Flex - Prevent Ie From Decoding A Utf-8 Url In Flash?

May 16, 2011

I'm finding that in flash (10.x at least) and ie (7, 8, 9) that if I try to load an image url that contains escaped utf-8 characters (p%C3%83%C2%A5) that the characters get decoded before it makes the url request, even if I double or triple encode them. Is there any way to prevent this so the url (with escapes) the way I want it is actually what is requested?

The problem its causing is we give a http status of 301 on utf-8 decoded url requests to the encoded url which flash then tries to request (but ie decodes it again) and I get stuck in an infinite loop because of the 301 + ie auto-decoding.

EDIT, adding code sample:

var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest('http://mydomain.com/p%C3%A5.jpg');
var loader:Loader = new Loader();

Now I want the request to go over the line as [URL] (and it does in other browsers), but in IE it goes over the line as [URL]

EDIT: replacing % with %25 (double encoding the %) but that didn't work, it just caused this request to go over the wire: [URL]

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var p:Point;
if (bounds.x <0) {


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Apr 12, 2012

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(Datagrid2.dataProvider=Datagrid1.dataProvider as ArrayCollection;)

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Flex :: Http - Prevent From Caching An External Resource

Jul 1, 2009

I'm writing a flex application that polls an xml file on the server to check for updated data every few seconds, and I'm having trouble preventing it from caching the data and failing to respond to it being updated.

I've attempted to set headers using the IIS control panel to use the following, without any luck:

CacheControl: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache

I've also attempted adding a random HTTP GET parameter to the end of the request URL, but that seems like it's stripped off by the HttpService class before the request is made. Here's the code to implement it:

http.url = "test.xml?time=" + new Date().getMilliseconds();

And here's the debug log that makes me think it failed:

body = (Object)#1
clientId = (null)


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