Flex - FileReference.load() Does Not As Excepted?

Dec 26, 2009

I used Flash player 10, and Flex SDK 3.4. The code as followings:

// Following comes callbacks
function imageLoadOpenCallback(evt:Event):void
function imageLoadCompleteCallback(evt:Event):void


Only the imageSelectCancelCallback handler get called when I select some files in the dialog. But no load/open/io_error handler get called at all. I have Google some code example, in which it used FileReference instead of FileReferenceList. I don't know the reason,

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private function loadLevel():void


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I have tried loading the url into a loader object but this takes far too long if the image is quite big where is filereference is almost instant.

My current code is:

var mFileReference:FileReference;
browseButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBrowseButtonClicked);
function onBrowseButtonClicked(event:MouseEvent):void {


Is there anyway i can take out the browse and selected stages and just load the server based image?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FileReference.load() -> Loader.loadBytes() - Allow A User To Upload An Image From Their Machine To Be Displayed On A Website?

Jan 22, 2011

The purpose of this is too allow a user to upload an image from their machine to be displayed on a website. The code's pretty straight forward and i have it all working fine, but have come across an issue. When certain portrait images are selected to be loaded and displayed, they get rotated at some point in the process and become landscape? There doesn't appear to be any consistency to the way they are rotated. Some are clockwise, some counter clockwise.

The one thing i've noticed though, is that it doesn't appear to be an issue with images that have been re-saved (so simply taken into photoshop and then saved without any modification), only images that are the original source of an image taken by a digital camera? This has got me wondering whether there's a possible issue with flash reading the meta data of the source image? The attached zip file contains the source code and swf, a selection of images from 2 different camera's and a modified image.

Just to note, due to the dimensions of the images, in the source code the bitmap is scaled to 0.1 so that the result can be clearly seen. I've tested this without the scaling and the image still gets rotated. There's a trace in the Event.COMPLETE handler of the Loader.loadbytes() method and you can see from this that the width and height of the loaded image have been switched? Note - due to the size of the zip file (4.6MB) because of the images, i've put them up on my server for download instead.[URL]

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public function execute(event:CairngormEvent) : void
var evt:StemDownloadEvent = event as StemDownloadEvent;


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Apr 26, 2011

I am developing an application using Adobe AIR.How can we get absolute path of file or "nativePath" of file (as we call it in Flex/AIR) when we use FileReference to browse a file ? I know there are security concerns related to this but is there any hack or is there a direct solution that I am unaware of?

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Oct 19, 2011

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But I observe that the uploaded file is the raw file and not the compressed file.

Is this a Flex bug or expected behavior? The data field in the FileReference is read-only. Does that come into play?

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Nov 10, 2009

To load 3 files locally into the Flash Player, one might using something like this manage the sequence after the user has chosen the files...

private function uploadList(evt:Event):void{
var arr:Array = fileReferenceList.fileList;
for each(var item:FileReference in arr){
item.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onFileLoadComplete);


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Flex :: Adobe Air Upload Progress Without FileReference?

Apr 5, 2010

I'm deploying a small application with Adobe Air. My application will do batch upload from filepath which stored in a text file. For example, in a text file name "list.txt", there is a string "C:myfilesIMG_0001.JPG". Now I want to upload this image file, keep tracking of upload progress :-< I want to use FileReference to get the upload progress, but I don't know how to import from file's path. I also wonder how to use FileReference to upload this file without prompting a dialog for user to select file.

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Flex :: FileReference And Image Unhandled IOErrorEvent?

Apr 21, 2010

The following code shows a button that allows you to select a file (should be an image) and display it into an image component. When I select an invalid image (e.g. unsupported image type, a word document), I get the following error:"Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2124: Loaded file is an unknown type.I know I can pass a FileFilter to the FileReference:browse call, but that's beyond the point. My question is... I want to handle the IOErrorEvent myself, what event listener am I missing?

private var file:FileReference = new FileReference();
private function onBrowse():void {


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Flex - Losing Extension When Use FileReference Download

Jul 14, 2010

I need user download JPEG file from my app, however, when user change the file name the saved file will be downloaded without extension.

For Example: I am using FileReference.download() and set the default filename as "demoPic.jpg" and user's windows system setting control file extension not being shown. So when the dialog opens a download window, only "demoPic" shown as the filename. If user saved file without changing filename, the saved file will be OK. But if user change file name, the download file will be saved without extension. is it possible to add file extension to filename when user forget it by flex code?

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Flex :: Set A Header On Request Generated By FileReference?

Sep 16, 2010


How do I add my own request header to the POST requests generated by FileReference.upload()?

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Flex :: Workaround On FileReference.save Dialog Box

Dec 14, 2010

Im still new in Flex and currently working on capturing a flash game into a flv video file. Im using FileReference.save() to write the captured file in the user's system. It is working as of now but not the way I want it to be.Is there a way to bypass or automate the save dialog box when invoking the save() api of fileReference?

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Flex :: Unhanndled IO Error On FileReference.save()

Mar 4, 2011

I am using a filereference Object to export an excel file from my flex application. I am using fileReference.save() from Flash player 10. I am getting an error if the file i am trying to save is already open. This error is not getting handled even if i put a try catch block. I have tried adding a listener with IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR. Still the error is happening. This is the Error message i am getting - "Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2038: File I/O Error."

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Actionscript 3 :: Upload Images In Flex 4 With Filereference?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm trying to upload images in Flex 4 and haven't got so much success with it yet. My code:


This worked well when I took the Webservice approach and stored the Image (= bytearray) in SqlServer.

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Flex :: File Upload - 4 FileReference With Firefox

May 11, 2011

I'm trying to perform a file upload using a FileReference from a Flex app running in Firefox 4. However when I attempt to call the upload() method, the Filereference throws an IOError with the following Error #2038: File I/O Error. URL: [URL] If I don't explicitly add a listener for the IOErrorEvent, then I get a Flash player popup stating SecurityError: Error #2000: No active security context.

The request doens't even hit my server (I can verify by placing breakpoints in the Java code and watching the HTTP Requests that go out using HTTPFox), so it seems to me that this is a client side issue (right?). I've done some searching for the problem on google and the suggestions included wrapping the upload() call in a timeout/callLater, and attempting to attach the sessionId to the request (since Firefox creates a new thread for the upload and doesn't attach the proper cookies). Neither of these approaches has worked for me. I don't experience this problem with Internet Explorer, only Firefox.


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Actionscript 3 ::Flex : Center Pop-up From FileReference Browse?

Mar 5, 2012

I want to screen center the file chooser wich appears when FileReference.browse() method is called.

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