Flex :: Air - Implement A Component In Windows Live Messenger

Sep 18, 2010

in windows live messenges the status setting component tht is an icon, label and a dropdown arrow. on rollover it gives u border around the component, how to implement the same in air application using flex. i got this link. [URL] but how to implement it in flex?

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Professional :: Make Icons For Wlm (windows Live Messenger) In Flash With 2 Frames?

Jul 13, 2010

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Jul 20, 2010

I am passing to the source property of a VideoDisplay component a DynamicStreamingVideoSource object with 3 different dynamic live stream items, described by this XML, for your consideration:

src="rtmp://" bitrate="19200"
src="rtmp://" bitrate="9000"
src="rtmp://" bitrate="3600"

But the player then runs the stream with the lowest bitrate, out of those 3. Wasn't it supposed to go for the stream with the highest bitrate, that is viewable by the end-user? All 3 streams have been individually tested and they are all viewable.

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var fileReference:FileReference = new FileReference();
private function onClick():void {
fileReference = new FileReference();
fileReference.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onSelect);


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IDE :: Web Messenger With Flash CS3 ?

Feb 23, 2009

I'd like to write my own messenger with the use of Flash, but as I've up to now only created either simple games or static website elements, my knowledge in the topic is rather poor.So, to the point - I understand that I need 3 key elements to have all of this working - a client software that I intend to write in Flash CS3, some database to hold the necessary information, and something acting as a server to mediate between the two.I have up to now browsed through the internet and looked for possible solutions to the concept, I've also asked on other forums, but with no major luck up to now.All my hope is in kirupa now (which I visit from time to time since Flash MX appeared on the surface of our planet ).The problem is that I have no idea what would be best for the middle tier in this messenger concept. I've come across tons of possible applications that I perhaps could use, but am not sure as all of this is totally new for me, yet I would like to start off with getting quickly stuck because what I wanted to do first was just impossible.

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Media Server :: Use A Live Stream From Windows Media Services?

Nov 14, 2011

Beside Flash Media Encoder, can I use a live stream from Windows Media Services?We have live streaming with Windows Media Server, but now want also offer to mobile devices, but we dont re-encode the entire streams (tvs) again, it would be great if we can use a stream from windows to tunnel it to flash media server.

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Jan 12, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Component With Live Preview?

Feb 18, 2009

There seems to be very little information on developing a custom component with live preview.So far i've created a swf whose application class extends UIComponent.I've also created a custom component.Then I've added the Live Preview field in the custom component's Component Definition.What I would like to do now is reposition elements within the preview swf when the user resizes the component.

To do this i need to know two things - 1 what event to listen for when the user resizes the component, and 2 the current dimensions of the resized component.

1. My only success was that ComponentEvent.SHOW seems to dispatch when the user resizes the component. (i had no luck with any of the RESIZE events - Event.RESIZE etc)

2. However the width/height properties don't seem to change on resize, they stay at the original dimensions of the component.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Yahoo Messenger To Flash Web?

Oct 16, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Component Live Preview Detection?

Dec 15, 2010

I've created a class in AS3 which I've linked to a component in Flash CS5 and exported as a SWC.  That SWC is then loaded into my main flash file and used inside some movieclips.  The issue is that I want some code in the class to be used when using the component in Flash CS5 (for previewing purposes) and some code to only be used when running the main swf.  Is there any way to detect when the class is being used in Flash CS5 vs being used when running the swf?

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Flex :: RTMFP Direct Peer-to-peer Connection Working On Windows XP / But Not On Windows 7

Mar 1, 2012

we're having a strange problem on a project here. When we use NetConnection in combination with a NetGroup to initiate communication between two local AIR applications on Windows XP, they always both connect to the NetGroup succesfully and detect each other as neighbors. However, on Windows 7 both applications connect succesfully to the NetConnection and NetGroup both don't detect each other as neighbors.To reproduce this problem, here are two AIR applications:[code]

These applications can connect and send message to each other without a problem on Windows XP. On Windows 7 however, they cannot.Does anyone know why this wouldn't work on Windows 7 and what steps can be taken to make it work? It's critical to our project that this works.In some cases, the applications take quite a long time to detect each other as neighbors (up to 15 seconds in some cases), in other cases they detect each other immediately. Does anyone know what could cause this delay?

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IDE :: Component - Create A Movie Clip And Set The Live Preview

Oct 9, 2009

I'm having a problem with component live previews. If I just create a movie clip and set the live preview, all instances of the clip i put on stage update separatly from each other (their live preview that is). As soon as I change the clip to a component (export .swc or compiled clip) all the instances update together. eg if i set the component parameter 'title' - all titles of the all the instances on the stage will change. This didn't happen when it was just a movieclip - all instances changed separatly as i set them.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Steam RTMP LIVE Video WITHOUT FLVPlayback Component

Jul 23, 2009

I can play my live rtmp (fms) stream through the FLVPlayback component without any problems. I even figured out how to make my own player in AS2. But I still can not get a LIVE player in AS3. I keep getting "onMetaData", "Async" and "onBWDone" errors in varying combinations.Can someone, please find it in their heart to provide me with the appropriate code? Every single tutorial online is either AS2 or is for flvplayback (nc.connect goes to null).[code]

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Flash 7 :: Play A FMS Stream (live Or On Demand), Either An FLVPlayback Component

Jul 16, 2009

In order to play a FMS stream (live or on demand), either an FLVPlayback component or the Video class is needed.And they require ActionScript 3 and Flash 8 or above.
As far as i know , Youtube, Dailymotion and Google Video stream their on demand videos from a FMS, and their players are compatible with Flash 7.
How can they achieve this?  If Youtube, Google and Dailymotion do that, i deduce it's possible..
I tried to create a Flash 7 application that plays a video coming from FMS, using a MediaDisplay component, but it doesn't work well. Sometimes it shows the video, sometimes not.So i don't think youtube player uses MediaDisplay..

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Professional :: Live Preview Not Displaying If Added To Existing Component?

Feb 22, 2010

I've created a swf for a component live preview. The live preview appears to work ok when creating a new component, and setting the live preview in the component definition panel.

When I update an existing component definition (in a separate component library FLA) the live preview does not work. The strange thing is if I copy the entire (component FLA) library and paste it into a new FLA it works fine (although in doing so I receive a whole bunch of errors in the output window saying - Plugin tool script error in method ik_isIKContainer).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Steam RTMP LIVE Video WITHOUT FLVPlayback Component?

Jul 23, 2009

I can play my live rtmp (fms) stream through the FLVPlayback component without any problems. I even figured out how to make my own player in AS2. But I still can not get a LIVE player in AS3. I keep getting "onMetaData", "Async" and "onBWDone" errors in varying combinations. Here is my working AS2 code. I have a "linked video" thing from the library named "live_feed" on the stage.

//connect to the Flash Media Server
client_nc = new NetConnection();


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Flex :: 4 - Null-component - Checking If The Cancel Button Component In The Child Component?

Jun 23, 2011

I have a component "child" which has a cancel button. Now this component is placed in a state called "newChildComp" I also have another component called "parent". In the parent component, i have a button that dispatches an event. Here is the event code:


so, basically,i am checking to see if the cancel button component in the Child component, while i am still in the parent Compoent, was clicked, if it was clicked, call the cancelButtonHandler. The problem is by the time the addNewChild handles the event, that cancel button was still null. My question is how do i solve this without using the itemCreationPolicy on the cancel button?

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Flash :: Write Component To Upload Files Directly To Windows Azure Blobs?

Oct 22, 2010

I've been experimenting with Windows Azure Blob storage using the samples using Silverlight.

I was wondering if it's possible to write a file upload component in Flash instead of Silverlight, since the former is installed almost everywere. I've never programmed in Action Script but I have a solid background in C# so that must not be hard.

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