Flex :: StackOverflow Errors When Calling Publish After Calling Close

Mar 2, 2010

I'm getting stack overflow errors when I'm trying to publish() a NetStream after close()ing it. Pasted below is the error stack:[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Close Popup Calling Another?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Test If Loader Has A Stream Loading Before Calling The Close() Function?

Nov 4, 2009

I'm loading an image into a container. The container is simply a loader object with a progress event listener and a complete event listener. It is loaded when a thumb is clicked in the gallery and it displays the image larger.Basically it is possible to interrupt the loading process of the current load stream and load something else by clicking another thumb in the gallery before it's complete.

If you call loader.close() when nothing is loading, Flash will call back an error saying that there is no stream attached to the loader object.Is there a way to test if the loader object is presently loading, and if so to close it?

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package asas
public class main extends EventDispatcher[code].....

I have this class and a MXML file... how will i call the function doCheck in button. When i call like this, it throws me an error.

id="loginButton" [code]...

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Oct 22, 2009

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package com.modestmaps
import com.modestmaps.overlays.MarkerClip;
import flash.display.Graphics;


in this package i am attempting to add the shadow, which works, and then add the infobubble, which works, and then add a main swf which works, and then add a close_button.swf which it does load the swf; however, when I try to add the listener, I am unable to make the infobubble close back up.

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I have a function which makes a call to the server to load some financial data. This data is then displayed in a grid. In order to keep displaying the latest data I keep making this server call (every 30 secs). I'm using a Timer object to do this. The problem I have is that I have to wait 30 secs when the application starts for financial data to be displayed, what I'd like to happen is that the load data call is made, then start the update timer. Is there a way to set this up or shall I use to data load calls, one to get the initial data, then one to get the updates, which is made every 30 secs?

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Flex :: Portlets Calling Web Service - Not Getting The Same Httpsession Value

Jul 1, 2010

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Flex :: Adobe Calling MXML Functions?

Jul 16, 2010

i allready searched abit around here and found the solution to call a fx:script function defined in a mxml from a AS class.


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Calling JavaScript Function From Flex 4 Web Application?

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Flash - Calling DispatchEvents Without Using Xml Schema In Flex?

Feb 23, 2011

I wanted to know if there are ways to use dispatchEvents with custom event function calls without actually instantiate the function in an xml form but doing so in the script. What I am trying to do is, have a developer use my custom component button, but add his/her own function to what is already added to my own click event call. so just as a case he/she wants to add there own validation function of that click event. One way i have it is where i create an instance in my component within the xml schema.i have a mxml component called DialogWindow.mxml and inside I have

[Event(name="cancBtnClick", type="flash.events.Event")]
[Event(name="okBtnClick", type="flash.events.Event")]

and in my script in DialogWindow.mxml i created a button with a click event called cancelAction(event);

_buttonCancel = new Button();
_buttonCancel.label = "Cancel";
_buttonCancel.addEventListener("click", cancelAction);
_buttonCancel.enabled = true;

In the "cancelAction" function I add the dispatchEvent to cancBtnClick as this will be the userdefined function.

protected function cancelAction(event:Event):void {
dispatchEvent(new Event("cancBtnClick"));

When deriving the component DialogWindow.mxml from another component, I can use this statement where myFunction is taken place of cancBtnClick in cancelAction function.

// from TestButton.mxml
<cmp:DialogWindow cancBthClick="myFunction()" />

The above works fine, but what if i want to call it using derived class call in a script. such as

public var dialogW:IFlexDisplayObject = null;
(dialogW as DialogWindow).cancBtnClick = "myFunction"; // this is an instance of DialogWindow

When trying this, of course there is no cancBtnClick. So i know i am not implementing this correctly.

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// filename.mxml
<mx:Canvas x="181" y="180" width="333">
<mx:Button styleName="LoginButton" id="loginButton" click="checkLogin();" x="160" y="261"/>
<mx:TextInput styleName="loginTextInput" id="username" x="160" y="161"/>


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Aug 16, 2009

I created an application to show a datagrid with a custom column in Flex 3. How can I access the method loadDetails in this code?:

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
public function loadDetails(id:String) : void { // Some code here


When I tried to run this code Flex throws an error. It says that loadDetails is not defined. I suppose that error is because of scope.

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Actionscript :: Flex Calling The Embeded Swf Function Still Failed?

Dec 23, 2009

I am embedding a swf file into the parent swf file and my code in parent swf file want to call the function inside the embedded swf file. It always failed, below is the code. The error is in line:

var player:testflv1 = (loader.content as SystemManager).application as testflv1;

It can't be compiled because the testflv1 is not recognized as the known type.


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Flex :: IsEmpty Error When Calling Parameterless WCF Method?

Apr 12, 2010

I have a WCF web service (using basicHTTPBinding) which I am connecting to from a Flex application. I am using the FlexBuilder code generation to make a proxy for the web service.This has been working great until I tried to call a method on the web service that has no parameters. Here is it's interface declaration:

DateTime GetCurrentDateTime();

I then started getting HTTP 500 code responses from the service.Inspecting the HTTP response with Fiddler shows that WCF is reporting the following error:

Error in deserializing body of request message for operation 'GetCurrentDateTime'.
The OperationFormatter could not deserialize any information from the Message because the Message is empty (IsEmpty = true)

So it seems that there is an incompatability between Flex and WCF whan calling methods that have no paramaters - Flex doesn't include anything in the message but WCF is expecting something to be there.Is there any way to configure either Flex or WCF to work around this or am I going to have to include dummy parameters in such operation contracts?

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Flex :: Calling Refresh On A The Application Container From An .as File

Jun 7, 2011

I've inherited an application and am fixing a bug. There is a refresh button in a the application's mxml file and it has a click="refresh(null)". This works.

However we also want to do a refresh every five minutes automatically using a timer. There is code in an .as file (that is sourced' into the above mxml file) that uses a Timer and calls refresh(null) from within the .as file, but this doesn't seem to do anything.

Is this the right way to do this? Or do we need to explicitly reference the object we want to refresh? If so, how do we do that?

<mx:Application ...>
<mx:Script source="funcs.as"/>


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Actionscript 3 :: Error When Calling A Function From Main In Flex?

Oct 12, 2011

i am trying to call a function which is defined in main.mxml

public function btnAcceptCall_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent)


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Flex :: Get A ChannelSet To Be Authorized / When Session Already Exists Without Calling Login

Jul 21, 2010

In my Flex application, channelSet is reset on each browser refresh.If you've authenticated and refresh the page and check channelSet. authenticated, it says false, but your remoteObject calls will still work because the server session still exists.I have a service call that checks for a session on the server and can identify that one exists when a user has already authenticated and not logged out, but how can I bypass login and still set the channelSet.authenticated to true without calling channelSet.login() when they come back to the page(before a timeout occurs, of course)?The user session isn't closed if you exit the browser. Currently it does in fact make you log in again. But there is an existing session so blazeds returns a re-authentication error if you're not the user in the session, and it also allows you to login with any password if you are the user because it sees that the session has already been authenticated.So how can I make it so the session is invalidated upon closing the browser or refreshing? I could do it by automatically logging out when the app starts, but that doesn't seem very elegant.[code]

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Flex :: Change Background Bluriness When Calling Alert Or PopupManager?

Aug 22, 2011

In Flex 4.5 is there please a way to control how blurred is background when displaying an Alert or PopupManager.addPopUp()?I have playing cards displayed on the background of my game, when displaying a modal popup window with possible bids to the user and can't blur the cards too much (because the player should see them before deciding what to bid).

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Flex :: 3 - Pass 'self' Or 'this' When Calling A Function Inline For Current Component?

Dec 5, 2011

I hope I have worded the question ok. I know that you can pass the 'id' of the component but I'm just wondering if there is a more generic way. I have tried using 'this' (shown in example below) but the 'this' keyword refers to the application.


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Actionscript :: Calling Function In A Mxml Component From A Main Flex Application

Dec 20, 2010

In my main application I have a viewstack with 3 child views. In the viewstack change handler, I programmatically change the selectedchild property.

I understand that the initialize method for the view is not called every time I change the selectedChild Property. So I tried to invoke the init method programmatically too..



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Flex :: Do Calling A ColdFusion Web Service Using <s:RemoteObject> And <s:WebService> Have A Difference In Performance

Jan 22, 2011

Assuming calling the same ColdFusion web service and all other factors are identical, is there a difference in performance/speed between using the following two tags?

<s:RemoteObject id="MyService" destination="ColdFusion" source="MyWSFolder.MyService"/>


<s:WebService id="MyService" wsdl="http://www.myDomain.com/MyWSFolder/MyService.cfc?wsdl"/>

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Actionscript 3 :: Using Events Vs. Directly Calling Parent Application Function From A Child In Flex / Flash Builder

Jun 21, 2011

If I need to call a specific function in the parent application from a child in a flex project, what's the best practice for this? Would it be to dispatch a custom event from the child and have a listener call that function? Or to directly call the function with FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication?

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Flash - TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Reference While Calling Swf From Flex 3

Jul 29, 2011

I have called this flash code in Flex using SWF loader . I got the following Error. Here I have attached flash coding for header_text_fla Kindly do the needful.

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at header_text_fla::MainTimeline/loaderComplete()
var myEvent:Event;
var myParams:LoaderInfo;


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Flex :: Load A Big Picture Or Swf File By Calling Loader.load() In Flex?

Nov 17, 2009

I get a ActionScript class for loading the content:

public class LoaderContainer extends Sprite {
public function LoaderExample() {
loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);


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Flash :: Canvas Moved On StartDrag() Without Calling Set X / Y Or Move() - How Does StartDrag() Exactly Work In As3 / Flex

Feb 11, 2011

i have an .as class that extends mx.containers.Canvas (it's a draggable border of a resizable component), it becomes draggable on MOUSE_DOWN and stops being draggable on MOUSE_UP, MOUSE_OUT and ROLL_OUT. before calling startDrag() i create a Rectangle to define the drag area, i also have a _dragging: Boolean variable to control if it's draggable at the moment. the problem is that when i click this border it jumps to a negative coordinate without calling startDrag or switching _dragging to true.

i've overriden get x, set x, get y, set y and move() methods in order to solve it but the only thing i got was the fact that position changes without calling coords setters or move(), but at the moment it's changed a getter is called and returns new (negative) value so my question is what happens on startDrag() and how to filter unwanted incoming coords values?

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