. But in my server, the picture resolution size is also 160x120 (I want a 300x400 instead)

figure 1b. if i set it to a higher resolution, the camera preview will fill up my flash application. (shown as a red box. 300x400 size) (this is not I want because it takes up huge space) What should I do if I want my camera size in my flash to look like figure 1a but in my snapshot saved picture in server to be a 300x400 size?


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Flex :: Changing Image Size Independent Of Scene Size?

Apr 6, 2011

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Here is my code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Flex :: Detecting Client Screen Resolution?

Oct 23, 2009

How can i detect my client's screen resolution .. in Flex??

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Flex :: Scroll Bar For The Panel When We Change The Resolution To 800*600?

Feb 12, 2010

And i have a requirement like, if i change the resolution of the computer, all the panel's in my applcition are auto setted to particular resolution by defaultly. but it should not happened like this.If resolution changed, the scrollBar comes into the picture for panelFor example, I have set the resolution in 1280*1024, so now the panel scrollBar not visible And as per my requirement, i need to check the resolution in 800*600 .But now the panel is automatically reset to this resolution.But i need a scroll bar for the panel when we change the resolution to 800*600.

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Flex :: Capture Webcam Images Always At Max Resolution?

Jun 22, 2010

Is there a way to know the max resolution of a webcam ? I need to capture images from webcam and send its on another notebook throught internet.

So I want to capture images at max resolution indipendently from webcam automatically without setting the resolution every time ( if I have a webcam with 1.3 MPixel, I want to capture images at 1.3 MPixel; If I have a webcam with 640x480 Pixel, I want to capture images at 640x480 Pixel; and so on... ).

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Flex :: Adobe - Automatically Resize According To The Resolution?

Nov 14, 2010

i am developing an application with Adobe Flex in Flex builder 3. my application works fine in 1024 x 768 resolution but it doesn't fit in my laptop's screen which happen to have 1366 x 768. my question is how to make my application automatically resize according to the resolution ?

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Flash :: Detect Screen Resolution In Flex 4?

Mar 7, 2011

I want to make an application with an image that only bounces to the users screen resolution. How can I go by detecting the users screen resolution in flex 4? (If you can that is.)

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Flex :: Scaling And Repositioning Circles Based On Resolution

Dec 23, 2009

We are building an application in Flex where we have to scale and reposition the circles based on the changed screen resolutions. Example: Current resolution: (800, 600) I draw a circle at position (410,290) with radius 10 Now If i change the resolution of screen to (1440, 960) then the circle should be drawn at the same place on the screen with respect to the new resolution with relative increase in the radius.

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Flex :: Detect Screen Resolution Changes Dynamically In Adobe AIR

Sep 27, 2010

Screen class in actionscript provides the latest total screen bounds and available screen bound, but doesn't allow to attach listener to listen for changes on runtime.

is there any way of detecting screen resolution changes on runtime, it is required to size the application whenever screen resolution is changed. e.g. in case when machine display is connected to projector/high resolution monitor and then switched back to normal.

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Java :: Typical Development Workflow/process Developing With Weborb For Java With Flex?

Sep 15, 2011

Meaning specifically, what steps do you go through when creating a new application using these tools?

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Oct 8, 2010

I'm trying to develop a simple mxml Flex application to start Skype from the AIR/Flashplayer runtime. Is it possible to get back events from a native Windows application? In the simple example of Skype, the OS returns control to the Flex app when Skype exits. But what about native applications which have their own event model and wants to communicate with the Flex event model. For example, a Face detection system which shows "Hello" on a Flex app when the camera detects a face. Can this be done in the current Flex framework?

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Mar 4, 2011

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Aug 4, 2011

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<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" width="100%" height="100%"


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