Flex :: How To Prevent Itemeditor Destruction

Nov 24, 2009

My custom item editor opens a titlewindow (too much stuff to show in an inline editor) which obviously steal the focus, so I get a itemeditend event and the datagrid destroy the editor at the wrong (for me) time. I think to have to keep the itemeditor alive until the titlewindow job is done, but how? DataGridEvent reason is "other" and livedocs said preventDefault() can't help.

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Flash :: Flex - Event On Visual Element Destruction In Builder?

Jun 1, 2011

I need to run some code when a panel is destroyed. The code is simple, I have some Background tasks while it is opened, but need to stop them when closed.

I have a Close button for the panel, and I stop the BG Tasks when the user wants to close the panel, the problem is that they have access to a top menu bar too and can jump to another application module/part throught it, so, the user can exit the panel (when exiting, the panel is automatically destroyed) but the panel close event code is not executed because the close button was not pressed.

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Dec 24, 2009

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Flex :: Commit New Value From ItemEditor Before ItemEditEnd Event

Sep 7, 2009

I have a DataGrid, with itemEditor as NumericStepper in a few columns. When a value in the DataGrid is edited, I would like to update several values displayed on the screen, and so want to call a updateValues() function.First, I added this function to itemEditEnd event of the DataGrid, but the function is getting called before the new value is updated into the dataProvider and hence, the values I have in the function are the old values. Is there any other event that is fired after the values are updated into the dataProvider? or am I missing something?Second, I tried putting this function in the change event of each itemEditor (duh!), but then again, the change event is fired, but the values in the dataProvider are the old ones.Is there any way I can make the function updateValues() be called, every time a value is edited AND updated into the dataProvider, because there's where I am taking the values from?

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Flex :: Datagrid - Pass A Parameter To ItemEditor?

Jul 19, 2010

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<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="city"


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Flex :: Trigger An ItemEditEnd Event Within The ItemEditor

Sep 29, 2010

This might be an easy one for you DataGrid experts out there. I following an example for adding rows to a DataGrid dynamically from within a row


My tweak that I am trying to acoomlish, is to have a custom itemEditor that is a form with two TextInputs and an OK button. For the life of me I can't get that button to trigger the DataGrid's itemEditEnd event where I have some processing before I call destroyItemEditor. I tried dispatching the event myself directly but got a strange error in DataGrid's updateDisplayList saying editedItemPosition was null (editedItemPosition.rowIndex).

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Flex :: Spark DropDownList As ItemEditor Within AdvancedDataGrid?

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Flex :: ItemRenderer Shows Through ItemEditor On AdvancedDataGrid

Apr 5, 2011

When not editing the cell, it shows a centered date as plain text. When editing, it shows a DateField editor. The second example is exactly the same as far as I can tell, other than the fact that it is an AdvancedDataGridColumn. Using that code with an AdvancedDataGrid, when I go into edit mode I can see the text from the normal item renderer behind the DateField editor (between the text input and calendar icon).

Example 1:

<mx:DataGridColumn id="endColumn"


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Jun 18, 2010

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<mx:DataGrid editable="true" dataProvider="{_actionArr}" id="prop">
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Component" editable="false" dataField="label"/>


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Flex :: DataGrid Lines Showing Through ItemEditor - Opaque?

Sep 18, 2010

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editorXOffset="2" editorYOffset="2"
editorHeightOffset="20" editorWidthOffset="60"

And a very simple DgItemEditor:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:TextArea xmlns:mx="[URL]" wordWrap="true" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF" backgroundAlpha="1">

Basically, this allows for a small 'popup' when the user edits a cell in the datagrid, allowing for more space to type. The problem that I am having is that the datagrid gridlines show through the itemeditor - i.e. the itemeditor is transparent. Is there any way that I can force it to be opaque?

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Mar 23, 2011

Following is the sample code. While I start editing either in optionId column or option column, the other rows of the same column are also get affected and reflecting the same value. But when I am editing in other columns it is working fine... Don't know the reason.


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Flex :: Scrollbars In Dropdownlist Inside DataGrid ItemEditor Not Working

Aug 17, 2010

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I've been experimenting with custom skins hoping to find a way to trap the mouse event, but have been unsuccessful.

FWIW, this is Flex4, as an AIR app.

Scratch.mxml (main code)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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ErrorStackTrace: ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property text not found on a.mxml.a_inlineComponent3 and there is no default value.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:NumericStepper xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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May 16, 2011

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EDIT, adding code sample:

var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest('http://mydomain.com/p%C3%A5.jpg');
var loader:Loader = new Loader();

Now I want the request to go over the line as [URL] (and it does in other browsers), but in IE it goes over the line as [URL]

EDIT: replacing % with %25 (double encoding the %) but that didn't work, it just caused this request to go over the wire: [URL]

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Oct 11, 2009

Below is the code for a simple Flex actionscript project. A sprite is partially covering a hyperlink. What's happening is that when you hover over the sprite, if you're also hovering over the hyperlink, the hyperlink is activated. I want to prevent that. I want the hyperlink to be activated only when the mouse hovers over it -- but not when the mouse hovers over the sprite which covers it.

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.events.TextEvent;
import flash.text.Font;
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Prevent In Drag And Drop, Dragging Onto Self?

Oct 19, 2009

I was wondering, if I have two list boxes, and I want to drag and drop between both of them, how do I prevent the user from dragging onto the same list (thus duplicating the item? I cannot have a situation where that is the case

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Flex :: Prevent Variable From Losing State After Being Set?

Nov 4, 2009

I've hit a very strange issue in adobe flex and I'm not sure how to solve it. I have a popup box that is called on creationComplete before startup of my main application. The popup simply asks for an email address and then the application is enabled showing the email address in a label component.

However, when I try to access the email address from the label component called UserID.text in the application, it is always null even though it is visually present in the label box...It seems like it loses state somehow...so HOW in earth can I keep it from losing state? I need to access the label or some variable throughout the use of the application and everything I try always ends up in a null variable?The main part of the application that sets the label is here:

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" xmlns:controls="com.iwobanas.controls.*" xmlns:local="*" creationComplete="showWindow(true)">
private function showWindow(modal:Boolean):void


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Asp.net :: Prevent An XSS Vulnerability When Using Flex And ASP.NET To Save A File?

Nov 9, 2009

I've implemented a PDF generation function in my flex app using alivePDF, and I'm wondering if the process I've used to get the file to the user creates an XSS vulnerability.This is the process I'm currently using:Create the PDF in the flex application.Send the binary PDF file to the server using a POST, along with the filename to deliver it as.An ASP.NET script on the server checks the filename to make sure it's valid, and then sends it back to the user as an HTTP attachment.

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Jan 10, 2010

I am using Google AppEngine, in conjunction with PyAMF to provide RemoteObject support. In my Flex code I make several RemoteObject method calls at once which tends to batch the AMF Messages into a single HTTP request. Most of the time this is fine but AppEngine applies some strict per request limits (in this case I am hitting a DeadlineExceededError - max 30 seconds). A number of service methods are expected to take upwards of 10 seconds and if these are batched by the RemoteObject into 1 HTTP you see where this is going. Now you could say refactor your service calls and that is also going on but not really the question being asked here. Is there a way to prevent Flex RemoteObject from batching AMF requests for situations like this? I have done a fair amount of Googling on the subject and come up with bupkis. It seems to me that I would need to implement a custom version of mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel or something of that nature, which seems waay too hardcore for a feature like this

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Jan 14, 2010

I have a flex tree with dragMoveEnabled = true. I want to find out, when an item is dragged into itself or it's children. I'd like to use DragManager.showFeedback(DragManager.NONE) in the tree's onDragOver handler, but can't find out how get this to work. I'm using an ArrayCollection of nested objects as dataSource for the tree.

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Flex :: Prevent Tab From Changing To Other Cell In Datagrid?

Jun 27, 2010

I have a flex editable datagrid mx:DataGrid and when I press TAB key, it changes to another cell when I am editing a cell.

I don't want it to change to another cell when I press TAB. How can I stop this behavior?

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Flex :: Prevent Application From Being Resized At Runtime?

Sep 14, 2010

From what I can gather, the resize property of a Flex application is set in the XML config file[code]...

However, if I set this attribute to true, is there a way to turn this off dynamically at runtime? For example, my application has two view modes - mini and maxi. I would like to prevent the end user from being able to resize the application when in mini mode. I tried prevent the resize using the following code but it does not seem to work[code]...

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Flex :: Prevent Changing Tree Selection?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a tree in Flex Application and one of the items is selected.

When a user clicks another item, I would like to make a check and possibly prevent the change of selection.

I tried catching click event and calling stopPropagation, and also itemClick with stopPropogation but both do not prevent selectedItem from changing.[code]...

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Flex :: Adobe Prevent Model Tainting?

Mar 29, 2011

I have some values stores in my model. I need to create a copy of those values, make some changes, and then output those changes without affecting the model values.

var my_source:Array = model.something.source
var output:Array = new Array();
for each (var vo:my_vo in my_source) {


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