Flex :: Too Much Space At The Top Of Image In TLF Using 3

Aug 29, 2011

When insert an image into TLF in flex3, I found that image in TLF is displayed in a square area. so there is some space at the top of the image. See the attached image for this problem. How to remove this space? I try the following method, But it doesn't work!


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Flex :: Align Image To Bottom When It Doesn't Fill The Space Allocated For <mx:Image> ?

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<mx:Image id="theImage"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Read Image Pixel, System Memory(ram) And Free Disk Space In Flex?

Dec 13, 2010

i am writing a program that need to load photoshowever, there is limitation in flex that users cannot load photos with pixel above 4069 x 4069 into a bitmapdata.how can i check photos pixel before running to error? since some pictures are big nowadays, i would llike to check the user`s system memory and free harddisk space. See if the computer have enough space to load the photos.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotate An Image In 3D Space?

Jun 28, 2010

I have an image that I want to rotate in 3D space when you move the mouse. This seems easy enough, and I have it mostly working. The problem is, it seems like Flash's 3D camera isn't oriented towards the image. The image is inside a MovieClip so that the center of the image is at 0,0 in the MovieClip, and the MovieClip is located at stageWidth/2,stageHeight/2 -- so it's in the centre of the stage. But if you move the image backwards in z-space, the image doesn't look like it's scaling down, which is what you'd expect -- since it's moving away from the camera -- but instead, it moves up and to the left as it moves backwards.
This is my code:
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Gallery Rotating In 3D Space?

Apr 9, 2004

I am designing an image gallery to show project screenshots for a portfolio. The horizontally scrolling screenshots technique is nice, but I want to do something similar in 3D space.

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I am designing an image gallery to show project screenshots for a portfolio.The horizontally scrolling screenshots technique is nice, but I want to do something similar in 3D space.When the user clicks on the screenshot buttons for the selected project, I want the appropriate image to rotate around an imaginary center, increase in scale, and fade in to full opacity.At the same time, the other images need to rotate around the same center point and scale down while the alpha decreases. The Screenshot furthest away from the viewer would have the smallest size and lowest alpha setting. Here's a couple things that might throw a wrench into the works. I need to keep all the images facing forward (instead of rotating as if they were on a cyllinder). Also, not all of my projects have the same number of screenshots. Can I do all this with actionscript?

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private function onKeyDown(event: KeyboardEvent) : void{
if (popUp.displayPopUp){
switch (event.keyCode){
case Keyboard.UP:
case Keyboard.DOWN:
[Code] .....

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Here is a test component I am playing with that exhibits the problem.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:bbq="components.*"


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<mx:DateTimeAxis id="xAxis" dataUnits="hours" />


I've tried setting the height on the renderer but that has no effect, and there is no height style on the axis itself.

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private function btn_keyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
// try to ignore spaces, i.e. don't click on SPACE when it has focus
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE) {

I tried changing focus by doing the following, at the end of the function that's called when the button is clicked:

stage.focus = parent;

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Oct 20, 2010

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Apr 11, 2011

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Flex :: Layout Out A Component Differently Depending On The Amount Of Space Available?

Jul 8, 2010

I am trying to build a sort of button bar in Flex - something like the horizontally laid-out bookmark bar you'd see in most modern web browsers, where when you run out of horizontal space, you can click on the arrows button(>>) to get a drop-down to see the rest of the items which did not fit into the horizontal space. Problem is, how can I know how much horizontal space is available for me to tell how many buttons to render into the button bar? This need doesn't appear to be support by the general layout manager framework.

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Flex :: Outlook Doesn't Show Hyperlink When Filename Contain Space In It

Jul 20, 2011

I am trying to paste hyerlink in body of mail in outlook by flex application using navigateToUrl method with mailTo protocol.

but outlook breaks hyperlink after first space in hyperlink.

I tried with < ,> before am after link but it doesnot help out me.

Is there any other way to paste link in body mail containing space.

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ActionScript 3 :: Empty Space Of Canvas Does Not Fire Events In Flex

Dec 6, 2011

The empty space of a canvas does not fire events. My problem is I have a canvas in an application that shows a diagram consisting of different figures, but the canvas empty places do not trigger the events that I need, as the rollover. How I can make my canvas trigger events even in the empty spaces? I have set the background Color, mouseEnabled, color, border, alpha, opaqueBackground, etc, and nothing works. I'm using Flex 4, and I have to use only a mx:Canvas.

Here is the event listener registration:
canDiagram.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, function(event:MouseEvent):void{if(actualCursor != null){CursorManager.setCursor(actualCursor,2,-10,-10);}},true);
canDiagram.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, function(event:MouseEvent):void{CursorManager.removeAllCursors();},true);

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Flex :: Layout - Size The Height Of A Component To Fill The Space Available On Stage

Jun 26, 2009

Im trying to create a layout in flex using mxml, the layout contains a Canvas component and a Box. The layout should always be such that the Box sits at the bottom edge of the application and has a fixed height, whereas the Canvas fills the remaining stage area and does not overlap with the Box. My MXML is as follows;


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 3 Alert Text Doesn't Stretch To Fill Space?

Aug 27, 2009

I'm trying to display some simple information in an Alert (I'd rather not use an alert, but I need a fast n' simple solution for a project that's got to be out the door asap)

how large I make the alert, my information never stretches out, and ends up being clipped.

I can actually scroll through the text with the mousewheel, but that's no good.

The image says it all. I can't imagine Alert just doesn't handle this.



var myAlert:Alert = Alert.show("The package you have selected includes a feature(s) you've already selected.
We have removed the individual features for you.");
myAlert.height = 150*2;
myAlert.width = 350*2;

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