Scale Flex Application When Screen Resolution Is Too Small?

Mar 18, 2011

I'm developing a Flex application that is designed for screen resolutions of 1280x1024 and more. In the rare case that a projector is used (which usually has a maximum of 1024x768 pixels) I'd like to scale down the application (currently I get lots of scrollbars and clipping).

I've already experimented with the application's properties scaleX and scaleY as well as stage.scaleMode. However, I couldn't quite figure out a way to

render the application without scaling when the application's width and height are larger than certain values use scaling when the width or height are smaller than certain values

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var userResX:Number = System.capabilities.screenResolutionX;
var noXScaleRes:Number = 1440;
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[Code] .....

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Jan 20, 2009

[ X ] Problem solved I just came up with something i have some trouble to handle I've tried a couple of solution but none seems to work perfectly

What I'm trying to do is simple, get my flash to go full screen, but whatever resolution the user has, my flash must centers itself with the biggest proportion possible, and two movie clips goes right and left of it, as if they were borders.

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Sep 2, 2009

I have an Air Application in Flex designed for 1280x800 which I would like to stretch to work full screen on a 1920x1200 monitor.

I've read this article: [URL] and tried it, but it only zooms the upper left corner (as mentioned in the article).

I work with a WindowedApplication (shown below) which holds a View (called MasterView) that contains all different lay-out elements.

My application (in brief) looks like this:



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fit Swf To Screen Resolution

Jun 11, 2010

I have researched this and found lots of information but I am fairly new to actionscript and scripting in general. Here is what I am trying to do. I am working on a site that is already setup and ready to go. What I am creating is a very basic 15 second flash intro/flyer that will show up and eventually redirect to the main site. Like I said this is a very basic flash with basic tweening however my main issue is that we want this one picture to fill up the entire browser window without getting cut off no matter what resolution. I don't care how it is accomplished whether it is actionscript, java,

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Full Screen View Of Flex Application

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I want full screen view(through code,without pressing F11) of my flex application.

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I have an application with webcam, chat and more, and i need to record the screen aplication in server, for the client not have to upload the result. What I want is to know how to record the images shown in the Flex application (only inside the swf).

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Jul 31, 2011

I have an AIR application. It should be moved around the screen with the mouse. In order to achieve this I use the event: this.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown, true,-2);

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Mar 2, 2011

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Like in here (the floating clip on the left upper corner, there is a menu divided into 2 parts like float:left and :right (like I would make this in css))


Basically I'd need a menu always aligned to the bottom-center of the page that won't change the size, but the background always stretched proportionally to the width of the page upon resizing.

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Sep 9, 2010

I have published my Flash site to the web server but I notice that it doesn't display correctly in smaller resolutions (I think the smallest it looks best in is 1024 x 768)... the bottom keeps getting cut off when viewed in any small resolution. I figure this is something that can be corrected in the HTML file so if someone can show me what exactly I need to put into that file, that would be great. My site is here if you need to reference it:[URL]..

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