Flex :: What Package Should Import To Use DataProvider Class
Jan 28, 2010
I need to use DataProvider class and i cannot find the package that contains it. In all examples I saw they use fl.data, but I'm using flex builder sdk 3.4 beta and it doesn't have such a package.
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<mx:Script> <![CDATA[
import fl.data.DataProvider;
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import flash.display.Sprite;
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RootASProject is being produced by one developer, subASProject1 and subSubASProject1a by another developer, utils.Tool by yet another person.This directory structure enables each person to independently build modules and other resources, and quickly test the entire product.It is also important to note that these resources are loaded at runtime.So, class definitions must be fully qualified. For example, Tool.swf contains/defines "utils.Tool" not "Tool".
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In the Flex IDE, I can add the utils parent, RootASProject, as an additional source path, but I do not know how to stop flex from looking in the current directory first.Using an ant build file, I can set the source path to RootASProject and the mxmlc is able to build utils/Tool.swf just fine. Apparently, it uses just the source paths passed to it, and does not automatically look for utils in the current directory.
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
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A file found in a source-path must have an externally visible definition. If a definition in the file is meant to be externally visible, please put the definition in a package.I do declare the package in these classes - I think failure to declare the package is the usual reason for this error.To add to the mystery, many classes in this project compile without errors.
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package {
import fl.data.DataProvider;
import fl.controls.ComboBox;[code]....
I am new to creating external class files so I am not sure why the new object is not populated with any data.
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