Flex :: Why Does Debugging Stop Working After A While In Firefox 6 With Breakpoints

Sep 12, 2011

I was currently working on a flex application with debugging set to Firefox 6. I set a breakpoint and was checking some variables... next thing I know the browser says "flash player crashed." How do I set it up so breakpoints work for an extended period of time?

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Flex :: Breakpoints Working In MXML Files

Jul 11, 2010

I am trying to debug the Flex application. I am able to set breakpoints in mxml file, and application breaks on those breakpoints. But when I set breakpoint in as files, I don't see the breakpoint marker, though in breakpoints window I am shown the line no. And when I start my debugging session, the application does not break at that point.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash CS4 Breakpoints Not Working

Nov 3, 2009

I can't get the breakpoints to work in flash CS4. here is what I do: In the actions panel I have a few trace statements and then breakpoints. trace("a"); trace("b"); trace("A"); now if I put break point on a or b or A or all 3 I still get all the trace statements working, so my actionscript isn't stopping at the breakpoint. Do you have to do something to enable breakpoints? I switched my workplace to debug made and then compile movie, it still doesn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Debugger Starts But Doesn't Stop At Any Of The Breakpoints?

May 7, 2009

I'm trying to debug my as3 game, but no way, the debugger starts (with the different debug panels) but doesn't stop at any of the breakpoints so i created an empty as3 file (.fla) and put some simple code:


I put a breakpoint at line 2when i press Ctrl-Shift-Enter Or Debug>Debug Movie, it traces "Hello" 2 times without stopping when i right click on the new flash player window that opens, it shows DEBUG on the menu (not grayed), and i think that it means it's the flash player debug version that is running I'm running on Vista and I tried reinstalling Flash without success, but i've got another PC with windows XP and it works well on it,
Are there any restrictions on Vista or maybe services that should be started, or anything that should be activated / deactivated?

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Professional :: Flash Debugger Doesn't Stop On Breakpoints?

Jun 11, 2009

I don't know why but i've got fla files that I can't debug.
I'm able to launch debugger and the swf file is correctly run when I do it, but if for instance I add a trace in my code and add a breakpoint on it, it will appear in the output but the debugger doesn't stop on the breakpoint.
It's a pretty big project that uses a quite numbers of external swc libraries, home produced for the most, and I can't figure where could this bug come from. All the more if I create a simple fla file with a simple document class attached to it the debugger works perfectly.

So if anyone already encountered the problem or got an idea over any reason that could make the debugger to not stop on breakpoint,

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Debugging - Confirm That FireFox Is Using The Debug Version Of Flash Player?

Mar 18, 2011

I know I can look at plugins and their version under Firefox, but how can I tell if I'm running the debug version of the Flash Player?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Website Not Working On Firefox On PC But Works Fine On FireFox On MAC?

Jul 21, 2009

works perfect on my macbook pro (safari, firefox, and opera) but when I view the site on Vmare Fusion Windows XP and use IE and FireFox the pages don't load... I don't know what to make of this. Has anyone hear or seen anything like this happen before? BTW the website was created in Adobe Flash CS4/ AS 3.0 and published using Flash Player 10.

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Flex :: Adobe Air Badge Installer Not Working On Firefox And Safari On OSX Lion

Sep 21, 2011

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This normally handles the install of air if the user doesn't have it already installed.

However, after doing some cross broswer testing, it appears that when a user, (using OSX Lion and Safari or Firefox) tries to click yes when prompted to download the required Air they are unable to click either of the yes or no buttons.

I initially thought that it may have had something to do with the positioning so ensured that the z-index in the css was appropriately set but to no avail.

I beleive it may have something to do with the installer itself rather than my implementation as the same thing appears to happen on TweetDeck too.

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Stop Safari From Timing Out When Debugging Flash?

Oct 31, 2011

Is there any way to stop Safari (Version 5.1.1 on OS X Lion) from killing flash while I'm in the middle of debugging with Flash Builder 4.5.1?

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The hyperlink works in Firefox, but not in Safari. Maybe it is just my computer.

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Jul 26, 2010

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Flex :: Debugging - Running A Webapp Base Flex Client In IntelliJ?

May 10, 2011

Is it possible to run a Flex client in IntelliJ internally and have it talk to a separately deployed server instance? The server's a java webapp. This will make developing, especially debugging, much easier. What I'm trying to avoid is having to rebuild and redeploy the webapp to get the updated Flex code in it. I want to just build flex and run it against the server.

The flex client is embedded in an HTML page on the server, so in production the users access the client by going to a web page. We're using GraniteDS if that's important.


I'm managed to cobble something together, but it's ugly.I made a copy of our wrapper HTML page and fixed the links to refer to the SWF in target.I setup the IntelliJ run config to point to that HTML page.I set the 'Place SWF file in a local-trusted sandbox' to true

Hardcoded the {server.name}, {server.port}, and {context.root} values in the service-config.xml GraniteDS config file to localhost, etc.

I can mavenize #1, but #3's isn't really a permanent solution. That part is still a problem because I can't check this in.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Loaded Movie Does Not Stop In Firefox

Dec 22, 2010

I have a main movie which loads a movie with buttons, a button is clicked and movie goes to second frame and plays an animation then at the end of the animation it loads the next movie. ToolShopAnim01.swf does not stop on the first frame. I can not figure out why. Sometimes it works, but I can't seem to find the cause of it not stopping!

Here is the code in that frame once animation stops.

The code below is on the first frame of ToolShopAnim01.swf.
foundational.onRelease = function() {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} foundational.onRollOver = function() {
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Builder 3 Not Debugging?

Jun 7, 2009

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IDE :: GetURL Not Working In Firefox?

Oct 14, 2009

I have an _Xslide gallery that I need to make each photo link to an absolute URL. Works fine on IE but FireFox dosnt function at all. I can get it to work if I "_blank" but then it is applied to both browsers. The requirement is that the gallery function in the same window for all browsers.This swf is hosted in an "included" html file...where the swf does not live in the same directory...although I have tried that also but to no avail.

Ive also tried "_top", "_parent", "_self"
heres the AS...


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Mar 10, 2011

ive created my website and majority of it is flash. The problem is it that it works in every other browser except mozilla firefox and I usually get the message saying i need to install the latest flash version or update. I did that and it still doesnt work. It is my portfolio website so i need to resolve this on my end so when potential clients or employers look at it it works and they dont need to change any settings if that is the problem...but i also tried that and it didnt work (making it a trusted site, enabled javascprt)

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Flex :: Debugging - Builder Debug?

Jun 4, 2010

I am running on Windows XP and recently updated Flash Player from v9 to v10.1. And Now, in the Debug Console under Flex Builder, I am getting a lot of debug statements(I think that is assembly). Below is an example, of what I get:


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Jun 16, 2011

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Flex :: Debugging Event Flow?

Jul 6, 2011

I'm stepping through my code to figure out why a certain function takes more time to run the first time it gets called than on successive calls. The code flow for each function call is the same up to when a dispatchEvent gets called. I'm pretty sure it's different afterwards, as that call takes a lot more time the first time around. Unfortunately, I have no idea which other parts of the code chew on this specific event and thus cannot step through the handling of such event.

The question: is there a way to either figure out who handles such events or magically step through the handling code without explicitly setting breakpoints there?

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Flex :: Debugging AIR: ADL Fails To Launch?

Sep 6, 2011

I've hit a snag when trying to debug an AIR app using adl.

Although adl successfully launches, the application never appears on screen / starts up.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


Update: I've also since uninstalled and reinstalled Flash Builder (and therefore, the AIR SDK), and it still doesn't work. I think this adds weight to the port conflict, but still leaves me unsure of where / how to proceed

Further update Compiling exactly the same codebase to a AIR installer, installing, and running the application works fine. (Ie., a production release). However, the codebase fails to launch with adl. This pretty much confirms the issue as a local machine config problem somewhere with adl, and not an issue with the codebase.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Not Working In IE But Does In Firefox?

Feb 28, 2009


on (release) {getURL("http://paulmillichip.com/1stop/transferprem1.php?pos=GK&playerid=premGK1&playerou tfield=premGK1value","_self","GET");

That's my code.. how come it works in Firefox but not IE?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Not Working In Firefox?

Dec 9, 2009

When using SWFobject everything works fine in Safari and IE. Firefox plays sound but not imagery from flash? is the problem with SWF object or something else? Here's the source code.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">


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Professional :: Flash Not Working With Firefox?

Aug 27, 2010

I downloaded flash to my new computer and videos will work using IE but when I try with firefox it acts as if I don't have it installed  (says "download flash here,etc. ) and videos wont play.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Not Working In Firefox & Chrome?

Mar 28, 2012

This is working fine in IE but not working in firefox & Chrome browsers
var pageURL:String      = ExternalInterface.call("window.location.href.toString");
if(pageURL == null)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 Not Working In Firefox 3.0.19?

Sep 29, 2010

am having lot of movieclips and buttons in my swf.If you click each one ,it will execute one function.But in firefox 3.0.19 my swf not working.ie.,mouse cursor coming differenly and even if click nothing happend.

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Flash Not Working Properly In Firefox And IE

Mar 4, 2011

I sorted this problem before, but it's back again.

Both of my animations work fine in firefox, but don't loop in IE.



confirm that these animations don't loop properly in IE?

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IDE :: ExternalInterface.addCallback Not Working In FireFox?

Jun 26, 2008

I have set up a function in Flash that i want available to Javascript.

function OpenBrowse():Void {


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Flex :: Use URL Parameters While Debugging In Flash Builder 4?

Jul 6, 2010

How can I use URL parameters while debugging in Flash Builder 4?

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Flex :: Debugging - Get Path To Element Through A Browser?

Sep 28, 2010

Is there any plugin for any browser which can tell me the pass to certain flex element?

I mean, I have a flex frontend. And I need to find the full path to some element, like /topLevelPanel/innerPanel/checkbox[0]/img.

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Flex :: Debugging Maven Application With Intellij?

Jan 17, 2012

I have flex application consisting of several modules which is configured using maven. I'm using flexmojos plugin to build the application. When I try to build the application using maven it builds successfully. But I need debugging features of Intellij Idea (i'm using 10.0 version). So at first step I run maven compile command to generate *-configs.xml to enable Intellij idea compile my application. At second step i run IDE's compile(or make) command and it says:


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