Flex :: Avoiding Duplicate Data & Calculations In View-models?

Jul 26, 2011

I'm working on a Flex application that uses MVVM. I understand that it's recommended to have a 1-to-1 mapping between views and view-models. How then do I avoid performing the same calculations and storing the same data multiple times if it is needed in multiple views?

For example, imagine I have a program that can load project files consisting of a list of items. The main tab of my application has an export button that should only be enabled if the project is valid so I create an isExportEnabled property on the view-model for the main tab. The calculation for this involves validating the project by iterating though every item in the project and verifying some attribute on each. I have another tab which has a "Print Project Summary" button so the view-model for this tab has isPrintEnabled. The value for this flag is based on the same criteria, whether or not the project is valid.

I could put the logic for determining these values in their respective view-models, but then I end up calculating the same value twice when a project is loaded. I could move isValid to the domain model but then the model becomes denormalized. What if a saved project is edited without updating the "isValid" flag? I could make a global "Project View-Model" for the entire project which calculates whether the project is valid and then have isExportEnabled and isPrintEnabled delegate to that. However, then I end up with a hierarchy of view-models which this article recommends avoiding: Applying the Presentation Model in Flex

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<mx:DataGrid id="dgAutoFill" x="11" y="234" width="934" dataProvider="{rssHln.lastResult.rss.channel.item}">


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">


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Code below:[code]....

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[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fade And Change Data For Each Duplicate Movieclip

Aug 3, 2009

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Jun 12, 2011

I've been making arrays from numbers produced by the Collatz conjecture. But when the number where we start calculating exceeds over 1x10^16 program can't do any more calculations. It loses it's capability to handle odd numbers. Heres a part of my code that makes calculations:

ActionScript Code:
var a:Number;
var result:Array = new Array();
var count:int = 0;
function calculate(e:TimerEvent):void{
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: BitmapData - Calculations Of The X,y Coordinates Of The Rectangle Cropping ?

Oct 6, 2007

After seeing the I've been told that movieclips aren't suited for games, what do you use? thread, I thought I would try to incorporate the approach into a game I'm currently programming to make it a little less processor intensive.

I have a giant movieclip of a football field, of which only 5-10% is shown at any given time. I'm guessing that flash still has to make calculations for the other 90-95% of the field every frame, even though it's of no use. From what I understand (not much), copyPixels seems like the perfect candidate for such a situation.

It seems simple, but I'm having trouble actually implementing it, and I'm not sure which actions are needed and what might be introducing unnecessary work. I have a movieclip (mc_field, exported for as), but if it would save the processor some effort,I could easily save this as a bitmap and export that for actionscript. The width and height of the final product (bitmap/BitmapData) will be Stage.width, Stage. height,respectively,and I can handle making the calculations of the x,y coordinates of the rectangle cropping (which part of the source bitmap I want to crop).I'm sure it's only 3 lines of code, and I know that there are a few examples online, but for some reason.

Say, for frame one, I want to take the field (either mc_field or bm_field) and copy 500px x 300px, starting at 140,230 from the source bitmap to mc_container.Then, for frame two, I want to copy 500px x 300px starting at 240,540 from the source bitmap to mc_container.

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