Flex :: Launching Pdf/doc File Which Is Downloaded As ByteArray?

Mar 20, 2012

I want to open a pdf/excel/doc using flex, as all know we can use navigateToUrl(URL) method to open a file from the server. But my problem is those files are encrypted in the server, so I load the files as follows

ByteLoader = new URLLoader();
ByteLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
ByteLoader.load(new URLRequest (constructedURL));

so that I can manipulate them and can get the decrypted file. Now my question is, my data already got downloaded from the server, so how will I launch the files(pdf/doc/excel) with the binary content which I had got?

Is there anyway i can launch those files like we do it in navigateToURL()?

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package com.func {
public class Downloader {
import flash.net.FileReference;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mailto Is Launching Email Ok But Also Launching Blank Webpage

Jun 4, 2009

I am using AS3 on a website. Part of the AS has been setup by an external source and I ma now updating and adapting it. My knowledge of AS is limited but slowly expanding.
Currently the site is a main flash file with all the content delivered via a main.as file and then populated via images and videos held in folders on the web.
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Flex :: Get ByteArray Of File When Uploading?

Apr 12, 2011

There is a WSDL which have one method which take byteArray & fileName(which i want to write) as a parameter to write a file in local system, the following is the code...

public void writeLocation(byte[] byteToWrite, String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException
StringBuffer fileLocation = new StringBuffer("D:\Products\Device");


but the flex 2 showing the error when i searched i found out in flex 2 there is no "data" property. so i am unable to create the selected object into byteArray..

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how to convert a file I have on my server (pdf/excel/ppt) to a ByteArray. The reason I want to do this is to display the dialogue open/save as to the user and I must set the Content-Type to octet-stream. The dialogue shows fine with just navigateToURL() but for pdf's it is the user's local browser setting. For a URLRequest I must set the data as a ByteArray. I'm trying to use the code located here:

Custom printing with Flex

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public function uploadImage($image)
foreach($image as $img)


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Disallow A Particular File Extension From Being Downloaded?

Dec 17, 2009

[I posted a similar question on serverfault.com, but had very little feedback so trying here]

I can do this just fine under Apache with htaccess

But at work its all M$ all the time...

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Adobe Reader shows the following error:

Abobe Reader couldn't open "Unidad1.pdf" because it is either not a supported file type or 'coz the file's been damaged(for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decode).


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Jun 17, 2010

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Is there any way to cache the player so that it is only downloaded once?

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I am working on a game, made with Flash (using AS3) The game has a fast ball and when this ball hits an object it has to make a sound... but the sound starts with delay (so the ball is far away when the sound is played).This sound is edited by me and it hasn't got any silences at the beginning.The method i'm currently using is the simplest one:

public var sonidoPuntos1:sonidopunto1 = new sonidopunto1()

and then...


I am trying to introduce the file into a ByteArray and then playing it from there...

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on (release){


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Actionscript 3 :: Save ByteArray To Mp3 File?

Jul 27, 2010

Well, i am recording the voice from heaphone and the sound data is stored in ByteArray at runtime, now can i stored as mp3 ?i want to save as mp3 file on the client system.. For that, i think i have to use air application..

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Actionscript 3 :: AIR - From A Swf Path File To A ByteArray

Mar 18, 2011

I am coding an AIR application.

I've got directly a path of a swf file (because it was stored in a xml file). Do yo know if it is possible to get the ByteArray from this file ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Decoding A Bytearray File?

Feb 2, 2011

I think I have a basic understanding of using bytearray and saving data to a local fileI've been able to save the data (strings) and bring them back.To start off, I have been teaching myself AS3. I have no knowledge of PHP or where to start with that. It has been said many times that you cannot make a txt file from within flash. Unfortunately this is what I need to do.I put together a map labelling app to use at work here. (it loads in a floor plan, then you can add 'nodes' that track info on each office - employee, ext, office #, data line jack, etc.) I would like to use this data in an access database that I have already running.in short, I would like to output my data from the mapper to CSV. On putting the data into a bytearray I am comfortable with marking the commas as well as line ends, but the data is not txt... is there a way to convert it

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ByteArray To Cffile Binary File?

Mar 17, 2010

I m trying to write AS3 to take a screenshot of a MC thats on the stage and pass the data to a .cfc method which saves it as a jpg on the server.The current code I have kind of works except the jpg is unreadable.I think it has something to do with not using Flex, AMF, and writing binary files.When I look at the jpg via a hex viewer I think it doesnt have the right jpg header.The jpg begins with:c3 bf c3 98 c3 bf c3 a0 00 10 4a 46. When I think it should begin with:ff d8 ff e0 00 10 4a 46

//AS3 source code[code].......

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Flash Write ByteArray To File On The Disk?

Nov 17, 2009

I need to write a ByteArray to a file on local disk with Flash AS3. The flashapplication is run locally (it's a projector exe).

I found the FileReference class with the save() function which works perfect. The only problem is, that this function opens a filebrowser and let's the user select where to store the file. However - i have the path already as string and need to save to this location without useraction (since i'm exporting a lot of files into this directory in one go and don't want the user to choose each one manually).

Is there a way to store a bytearray from a projector to local disk without opening a filebrowser?

I'm also using mdm Zinc, which actually provides a function to save a ByteArray to disk, but this function is for some unknown reasons not working. I already filed a bugreport, but I need to get this to work very urgently, so i'm looking for alternatives!

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Flash :: Get A Bytearray From File Stream In Adobe AIR?

May 27, 2010

I read limited (small - 15 - 500 mb files). I need to be able to put all file bytes into one single bytearray. So I have a function:

public var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
//.... code ....//


But it does not work=( - gives me Error: Error #2030: End of file was encountered.

How to get a full bytearray from stream to use it as normal bytearray?

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