Flex :: Binding In Script Blocks - Set The Upload Directory Based On A Selected ID

Jan 15, 2010

I am working on the multifile uploader, and want to set the upload directory based on a selected questionID (which is the directory name) in my datagrid. The code can be found here [URL] Something like this: I have set myQuestionID (the directory to upload to) so it is bindable (lines 136-137):


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Flash Based Tetris - Importing Random Objects And Moving Blocks

Jul 23, 2011

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Flex :: Binding To An MXML-esque "binding String"?

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MXMLBinding(this, "first_item",
this, "{myArrayCollection.getItemAt(0)");
MXMLBinding(this, ["nameLbl", "text"],


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HTML Code:
<mx:DataGrid id="myDG" rowHeight="25" dataProvider="{my_arrayColl}" width="100%" height="205" chromeColor="#D0CCAF" headerHeight="0" showHeaders="false">


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Flex :: Use The FileReference.upload() Function To Upload Files To Sharepoint Or Have To Use The SP Web Services

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Jan 18, 2012

There is a single button on the stage, and when the user presses it they are presented with a file browser (FileReference.browse() function). When they select an image file, I want the image to be uploaded to the site [URL].

I'm getting a response from imgur, so I know my app is connecting, but it's returning an error, "No image data was sent to the upload API".

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.net.*;


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Actionscript 3 :: Why Moving A Symbol's Class File From Top-level Directory To Deeper Directory Break

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Actionscript :: Disable Warning (especially Binding Warnings) In Console In Flex (eclipse With Flex Plugin)?

Nov 10, 2010

I did suppress warnings in flex compiler using "-show-binding-warnings=false". But what I am interested to achieve is to suppress run time warnings (especially binding warnings - since I am getting data in model mostly in XML structures and it is fine for me if its unable to bind to its nested child nodes) in console (I am working on flex on Eclipse with the flex plug in). Is there a way to achieve it?

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Xml :: Binding Attribute In Flex

Sep 14, 2010

I have this variable in Model class:[code]I've used BindingUtils to get notified when the XML changes:[code]Function onChange gets triggered when I assign an XML to the variable, but not when I change some attribute of the XML: Model.getInstance().someXml.@attr = "newValue";

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Aug 11, 2010

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How can i write file in the application directory with Windows 7 ?

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Flex :: Conditional Data Binding?

Oct 8, 2009

first one shows playheadtime of videodisplay and another is also used for same purpose. the difference is that when we are in add mode(decided from a flag variable) both should show current playheadtime using binding. but when we are in edit mode(again decided from flag) the latter label should remain static, to be more specific, the value retrived from database.how can I do that using actionscript. I tried ChangeWathcer but I found it a bit tricky. Is there any other simpler way or am I missing something. following is my code.

private function init():void
if (queFlag == 'a')


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Flex :: Binding Key / Value Pairs Loaded From Xml

Mar 12, 2010

I want to load key/values configuration pairs stored in XML file. To bind a collection of data i know i need to use the ArrayList class, but the problem is that i want to be able to bind the loaded values using their corresponding keys and not by their indexes in the ArrayList object. For example i want to be able to do this :


So the question is how to bind the key/value pairs loaded form XML. I don't want to go manually set variables, i want to bind them so when they are loaded the are set automatically. Did anyone had to do something like that ?

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AS3 :: Use Flex's Binding In A Flash Project?

Apr 7, 2010

I have a flash app using the flex framework - I would like to bind a display object textField with data from my dataModel.

How do I do this without the flex binding brackets "{ }"

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Flex :: Binding Applies Only To One ArrayCollection?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a datagrid that gets its data from a webservice.When data from the webservice is retrived it calls the following function:

private function onListReg():void
arrRegOld = WSAutoreg.list.lastResult as ArrayCollection;
arrReg = WSAutoreg.list.lastResult as ArrayCollection;


The intent is when I hit a update button, it compares arrRegOld with arrReg and see if any values have changes. The problem is whenever I change values on the Datagrid it changes on both the dataProvider and on both ArrayCollections.What should I do so that the binding applies only to one ArrayCollection?

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Flex :: Data Binding Not Working

May 3, 2010

I'm having some troubles with binding data. I have an application that contains a viewstack of components. Let's say I have comp1, comp2 and comp3 inside the viewstack. Each component, has its own data class --> comp1Data.as, comp2Data.as and comp3Data.as. All values in each component are binded to the corresponding data in it's data object.

A click in a control in comp1 leads to comp3, the same goes for comp2. Clicking a control in comp2 leads to comp3. When going from comp1 to comp3, comp3Data.as is initialized and and comp3 displays the binded values. When going from comp2 to comp3, comp3Data.as is also initialized but the binded values are not displayed...


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Flex :: Binding To Arraycollection Does Not Work?

May 23, 2010

I am using flex SDK 3.5. I have model.as and in it i have an ArrayCollection (name it arr_mod) which is Bindable.

From my mxml i link to this arr_mod in three places:
1) in DataGrid i set dataprovider={arr_mode} ...

2) in Button i add new item to the arr_mod this way: mx:Button .. click = "{arr_mod.addItem(new Item)}"

3) in textBox i want to add mx:TextBox text="{mySpecialCounterFunc(arr_mod)}"
note that in the Script of mxml arr_mod is Bindable as well as in the class definition in model.as

The problem is, that when clicking on button, mySpecialCounterFunc is not called! it should be called, since i use {} and this should listen to changes in arr_mod (a change that was made in the button should cause a new item to be added.. and than the listener to respond). While The DataGrid is updated correctly! By the way, if i change arr_mod to simple String or Int it works.. i.e. mySpecialCounterFunc is called Why??

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Flex :: Dependencies In Data Binding

Aug 20, 2010

I'd like to add a derived property to flex:[code]However, derived won't update when I change a or b.Is there a better (faster) way to make derived update than giving a and b setter methods which invalidate it?added keyword "get".This makes more sense now, I hope.

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Flex :: Binding ComboBox To XML Children?

Sep 9, 2010

I have created a really simple example for what I am trying to achieve, which you can see below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" initialize="init()">


So it is important for me to bind to the children().

Is this possible and if not, does anyone know how I will get round this issue?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 4 Binding To Mx:Image?

Dec 23, 2010

Is it possible to bind a property (don't know which) of the mx:Image control, so that it is (should be) possible to get in form of a bytearray? (using Flex 4) i have to forward the bytearray to a WCF service to be stored and afterwards retrieved!

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Actionscript 3 :: How To Remove A Binding In Flex 4.5

Aug 26, 2011

I have this Code:
BindingUtils.bindProperty(trollImage, "width", vslider, "value");
BindingUtils.bindProperty(trollImage, "height", vslider, "value");


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Binding Objects Between Components Flex?

Dec 13, 2011

i have in my main application:

private var vm:VideoManager;
protected function init():void{
vm = new VideoManager();//create a video manager instance

and i want to pass the vm instance to another component so i do:


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Flex :: Binding ArrayCollections Of Arrays?

Jul 17, 2010

I've been kinda stuck in trying to organize data and bind them to a Repeater in one my applications.What I did at first, was to save an array of arrays, so that I could've accessed any value very easily. But then I realized that I needed to bind them to a Repeater, so I had to switch to an ArrayCollection of arrays. But the Binding issues weren't solved, since there are still arrays (not bindable) inside the ArrayCollection.Below an example of what I want to do:

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
[Bindable] public var arr:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(


the traces show that the array size changes, but the repeater doesn't update.

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