Flex :: Number To ByteArray (Int64 BigEndian)?

Dec 7, 2010

How do I convert a 64-bit number to a byte arrray in Flex/Flash? Still fairly new to flex so... Tell me there is a better way to do it than this:

//Some Int64 value
var n:Number = 256 * 256 * 256 * 256 * 256;
//256 ^ 4 not working in AS?


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Flex - SWF To Bytearray From A PHP Script?

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i'm using AMFPHP to stream content from my server to my Flex application, since Flash is a clientside technology i would like to make it harder for people to grab protected files, so i created a system that streams swf file to another flash player, i've done all the testing on URL stream, now i want to pass the swf file to the player as bytearray .. since i think it's safer and harder to break and in the future i even might do some encryption of my own if i became more familiar with bytes and bits .. anyways is my method the best one? (SWF to ByteArray?) or is there a better one? if the bytearray method is the best, i am facing a problem in outputing the swf file in the right format, i'm using a very primitive method .


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myFileStream1.open(myFile, FileMode.READ);[code].....

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Flex :: Get ByteArray Of File When Uploading?

Apr 12, 2011

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public void writeLocation(byte[] byteToWrite, String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException
StringBuffer fileLocation = new StringBuffer("D:\Products\Device");


but the flex 2 showing the error when i searched i found out in flex 2 there is no "data" property. so i am unable to create the selected object into byteArray..

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Flex :: Uploading Bytearray Via URLRequest?

Sep 4, 2011

I'm trying to upload a bytearray, but am struggling to make the content-type go as image/png (it always goes as application/octet-stream no matter what I do.).I've checked the request with Charles Proxy, and can confirm that it indeed always goes as application/octet-stream.My code is:

protected function onObjectLoaded(event:Event):void
var byteArray:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var fileName:String = fileReference.name;
var uploadPath:String = serviceURL;


how to change this, so the bytearray itself gets passed in as image/png instead of octet-stream This image is being upload from the client side, and being passed as a FileReference, which I then invoke load(), and then get it's "data" attribute, which is where the bytearray is.

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Flex :: FileReference And ByteArray Compress?

Oct 19, 2011

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But I observe that the uploaded file is the raw file and not the compressed file.

Is this a Flex bug or expected behavior? The data field in the FileReference is read-only. Does that come into play?

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May 29, 2009

how to convert a file I have on my server (pdf/excel/ppt) to a ByteArray. The reason I want to do this is to display the dialogue open/save as to the user and I must set the Content-Type to octet-stream. The dialogue shows fine with just navigateToURL() but for pdf's it is the user's local browser setting. For a URLRequest I must set the data as a ByteArray. I'm trying to use the code located here:

Custom printing with Flex

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Aug 2, 2011

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"

I get the right number when I click on only '+' or only on '-'But if I click '-' until 0.7 and '+', it stays at 0.7
The same append when I click '-' until 0.9 when '+', it stay to 0.8. Why? How can I do to increment or decrement a Number by 0.1?

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Sep 1, 2009

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Flash :: Flex - Play FLV From ByteArray In Player

Oct 12, 2009

I have a flash video file (FLV) stored in the ByteArray object and would like to play this video.

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Flex :: Resizing Image From A Decoded ByteArray?

Oct 20, 2009

I am trying to display a bytearray as a resized image. The Image is displaying correctly, but the sizing is off. Let me explain.

First I have the image data encoded so I need to decode the image data

// Instantiate decoder
var decoder:Base64Decoder = new Base64Decoder();
// Decode image data


This works. The image is displayed correctly. However, if I hardcode the image (img) height the resized image is shown correctly, but within a box with the original image's dimensions.

For example, if the original image has a height of 300px and a width of 200px and the img.height property is set to 75; the resized image with height of 75 is shown correctly. But the resized image is shown in the upper left corner of the img container that is still set to a height of 300px and a width of 200px. Why does it do that? And what is the fix?

The best way to illustrate the problem is by placing the image inside a VBox and show the borders of the VBox. From the code block above, if I change the image height and set the image to maintain aspect ratio (which by default is set to true but I add it here for completeness). the problem becomes clear.

// Display image
var img:Image = new Image();
img.height = 75; // Hardcode image height (thumbnail)
img.maintainAspectRatio = true;


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Flex Alchemy - Returning A ByteArray From C Function?

Oct 28, 2009

I am using Flex's Alchemy library to generate SWC's out of C files. I have a byte array (unsigned char buffer[size]) in the c-layer that I'd like to return to the ActionScript layer as a ByteArray. Do I have to iterate through the array and explicitly call AS3_Set on each element or is there a way to just return the entire C array at once?

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As3 :: Javascript - Flex - Send A Jpg Image As ByteArray

Jan 10, 2010

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Flex :: Raw Sound ByteArray To Float Array

Mar 4, 2010

I'm trying to convert the byteArray of a Sound Object to an array with floats. The Sound Object plays back fine & at full length, but the float Array i get from it is cut off (but sounds correct), so i must be doing something wrong in the conversion:[code]The top two channels are the original Sound Object.The lower two is the float Array Data. I aligned them so you can see that the beginning is cut off and obviously the length is incorrect.

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Flex :: Play Flv Formatted ByteArray In OSMF?

Jan 9, 2011

I am developing an web application in flex which have a feature of recording the runtime by having a snapshot of each frames then encoding it into a ByteArray for video playback. I am currently using NetStream.appendBytes() for playing the ByteArray FLV. It is working, but I just found out about OSMF and thinking bout integrating it in my application. It is it possible to play the flv byteArray in OSMF?

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Flex :: Deseralize Vector.<String> From ByteArray?

Jan 27, 2011

I got this situation:

var vector:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();


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Flex :: Pass ByteArray To C Code In Alchemy?

Feb 3, 2011

I want to pass a byte array object from flex code to C code.How to do that?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Convert ByteArray To Integer?

Mar 10, 2011

some lights on how to convert ByteArray into int?

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Flex :: File - Saving A Bytearray With Php Received From Air App?

Apr 5, 2011

I have an Air application with remote service in codeigniter.I'm trying to save a bytearray that I received from the Air app but when I save the data I get empty files with the correct filename.So there must be something wrong with my bytearray or the way I save the data.Does anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong?I've debugged the Arraycollection I sent and the bytearray is definitely in there.

public function uploadImage($image)
foreach($image as $img)


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Flex :: Launching Pdf/doc File Which Is Downloaded As ByteArray?

Mar 20, 2012

I want to open a pdf/excel/doc using flex, as all know we can use navigateToUrl(URL) method to open a file from the server. But my problem is those files are encrypted in the server, so I load the files as follows

ByteLoader = new URLLoader();
ByteLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
ByteLoader.load(new URLRequest (constructedURL));

so that I can manipulate them and can get the decrypted file. Now my question is, my data already got downloaded from the server, so how will I launch the files(pdf/doc/excel) with the binary content which I had got?

Is there anyway i can launch those files like we do it in navigateToURL()?

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