ActionScript 1/2 :: Loaded Movie Does Not Stop In Firefox

Dec 22, 2010

I have a main movie which loads a movie with buttons, a button is clicked and movie goes to second frame and plays an animation then at the end of the animation it loads the next movie. ToolShopAnim01.swf does not stop on the first frame. I can not figure out why. Sometimes it works, but I can't seem to find the cause of it not stopping!

Here is the code in that frame once animation stops.

The code below is on the first frame of ToolShopAnim01.swf.
foundational.onRelease = function() {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} foundational.onRollOver = function() {
[Code] .....

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IDE :: Stop A Loaded Movie

Sep 22, 2009

I'm having a problem with stopping loaded movies

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- On Frame2, I've created a Movie Clip

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var pct_load:int = Math.round(framesLoaded/totalFrames*100);
if (pct_load == 100) {


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knop3.onRelease = function() {
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Im attempting to make a preloader. I am very new to action script so this is what i have.

ifFrameLoaded ( "UC" ) {
gotoAndPlay ( "home" );

as simple as it gets, right? Wrong, the preloader works however is get this error 1087: Syntax error: extra characters found after end of program. The preloader it self works it plays and when the movie is loaded it begins the movie, however the movie doesnt stop at any of my stop commands and keeps looping through itself over and over again till i exit the window.

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<script language="JavaScript">


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IDE :: Content Under Flash Movie Not Active Under FireFox?

Feb 26, 2009

I have a Flash movie and a list of links. The links display underneath the Flash movie. It works in IE but not FireFox:http:[url]..........Here are the layers: layer 1 is flash content, layer 2 is the links:

#Layer1 {
position: absolute;

The Flash movie is simply a graphic with a transparent spot in the middle.I've attached the fla, swf, and html files as well. I'm using swfObject for the embedding of the Flash content.

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Flash Movie .swf File Doesn't Load In IE Or Firefox

Nov 16, 2009

I have a basic site for an old age home. Recently I decided to put a Flash Movie on the Homepage but even though all files are loaded and links correct it won't show in either IE or Firefox...

The movie should be loading here (

There is a white space where the movie should be loading... But it doesn't...

I've done lots of sites with the same kind of movies and they all work fine... But this ons just doesn't work. It views fine when I test it on my computer but as soon as I load it - nothing...

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Flash :: Movie In Firefox Intermittently Load XML With URLLoader?

Jan 6, 2011

I have a Flash movie that behaves as follows:Movie loads > tries to load an XML file using URLLoader.load() > uses the data in the XML to load some images into the movie.The requirement was for updates to the XML file to be picked up within 10 minutes, so I have added a querystring parameter to the XML URL which is a timestamp to the nearest ten minutes, e.g.1-40**This all works for me as expected in IE and Chrome, and it works locally for me in Firefox. However, on our production server (IIS) in Firefox, the following behaviour occurs (by observing Firebug):First load:SWF loads > XML Requested and loads > images requested and loadSubsequent page loads:SWF Loads > no request for the XML (no request shown in Firebug)Firebug shows the following information about the XML file from the first successful request:

Response Headers
Cache-Control max-age=31536000
Content-Length 640


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