Flash :: JW Player Shows Blank Video In Explorer After Hiding And Showing

Sep 8, 2010

In Internet Explorer 7 and 8 (WinXP/Flash 10), if I play my videos using the JW Player in the slider they work. However if I move to the next slide and then return to the original slide the video is no longer displayed - the audio is still audible and the video can be played and paused, but there is no image.

I've asked this question on [URL], but the support member cannot see this problem on their computer. Does anyone else see this issue, and if so, You can view the slider and video here: [URL]

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Update: command line I used is just
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package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
public class HelloWorld extends Sprite {
public function HelloWorld() {
[Code] .....

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if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') != -1) ||


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<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,0,0" width="401" height="107" align="middle">


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ar chineseSentence:Array=new Array();
[many other Array vars deleted for space]
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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_root.audiogram.lineStyle(2, 0xFF0000, 100);
_root.audiogram.moveTo(0, 0);


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I've been spending hours now reading up on IE7's issue with rendering Flash content on top of other elements, particularly navigation menus (this is often a problem with dropdown menus and Flash ad banners, for example).


At Mercator's request, I am providing a large code-sample to assist in any advice you might have. Consider the HTML below:


The footpanel uses jQuery-powered flyout menus, if that provides any further context. These menus have z-indexes in the 300X range to appear above the footpanel.The Flash in question is JW player playing a flash video or mp4. Currently, the object and embed tags are inside a container div.My understanding of previous solutions was that the combination of the param changes and the positioning/z-index change on the container div should have resolved the issue. Alas, it is not so. The player resides on top of the footpanel.Other information that may or may not be helpful is that the page is XHTML 1.0 Transitional and that Dreamweaver reports 1 error in the HTML code: <embed> is not in the XHTML 1.0 specification. This fact does not prevent the video from being viewed in any browser tested, and the page still displays correctly in FF.

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Professional :: Flash Player 10.3.1832.5 Causing Webpage To Blank?

Aug 22, 2011

Since recent versions of Flash have come out (perhaps the last few weeks), when loading up the website, [URL] , the flash loading bars show, various SWF files in their layer appear, but then when loading completes, the web page goes blank (usually black, sometimes white).

This occurs on Windoes 7 (64), Vista and XP. It occurs in IE9, IE8, and various Firefox browers. So, I am comfortable believing that it is a recent Flash player issue.
The HTML page loads a file "back.swf" which in turn loads "menu_eo.swf" in level 10 and "intro_eo.swf" into level 5.
What it looks like is that when the intro page finished loading and moves to the correct frame, the screen goes blank.
My clients rarely update their Flash Player, but I asked them to do so this morning. They had the same problem in all those other browser and operating system after updating to Flash Player 10.3.1832.5.

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Apr 22, 2010

The website that I built, I used Adobe media encoder and flash to make it a .flv file, the website works fine as far as playing the pages with video in Safari and Firefox, when I go to the same website in internet explorer the video plays with a big black border each of my video's, why would that be ?

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Actionscript 3 :: Run QNX Project On Desktop Flash Player - Swf Appears Blank White View?

Mar 28, 2012

I am trying to run QNX Actionscript project on desktop Flash player, but when I run the swf, the player appears blank white view I tried to set the QNX libraries "Merged in code", but the app doesn't run Is there any way to run the project swf on flash player Note: I am using Flash Builder 4.5

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FLVPlayback Player Controls Auto-hiding

Dec 16, 2009

I have created a movie in Flash CS3 with the FLVplayback control. In the parameters of the control I have set the autohide of the player skin to false. But when I publish my movie to the webserver the controls are still autohiding. I have cleared my cache repeatedly and republished the movie repeatedly, but I can't seem to get the controls to stay up permanently.
I have done this with presentations many times and I have never had this issue before.
The presentation is being shown in IE8 with compatibility view off, although I have tried it with compatibility view on as well.

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Flash :: Professional - The Page Into The Host Server It Shows The Skin And No Video

Apr 29, 2011

I can still create the video and the files and it all works in dreamweaver when I preview in iexplore. When I put the files and the page into the host server it shows the skin and no video. If my paths are wrong I do not know where to check them. I need help MY whole career is on hold until I know how to do this like clockwork/ I need step by step with creating and changing paths and uploading using cpanel or dreamweaver. getting the files made and uploaded is easy part. I have been here before and cheers to the help. I really need an in depth answer about how to do this from start to finish. I have looked at all tutorials and they all make it seem so easy but dont show anything on paths. If my video works in dreamweaver but not online live what is wrong? I am lost and on edge lost many weeks of sleep over this simple process.

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