Flex :: FLV Video Shows Wrong Playhead Time?

Jan 2, 2012

I am recording FLV videos with Red5 server and playing them back in a Flex app. I am aware that Red5 does not properly inject the FLV MetaData, so I am using an external commandline tool to get the metadata in there.

Because I am injecting the metadata, my duration of the video is correct.

The problem I am having, and this is true with all FLV players I try to play the video with (even 3rd party stand-alone video players), is the PlayHead time is never started at 0. When I load up the FLV to play and lets say the video is 10 seconds long, the current time label on the playhead starts at 1-2seconds instead of 0 and the horizontal slider current time indicator also is moved away from 0 and is set to 1-2 seconds along the slidebar. the video plays back fine from what I can see though.

Is there a byte in the FLV that I need to change so that it will start the playhead at 0? I realize this is probably something to do with Red5, so if anyone has any work-arounds or potential things to watch out for that may be causing this

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//pb.setProgress(percent, 100);

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