ActionScript 2.0 :: Hiding And Showing A Movie Clip?

Jan 25, 2007

i was wondering could somebody tell me what code would i use to hide a movie clip?

mcYouWin.visible = "false";

didn't work, but that was just a guess at the code lol.

Could anybody tell me what the code is to hide and show a movieclip with the name "mcYouWin"

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hiding Showing Drawing On Movie Clip?

Oct 20, 2004

I want to dynically open this movie clip and move it to a specific location (x,y) on the main timeline on top of everything else.Then I want to draw lines on that new movie clip that display on top of the image on that movie clip.I have an idea on how to draw the lines, (well at least I think I do)

_root.audiogram.lineStyle(2, 0xFF0000, 100);
_root.audiogram.moveTo(0, 0);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Not Hiding As Requested?

Oct 26, 2010

I have movie clips I'm attempting to hide/show on click of seperate links... with one of the movie clips loading on default.My problem is, when I click the button to show the "non-default" movie clip, the default movie clip is still visible! .fla attached below with images (was not sure if images are required for future uploading of .fla's??)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Hiding A Tweened Movie Clip

Dec 18, 2011

I have a button that when pressed moves out of view and moves a second button into view. Then I have two movieclips, they look the same only one is animated and the other isn't, both on different layers. That part is working just fine. What I also want the button to do when clicked is show the animated movieclip (and hide the other if possible, but not necessary since it'll be under the animated one). Now I haven't gotten that far because I can't even get the animated movieclip to be hidden! I've been using visible = false; command for everything and it's been working up to now. Is it possible to hide a tweened movieclip? (It's a classic tween)


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Javascript :: Hiding / Showing A Swf In A Div?

Jul 22, 2009

I have a flex app that I want to hide in a div until the user clicks a link or element of some type. I've noticed that embedding the swf in a div with style display:none does not actually hide the swf, so how would I go about accomplishing this? The goal is to have the flex app loading in the background while the user does other things.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hiding/Showing Movieclips?

Aug 15, 2005

Well, i started a new project with a flying thing.I want to hide and show flames behind the flying "car".So is it possible to hide and show Movieclips with AS?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hiding And Showing The Mouse

Oct 8, 2008

I am currently developing a site where I created custom cursors. I want the custom cursor to change only in the middle of the page where a greeting card can be created but return back to the regular mouse pointer at the top and bottom of the page where the navigation and the footer reside. As of now I have my code so that on EnterFrame mouse.hide and have it go to the movie clip that changes out the cursor. So where ever it is on the screen it stays as the custom cursor. But as I said before, I only want it to change out in the middle of the screen.

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Flash :: JW Player Shows Blank Video In Explorer After Hiding And Showing

Sep 8, 2010

In Internet Explorer 7 and 8 (WinXP/Flash 10), if I play my videos using the JW Player in the slider they work. However if I move to the next slide and then return to the original slide the video is no longer displayed - the audio is still audible and the video can be played and paused, but there is no image.

I've asked this question on [URL], but the support member cannot see this problem on their computer. Does anyone else see this issue, and if so, You can view the slider and video here: [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Showing An Image In Movie Clip ... XML

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I'm trying to display an image in a movie clip where the location of the image is derived from an xml document. I'm creating a menu from XML nodes and when the user selects that menu item a separate movie clip is updated with the XML information which corresponds to the menu items nodevalue. In my xml i have an image location defined and I want this to happen... when the user selects the menu item the node value for the image location dynamically loads the image into the movie clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Filters Not Showing Up In SWF Preview

Jul 11, 2011

So I'm making a game and I want the background to be blurred. I did that, and I see it blurred, but when testing the movie in SWF form, there's no blur effect on it... this never happened before.

The only thing I can possibly think of is that the background, along with everything else, is programmed to move when you press the arrow keys... could filters possibly just be removed if you program it to move?? I'm using Flash 8 with AS2.

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This is my final project for a multimedia class I have, a link of which is here[URL]...Basically, I have a movie clip instance (loader_mc).  I have the buttons loading external swfs with this code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hide Showing Drawing On Movie Clip?

Oct 20, 2004

I have a movie clip that has an image on it.

I want to dynically open this movie clip and move it to a specific location (x,y) on the main timeline on top of everything else.

Then I want to draw lines on that new movie clip that display on top of the image on that movie clip.

how to draw the lines, (well at least I think I do)

_root.audiogram.lineStyle(2, 0xFF0000, 100);
_root.audiogram.moveTo(0, 0);
_root.audiogram.lineTo(200, 150);
_root.audiogram.lineTo(100, 50);

I also need to be able to clear the lines that are drawn.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Not Showing Inside Instance Of Movie Clip

Dec 30, 2010

Here is what i want to do contextually. I am making an interactive skeletal diagram of a back, each vertebrae is an independent button. As each button is rolled over, i want a box next to the button to show with the name of the vertebrae inside it.

How I am trying to do it:Each button is independent, as inside it is a bitmap picture of the skeletal section. All of the boxes are instances of a single movie clip located on the same timeline level as the buttons.. instances named BBox1, BBox2... through BBox26. Inside each movie clip i have a symbol that is the box named 'sbox' which is the graphic box that pops up and in the layer above a dynamic text box, named 'ttext' which is populated at runtime with the proper text to reference the button.

I am easily able to reference each sbox symbol individually from outside the movie clip... i.e._root.skel.BBox1.sbox._alpha = 0;.

I am not having the same luck with the ttext dynamic text. I am wanting to set the text inside each instance of BBox progmatically, but the text will not show unless i set it to static and type it manually before compile(in which case the text for all 26 boxes is the same). I have tried all methods of reference, even prepopulating the dynamic text box with text before compiling and it still shows nothing. This does not seem like a coding issue but a use of dynamic text inside a replicated movie clip with unique instance names.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A List Of Colors (showing Swatches And Names) To Apply To A Movie Clip?

Nov 24, 2009

I'm using CS3 with ActionScript 3. I'm a designer by training and have been tossed into coding by happenstance. My perfect scenario: User sees an easily navigable list of colors, each with swatch (like a small square) and name (text). (I basically want something like the InDesign color swatch list, in dropdown or list form.) She selects a color. Appropriate movie clip is filled with said color. First of all I'm not even sure what component to use. I had a ComboBox that was working great except for only showing color names, not swatches. I could use a custom data provider with the ColorPicker, but the user needs to see our assigned color names.

Is a TileList my best bet? If so, how do I set up a TileList with color swatches and names to then change the color of a movie clip when the user selects a color? I can make it work (except for swatches showing) with my data provider set up with color name in the label spot and hex value in the data spot, with simple code of this sort:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click On The First Button Loads Ok But When Click On Second Still Showing The First Movie Clip In The Back

Dec 14, 2011

I have read all threads and can not find a solution but i am not somebody with a lots of knowledge about actionscript so here is my problem i am using this script .


the problem is that when i click on the first button loads ok but when click on second still showing the first movie clip in the back ,,,,, i have try everything without luck ,,,, i guess i need to keep reading but will like to find an answer to this situation ,

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IDE :: Flash - "pasteboard" Not Showing When Open New Movie Clip?

Dec 4, 2006

Whenever I open a new movieclip in Flash, the stage size is distorted (should be a 600 x 450). It should be a rectangle and be placed in the middle of the screen. Instead, when I open a new movie clip, the stage is placed all the way to the left of the screen and I only have pasteboard on the right hand side. Because of this, I can't see the entire stage

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [F8] Hiding Multiple Movie Clips

Feb 16, 2009

Is there a better way hiding mutiple mc's than this?

button1.onPress = function(){
first_mc._visible = false;
second_mc._visible = false;
third_mc._visible = false;

What I think I want to do is make an array of the movie clips and apply the function to that array?

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Movie - Hiding The Navigation Menu On The Page

Aug 22, 2010

I have uploaded a movie, great, no problem but. it is hiding the navigation menu on the page.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hiding Flash Movie With MovieClipLoader()

Oct 21, 2010

I'm experiencing problems when I try to load a movie that uses LoadVars() into another movie that uses MovieClipLoader method to load the first file. My goal is to secure the flash movie and the contents that are accessed from the database and display the contents with a non-editable form (this is a "backend movie"). The best way I found is to load this "backend" swf with MovieClipLoader from another movie that acts as "frontend".

The problem is, that every time I load the main movie I'm able to see the form of the loaded clip but the content is not fully loaded (maybe because the ASP page has not delivered all the content to LoadVars). For example I can see 3 of 6 text that are being loaded with LoadVars() in the backend movie. Individually, the backend movie is working fine and I always can see my form with dynamic text without any interrumption. how can I load the movie to another one or how can I secure the backend including the URL that access the database?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: One Button To Use For Hiding And Unhiding Movie Clips

Apr 9, 2011

I'd like to have one button to use for hiding and unhiding movie clips. I think I'm having an issue with my if statement. I can get the button to hide the movie clip, but can't get it to work on unhiding the movie clip. Here's the code:


The code has only worked on hiding the movie clip. I just can't make it unhide after you click the button again.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Targeting A Movie Clip Inside A Movie Clip Inside Another Movie Clip With A Twist?

May 9, 2010

Im able to link to a movieclip inside a movieclipUnfortunately one of the movieclips now are a scrollbar and scroll. Now the actionscript isnt working?cal.onPress = function() {gotoAndPlay(2); = unit1;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Movie Clip To Play Unless The Person's Mouse Curser Is On The Movie Clip For More Than A Second

Jun 24, 2010

I am pretty new to ActionScript 3 and Flash. I don't want my movie clip to play unless the person's mouse curser is on the movie clip for more than a second. If the person just runs their curser over the movie clips really quickly, then it should do nothing. It must be more than a second. How do I code that?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: DropTest - Check And See If The Dragged Movie Clip Is Completely Within The Bounds Of Another Movie Clip

Jan 11, 2010

I'm creating a small drag & drop activity, and I want to be able to check and see if the dragged movie clip is completely within the bounds of another movie clip (or at least in the bounds of a certain x/y zone on the main stage. I can't use dropTest because it returns true if any tiny bit of the movie clip overlaps with the dropTest movie clip.

I also thought of something that just checks the x/y coordinates of the dragged movie clip, but I'd need this to reflect a range of values rather than one coordinate. For instance, I'd want to return true if the movie clip's x is between 50-60 AND the y is between 50-60. I'm attaching a small graphic to illustrate in case my explanation isn't clear enough [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: On Button Release Clear Current Movie Clip And Bring In New Movie Clip

Feb 21, 2010

I have created a flash website, each button is a movie clip with an invisible button over it containing the following script

on (rollOver) {
_root.mouse_over_profile_btn = true;
on (rollOut) {


each page is also a movie clip and on release of a button its played. the problem is that when i press another button to play another movie clip 'page' the old content is still there.

Is there a way of reversing the page transition i have used to bring out the movie clip and then bring in the next movie clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Collision Detection - Goto A Certain Scence When A Movie Clip Collides With Another Movie Clip

Jun 22, 2005

i am making a pacman game, and i need to know how to make it go to a certain scence when a movie clip collides with another movie clip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MCs Classes - Can't Send An Event From The Eagle Movie Clip Or The T2D Movie Clip To Tell The Other To Fade Out

Nov 5, 2010

There is a bad gap in my knowledge with Event Dispatch and Event architecture, and this problem proves it. I've been getting nowhere on this problem for two days, I've posted everything to my Flash site. Go here, please: [URL] Click on "Flash Banners" The two thumbnails represent two different classes. Each class is identical. Both are "extends Movie Clip" classes. Tweeners of various types control the hover and click methods. URL Loaders load the thumnails which I then wrap in MC's and make them buttonMode = true, etc. Hover and click to load the Banners on the thumbnails.

I can't send an event from the Eagle movie clip or the T2D movie clip to tell the other to fade out. Both Banner classes are instantiated through a separate Base class. I'm sure this has to be an Event Dispatch from one MC to another and that it can't be done by the Base class. how I can send an Event or Event Dispatch and what the code structure is so one movie clip can in one class can tell the other movie clip in the other class to disappear while it's neighbour is playing. I'm happy to post code or explain / clarify anything that's not clear.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Clip On Main Timeline Receiving Input From Nested Movie Clip

Feb 23, 2011

I've got a main timeline .swf file called "blank.swf" which contains nothing but two blank movie clips one called called "pproduct", the other called "ppalette". In the script frame of this main timeline I use the simple "Loader = new Loader();" method to load a URL of an .swf file into the "ppalette" movie clip. The "ppalette" movie clip contains several color chip buttons, each of which use the same Loader method above to load an external .swf into a clip. Here's what I want to do: let those color chip buttons, when the "blank.swf" file loads, be used to load an .swf movie into the "pproduct" clip on the main timeline. I'm wanting to be able to swap depths with various movie clips which will take out the movie which has the palette, but I want whatever that palette has loaded in the original "pproduct" clip to stay there.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Movie Clip To Slowly Move To The Coordinates Of Another Existing Movie Clip

Oct 23, 2010

it seems simple enough but i have no idea on how i could get a movie clip to slowly move to the coordinates of another existing movie clip

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Professional :: Create A Smooth Transition From End Of A Movie Clip To Beginning Of A Movie Clip?

Apr 8, 2012

I created a movie clip which plays ok. But when it ends there is a slight jump, if you will, when it goes back to frame 1 to begin playing again. Does anyone know how to make the transition unnoticeable from the last frame of a movie clip to the first frame of a movie clip?

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