In my attempt to learn flex remoting I came across thisflexService.getRules.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, loadRules);here flexService is a remote java object . me that when esultEvent.RESULT will occur. On studying about ResultEvent in AS document it states as The event that indicates an RPC operation has successfully returned a resultSo keeping that in mind my guess is ResultEvent will be fired when flexService.getRules method will successfully return a list of object,where flexService is object of remote class FlexService having getRules function which returns list of object, Can any one please tell how exactly it works
I`m using flash cs3 for my works , but i have one problem!when i use File=> Import=> Import to Library... or Import to Stage...the flash environment becomes terminated.I changed my flash version to CS4 and I have this problem again.
storing ResultEvent data from a webservice request to a variable. Each time I exit my function "getSIHandler" the global ArrayCollection variable seems to reset to null.Here's the code:
I currently have my own class, for arguments sake, lets say it's called User and is for logging into my own system.
I would like to call a function from the user class called, say, login(), which would send the username and password attributes to a service (in my case, PHP), and then get the data back with the response (either successful or unsuccessful).
This would ideally make my code behave like this:
Code: var user1:User = new User("Jim", "password"); var loggedIn:Boolean = user1.login();
I don't know of a way of getting the login function to return a boolean based on the result of the HTTPservice it sends, so does anyone know of a better way of doing this?
I am embedding a flash file in my flex file and then trying to add it to the stage. IU try addChild to a canvas element and to a container element, but it keeps giving me the error, the symbol "myBtn" is cannot be converted to a IUIcomponent.
I understand that I need to place everything inside some sort of component, but what is the proper way to do this in flex?
I just upgraded from Flash Builder 4 to 4.5 and have imported one of my FB 4 projects.I am now seeing an orange question mark in the gutter next to all of my import statements that are importing local classes (as well as everywhere the said class methods are used) and an orange underline appears under the import statement.When I hover over the underline it says that the import could not be found.
The project compiles and runs without a problem (I use ANT to build this project).If I open one of the class files in question then change something (i.e press space bar) and hit save (EDIT: actually found I don't have to even save, just opening causes FB to find it) then go back to the file importing it the orange question mark is gone for that import, I get the code assist and CTL+Click links me to the class file. However, if I close that file and reopen it again cannot find the class file.The classes in question are stored under my project's src dir as:
- src +---com +---myappname[code]........
Is this a FB 4.5 "enhancement"? I've tried deleting and re-importing the project, refreshing the project and am now kind of at a loss of what to do. It's annoying enough that I may need to downgrade to 4.
I'm trying to create a transition between two objects in flash and then export as a movie clip and then import to flash for a mouse-over effect on a button. It doesn't seem to want to import properly. Is there a certain way that a person needs to compile it in flash before it's recognized in flex or is it something i'm missing in flex?It's flex 3 and flash cs4 in case that matters.
I am creating an app with Flex 4 using Flash Builder. When I try to use mx:XML component, I get the error Could not resolve <mx:XML> to a component implementation. Can any one tell me which package to import to resolve this error.
In the Below action script file there is an error saying cannot import mx.controls.Label, I am compiling this through command line on,linux and the environment variable path is set where flex is installed ,how to resolve this
package { import mx.controls.Label; public class Test
We're using a custom class that uses XmlSchemaProviderAttribute in order to make it seem like a string. It is declared as follows:
[XmlSchemaProvider("GetSchema")] public sealed class CDataWrapper : IXmlSerializable {[code]......
The CDataWrapper class is taken from this question. We're using it since one of our clients (a FLEX client) cannot read leading railing spaces correctly. And we're making it seem like a string in the schema, in order not to break the contract with our other clients. This works nicely, usually, but one of our clients is unable to generate a proxy with the schema that WCF creates for the service that uses the above wrapper class. We've traced the reason to this line in our wsdl:
The problem is that there is no namespace attribute on the xsd:import element above, and our client's proxy generator can't handle that well.In short, how can we add the namespace attribute to the generated wsdl?
I need too create quiz app using xml for database for questions and xul or flax for interface, quiz should have 3 types of questions : single answer (radio), multianswer (checkbox) and open (textfield). I really don't know how to import questions from xml, to xul/flex Also i need to save the answers to txt/xml file The xml database is something like this
Whenever you view a flex app and go to view source you can download a zip of the flex app. Once you do that how do you import it? I went to flex>import and I get to options import archive file I pointed that to the zip and it says its not a valid archive file. so I tried the other option import flex project folder, I extracted the zip and pointed it to that and it says its not a valid project folder.
to incorporate seperated parts of PHP code and / or HTML markup. Now when it comes to Flex 4, I'm not quite sure how I'd go about doing that same thing, only this time, for ActionScript files. I want to do this kind of approach since my source code gets really annoyingly huge as the Flex app I'm developing grows.
I'm trying to setup the Facebook sdk for Flex for the first time. I simply copied the Graph API 1.6 web into my lib folder. And when I try and import it, it even shows up as you type, as you can see in img1. But after I save my project I get an error saying it cannot be found. Does anyone know how I should properly setup the facebook flex sdk?
I am trying to use Flex Unit in FlashBuilder 4.5.1 and I am getting the warning " import AbstractMatcherTestCase could not be found". I have hamcrest-as3-flex-1.1.3.swc as one of my referenced libraries for the project. I am trying to import as follows: import org.hamcrest.AbstractMatcherTestCase;
I need to use DataProvider class and i cannot find the package that contains it. In all examples I saw they use, but I'm using flex builder sdk 3.4 beta and it doesn't have such a package.
How can I import all files and classes into my AIR bundle... it must take a note that I created first a flex project, and set it's main class as Actionscript (.as) . When I build a release all my imports (org) etc.. are not included in the .AIR installer... i have checked this by installing the app and then after show package contents, notice that the diretory structure exists but it doesn't include any of other .as used as imports...
In the Below action script file i get an error saying cannot import mx.controls.Label, how is this to be resolved
package { import flash.display.Sprite; import mx.controls.Label; public class cld extends Sprite { public function cld() { var myLabel:Label = new Label(); myLabel.text = "hello"; addChild(myLabel); }}}
I am working as a developer on a Flex/Air application and we are using the buggy Flex RTE (RichTextEditor) to let the user manage his notes. At the moment I am trying to evaluate how costly it would be for us to build a new text component using the TLF (Text Layout Framework).Really important is the question if we can import the HTML text, produced by the RTE straight away. I know that there are some limitations regarding lists with TLF 1.1, but does it work in general?
I have just tried to grab some HTML formatted text from RTE like:
I have a web application written in Flex and I'm trying to build an AIR application from the same code base using conditional compilation.
In the AIR application, I need to have import statements such as the following: import; import flash.filesystem.File; but I cannot have these import statements in the web application because they are AIR only classes.
and similar approach to include web or AIR specific functions during compilation. The approach seems to have worked so far The only place I have run across issues is in my Cairngorm's model locator. If I put CONFIG::desktopMode around import statements in Cairngorm's model locator, it starts giving "Uncaught exception in compiler" or "1131 classes must not be nested" error. I'm not sure how to address this error!
I'am trying to import an actionscript file in a internal package in my project. From Java and am used to this to like this import Services.myClass. But the IDE doesn't suggest any classes when I type import Services. So how can I import my file? Inside this actionscript file, there is a public class named AbstractIdManager which extends EventDispatcher My project structure looks like this: I want to use the AbstactIdManager class in my View videochat.mxml
You can import Text Files into Flex. It's a web application [SWF] that runs in Flash player. And the source may be any text file [.txt, .xml, .as, .js or any other] with content viewable in Notepad. You can as well point to your source file using \ notation. For complete code, see
I'm using Textmate to complile AS3.0 code. I need to import an external class library that isn't relative to the project or document root. It's a directory called "agd" which is in this this location of the Flex SDK installation directory: frameworks/libs/agd I've udated the flex-config xml file so that it looks in that location for the classes
I'm at a very basic level with Flex and with programming in general. I am working on a project where I have data in an Excel (.csv) format, it's a large Excel plot/matrix where each cell has a temperature number. I want to import this matrix into Flex somehow, or parse the data in Flex, so that this matrix turns into an interactive heat with colors corresponding to varying temperatures from blue (cold) to red (hot), and each spot on roll over shows the temperature number.
Should I use plot charts, or some other control? should I convert data into XML or import into a MySQL database, would that be easier for Flex? But then, again, the data is basically just a large matrix, there's no headers/ fields in a traditional database sense, just many cells each having a temperature number. how I can import the data into Flex and use it as data provider to plot the heat map?