ActionScript 3.0 :: Decoding A Bytearray File?

Feb 2, 2011

I think I have a basic understanding of using bytearray and saving data to a local fileI've been able to save the data (strings) and bring them back.To start off, I have been teaching myself AS3. I have no knowledge of PHP or where to start with that. It has been said many times that you cannot make a txt file from within flash. Unfortunately this is what I need to do.I put together a map labelling app to use at work here. (it loads in a floor plan, then you can add 'nodes' that track info on each office - employee, ext, office #, data line jack, etc.) I would like to use this data in an access database that I have already short, I would like to output my data from the mapper to CSV. On putting the data into a bytearray I am comfortable with marking the commas as well as line ends, but the data is not txt... is there a way to convert it

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Flex - Prevent Ie From Decoding A Utf-8 Url In Flash?

May 16, 2011

I'm finding that in flash (10.x at least) and ie (7, 8, 9) that if I try to load an image url that contains escaped utf-8 characters (p%C3%83%C2%A5) that the characters get decoded before it makes the url request, even if I double or triple encode them. Is there any way to prevent this so the url (with escapes) the way I want it is actually what is requested?

The problem its causing is we give a http status of 301 on utf-8 decoded url requests to the encoded url which flash then tries to request (but ie decodes it again) and I get stuck in an infinite loop because of the 301 + ie auto-decoding.

EDIT, adding code sample:

var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest('');
var loader:Loader = new Loader();

Now I want the request to go over the line as [URL] (and it does in other browsers), but in IE it goes over the line as [URL]

EDIT: replacing % with %25 (double encoding the %) but that didn't work, it just caused this request to go over the wire: [URL]

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public var sonidoPuntos1:sonidopunto1 = new sonidopunto1()

and then...

I am trying to introduce the file into a ByteArray and then playing it from there...

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public void writeLocation(byte[] byteToWrite, String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException
StringBuffer fileLocation = new StringBuffer("D:\Products\Device");


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Custom printing with Flex

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//AS3 source code[code].......

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Flash Write ByteArray To File On The Disk?

Nov 17, 2009

I need to write a ByteArray to a file on local disk with Flash AS3. The flashapplication is run locally (it's a projector exe).

I found the FileReference class with the save() function which works perfect. The only problem is, that this function opens a filebrowser and let's the user select where to store the file. However - i have the path already as string and need to save to this location without useraction (since i'm exporting a lot of files into this directory in one go and don't want the user to choose each one manually).

Is there a way to store a bytearray from a projector to local disk without opening a filebrowser?

I'm also using mdm Zinc, which actually provides a function to save a ByteArray to disk, but this function is for some unknown reasons not working. I already filed a bugreport, but I need to get this to work very urgently, so i'm looking for alternatives!

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Flash :: Get A Bytearray From File Stream In Adobe AIR?

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public var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
//.... code ....//


But it does not work=( - gives me Error: Error #2030: End of file was encountered.

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public function uploadImage($image)
foreach($image as $img)


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Flex :: Launching Pdf/doc File Which Is Downloaded As ByteArray?

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ByteLoader = new URLLoader();
ByteLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
ByteLoader.load(new URLRequest (constructedURL));

so that I can manipulate them and can get the decrypted file. Now my question is, my data already got downloaded from the server, so how will I launch the files(pdf/doc/excel) with the binary content which I had got?

Is there anyway i can launch those files like we do it in navigateToURL()?

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private function encode(data : ByteArray) : ByteArray
var channels : uint = 2;
var bits : uint = 16;


But when I save the file using Filereference and import it into a flash file I get an error message saying that there were problem reading the file.

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Code: Select allvar d :Sprite = new Sprite;;, 0, LocalController.globalStage.stageWidth,


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Actionscript 3 :: How To Decoding Audio / Audio Playback

Jul 3, 2010

I'm interested in learning how to decode and playback audio in ActionScript 3. I understand how to write bytes to a Sound object using the SAMPLE_DATA event, so that's not really a problem. What I want to understand is how I could implement alternate audio formats for native playback inside of Flash Player. I guess what I'm asking is: how do I take something in X format and "convert/decode" it to WAV format and write the bytes to a Sound object, playing back the audio? I'm interested in writing a decoder for FLAC audio and possibly OGG audio, as these seem to be some of the most widely used open source audio formats

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ActionScript 3.0 :: WAV File - New Sound.extract() Function To Get Two Seconds Of A Sound Into A ByteArray

Nov 11, 2009

I'm having some trouble getting the following code to work - trying to use the new Sound.extract() function to get two seconds of a Sound into a ByteArray, and then create a new bytearray with a WAV header, and then output the file. The resulting 'test.wav' file sounds very wrong although slightly recognisable? I think I may have some of the WAV header settings may be wrong but I'm not quite sure what's the matter and after a long time scratching


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Send A ByteArray To FMS?

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Who knows how to send a ByteArray to FMS?

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IDE :: Creating A Swf With ByteArray

Jul 14, 2009

I am trying to create a new swf with AIR and Flash CS3. All I want to do is push a button and have a new swf saved to the desktop with a line of actionscript in it. The actionscript can be anything stop(); - for instance.I have been messing around with ByteArray and I can save an image to a swf but I can't find any information on what I want to do.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use ByteArray Or Something Else?

Dec 12, 2010

at the current status of my project i must write an application (With AIR or ZINC) who its job is:

1st-getting some files from user. 2nd-modify them with an algorithm (encryption or encoding or changing byteArray) to simply corrupt the file and make it impossible for other applications to read the corrupted file!


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ActionScript 3.0 :: UTF-16 Representation In A ByteArray REgards

Jan 17, 2010

Is there a way to write a UTF-16 string into a ByteArray in Flash/AS3? Basically I have a string (var test:String="allan"; for example) and I would like to write that into a ByteArray with UTF-16LE encoding. In this case it would be "61 00 6C 00 6C 00 61 00 6E 00".
I've tried using utf16le.writeMultiByte( clipText, "utf-16" ); but it just comes out with what appears to be UTF8 (or just straight ASCII given the test string).
The use case is to save a UTF-16LE file using, which I understand I can do by passing it a ByteArray with the correct character encoding in it. Passing just a string saves as UTF-8. Hence the need to convert and store into a UTF-16LE representation in a ByteArray.

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