Flex :: Get And Save Value From Dataservice?
Sep 20, 2011
I'm trying to learn Flex, I setup a simple Air application with PHP server as dataserice...
In my php class there is a function counttotal that return a simple int value.
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
In the label I got the correct value, but I can't save and show the value into/from a simple variable...
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sound.extract(ba, playEnd - playStart, playStart);
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saveFile=new FileReference();
saveFile.save(ba, sound.id3.artist + " - " + sound.id3.songName + ".mp3");
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public function sendMessage():void
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textinput.text = "";
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May 7, 2011
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Apr 15, 2012
package com.func {
public class Downloader {
import flash.net.FileReference;
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Jun 22, 2010
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Jul 30, 2010
I've read that it is not possible to save files using Flash CS5.
Later I've read that it is possible using Adobe Flex.
Now, what about using Flash Builder?
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