Flex :: Send Data Between Pages In View Stack?

Feb 22, 2010

I have a login page (that working), if details is correct, i want to go to welcome page, and display the first name and last of the user.

Is ok to access to the label in the another page, and how can i do that

This is my code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">


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<s:Button label="Back" click="backButtonPressed(event)"/>


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ChangeWatcher line 427/wrapHandler.

var innerHBox:HBox = new HBox();
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[Code] .....

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<mx:DataGrid id="dgAutoFill" x="11" y="234" width="934" dataProvider="{rssHln.lastResult.rss.channel.item}">


I'm trying to get the title from the selecteditem from this datagrid (which is filled by a rss-feed) in a label. I've searched for ways, but I can't find how I should get this done.

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dgAutoFill.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_CLICK, showDetails);
public function showDetails(event:ListEvent):void {
lblTitle.text = ?;

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Mobile Persist View Data?

Sep 18, 2011

I built a simple hello world app to check out the Flash Builder 4.5 mobile capabilities.Here's how it works:The Default View asks for name in an textinput and has a continue button.When you click the continue button it pushes a new view in the viewNavigator which just displays "Hello " + name in a label.When you click anywhere in this view, it pops a view (i.e. itself) from the viewNavigator, to go back to the default view

I see only 1 issue with this:When I get back to the default view, it is in its initial state, i.e. the textInput is blank. It seems as if the viewNavigator created a new view of the default view's class and pushed this, instead of just removing the top view and displaying the previous one.I see this being especially problematic for programs which display data in a grid and you can click the data to view the detail...when you get back, the grid will be empty.

Project name: HelloWorld
Code below:[code]....

Clicking on screen 2 gets us back to initial screen. Notice the blank textInput

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package some.package.VO {
public class VOPerson {


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Jun 2, 2010

I'm trying to send some data to PHP using HTTPService POST but for some reason it's not working. The same example works with GET but not with POST:

private function start():void{
var param:Object = {};
param.date = "2010-10-10";


But when I change the method in HTTPService to GET and in PHP I get the result as expected - PHP sends back the date:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Send Data To Module?

Jan 27, 2009

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<mx:ModuleLoader url="lists.swf" width="30%" height="100%" />

just a thought, if I were to add "?id=3" to the SWF, would that work and how would I retrieve that value in the module to use?

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Flex :: Adobe - Send/receive Data From/to Media Server

Oct 27, 2009

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i just don't know how to to send and receive and how to receive from the server

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Dec 12, 2009

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Php :: Flex - Send A FLV Format Data In ByteArray Using URLloader To A Script?

Dec 15, 2010

Im creating flash game that have the functionality to capture/record its gameplay that can be viewed later by the user, like a replay.

As for now Im already able to record the game and write it into a flv format in a ByteArray variable.

What Im working right now is how to send that ByteArray(the video file) to a php script and save it to a web server.

I've run into the URLLoader in flash where it can send the data and php will receive it thru the POST method. Unfortunately, the ByteArray containing the flv data must be first correclty encoded for php to read it. I figured this out from the example in the net where it does the same thing only that it is only sending a JPEG ByteArray instead of a FLV format using the JPEGENCODER.

Is there any existing class like the JpegEncoder for FLV format or any Video formats? Or any work around like creating the encoder my self?

here is my current code to send the ByteArray

//send byteArray to a php script
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;


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Java :: Send Data From Red5 To Flex Using Remote Sharedobject

Jul 3, 2011

I want to send data from Red5 to Flex using remote sharedobject.

my Red5 code :

this.addScheduledJob(5000,new IScheduledJob() {
public void execute(ISchedulingService jobs0)


it doesn't shows error or warning, but my flex function doesn't work, even Alert in my function not working.

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Flex :: Using NetConnection And URLStream To Send/receive Data At High Frequency

Jun 17, 2009

I'm writing a Comet-like app using Flex on the client and my own hand-written server.

I need to be able to send short bursts of data from the client at quite a high frequency (e.g. of the order of 10ms between sends).

I also need the server to push short bursts of data at a similarly high frequency.

I'm using NetConnection.call() to send the data to the server, and URLStream (with chunked encoding) to push the data from the server to the client.

What I've found is that the data isn't being sent/received as soon as it's available. For example, in IE, it seems the data is sent every 200ms rather than as soon as NetConnection.call() is called. Similarly, URLStream isn't making the data available as soon as the server is sending it.

Judging by the difference in behaviour between the browsers, it seems as though the Flash Player (version 10) is relying on the host browser to do all the comms. Can anyone confirm this? Update: This is very likely as only the host browser would know about the proxy settings that might be set.

I've tried using the Socket class and there's no problem with speed there: it works perfectly. However, I'd like to be able to use HTTP-based (port 80) connections so that my app can run in heavily fire-walled environments (I tried using a Socket over port 80, but that has its problems).

Incidentally, all development/testing has been done on an internal LAN, so bandwidth/latency is not an issue.

Update: The data being sent/received is in small packets and doesn't need to be in any particular format. For example, I might need to send a short array of Numbers, and this could either be encoded in AMF (e.g. via NetConnection.call()) or could be put into GET parameters (e.g. using sendToURL()). The main point of my question is really to see whether anyone else has experienced the same problem in calling NetConnection/URLStream frequently, and whether there is a workaround (it's also possible that the fault lies with my server code of course, rather than Flash).

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Flex :: Send HTTP POST Request With Binary Data In Body

Sep 17, 2009

I'm new to Flex and couldn't figure out yet how to send binary data to the server as the body of a POST request. The HTTPService component doesn't seem to support this. The FileReference doesn't seem to support setting the data via the Flex API.

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Browse An Image And Then Send It To Data Base Using Flex And Webservice Java

May 4, 2011

want to browse an image and then send it to data base using flex and webservice java

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Actionscript 3 :: Send Data In AMF Format From Flex To Java Socket Server?

May 19, 2011

i want to know how to send data using the AMF format from my flex AIR project to a socket written in Java. I am getting CorruptedStreamException when sending data using writeUTFBytes() methods. Has anyone experienced similar problems? Also can AMF be used only if i am using LCDS only?

private SimpleServer(int port)
System.out.println(">> Starting SimpleServer on port " + port);


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Flex :: Access Data Field Of A JSON Request Send By Client In JAX-RS?

Feb 2, 2012

I have the following JAX-RS service.[code]...

The JAX-RS service receives the request and respond successfully with some dummy response, but I have no access to the request.data field.

How do I access the data of the request message (which is {"type":"get_configuration","data":"some data"} in this particular example)? I think that I'm supposed to add some parameters to the handleMessage method like

public SomeResponse handleMessage(Object message) {...

but this does not work at all. The request got 415 response.

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