Flex :: Can't Add Application To Displaylist?

May 26, 2011

I'm trying to use a SWFLoader to load an Application and add the loaded Application to my Displaylist.

public function onComplete(e:Event):void {


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Flex :: ComboBox Dropdown Scaling Does Not Follow DisplayList?

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute"


which results in the dropdown appearing (sliding down) unscaled until it reaches it's extended length and stops at which point it scales up and remains at that scale until it is closed. I have also found that if you call "invalidateDisplayList()" on the comboBox or the dropdown, then it undoes the scaling, so it appears that whenever the updateDisplayList is called, the dropdown only applies it's parent ComboBox's scaling, and not the ComboBox's parent container's scaling.

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var my_ball:Ball = new Ball() //new instances of Ball from library export


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2, Go through a few hundred thousand lines of code and alter every instantiation of a library element to include a manager reference - erm, let's not go there.

3, Have the library element send a custom event to the stage from its constructor which passes a return handler to the event listener so that can pass back a manager reference. Sounded like genius initially up until I realised that at constructor stage the library element won't be on the display list so can't bubble up to the stage

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videoPlayer(Document class) and videoControls(which is added to the stage by videoPlayer).

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dp = new displayEnd();

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<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" width="100%" height="100%"


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Ios :: Embed Adobe Air / Flex Application Inside A Standard Application

Aug 29, 2011

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Flex - Application.application.nativeWindow.activate() On Windows?

Dec 8, 2009

I have an AIR application with a system tray icon. When clicked it shows and activates the app. This is working as expected when the app is hidden (docked), however if I select another application so my app is in the background clicking on the system tray icon does nothing.

Oddly I also have a contextual menu on the system tray icon, which has an option to restore, this calls the same event handler as ScreenMouseEvent.CLICK, yet works.

I expect it's something to do with the contextual menu changing the focus, perhaps it's a bug in how AIR works with the system tray, perhaps it's just something I'm missing. Would be good to know if that's the case.

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Flex :: Launch A Separate Air Application Through My Current Air Application?

Sep 1, 2010

I've been trying to launch a separate Air Application through my current Air Application.Both apps are compiled using the Adobe Air 2.0 SDK. The methods I have found so far involve passing the Publisher ID in addition to the Application ID, but I believe the Publisher ID became redundant past Air 1.5.3? Below is my current implementation whic seems to correctly ascertain the Air Application's version number, but when I try to launch it, nothing seems to happen.

private static var _air:Object;
private static var _loader:Loader;
private static var appID:String = "someOtherAirApplication";[code].....

I have changed the app-config.xml (app descriptor) on the application I am trying to load to allow browser invocation.The version number of the app descriptor of my application I am trying to load is "V1" which the versionDetectCallback seems to pickup. If this is the case I would expect to be able to launch it but this doesn't seem the case.

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Php :: Load A Sub-application From A Main Application In Flex?

Jan 19, 2010

I've created a client with login acces in Flex. After the succesful login i have to show a table based on a mySQL server. The database is composed by some tables, and I have created 6 flex mxml components with each own scripts for each of those tables. How can i load sub-applications, for example with a PopUpButton or a TabBar in the main application?

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Convert Air-application In Flex-application?

Nov 10, 2010

I need to convert complete .air project to flex project which can run in flash player in browser.

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Flex :: Best Convert An AS1 / AS2 Application To Application?

Apr 6, 2009

I have a program consisting of multiple SWF's. An AS2-SWF loads a bunch of AS1-SWFs.It's a crappy program.I'd like to specify the GUI in MXML and perhaps refactor some code to AS3. However, converting all of the 300+ symbols to AS3 or whatever is undoable.What are my options in converting to AS3/Flex/MXML? The app is very simple, only also quite large. It consists only of buttons, backgrounds and attention-texts. All the button texts are in XML files.I want to turn this into pretty code ASAP but also controlled so the code becomes:[code]Of course doing this is on my own initiative, if it'll take more than a week, I won't be able to find the time.

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Flex :: Run One Application From Another Application?

Jan 23, 2012

I have two flex applications Main.mxml(where I have a button called loadDataViewer) and ViewData.mxml. What I want is when the user press the loadDataViewer button, the application ViewData.mxml will open in a new window. Is there any way to do it in Flex?

SWFLoader class looks interesting but I think it will load the other appliation inside the Main application which I don't want.I also saw that there is ExternalInterfaceAPI which can be used to open a url browser but not sure if I can reference the swf file of VewData application.As suggested here( http:url... ) that LocalCOnnection can be used to reference one flex application in another but that's only when both applications are open I guess?

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Flex :: Send Html Page With Application Installation Package In Adobe Flex?

Aug 26, 2010

I want to send a html webpage with my application in installation package,is it possible?

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Flex :: Adding Flex Capabilities To An Existing J2EE Enterprise Application Project

Sep 17, 2010

I have an J2EE Enterprise Application Project in which I would like to add a few Flex screens. How do I go about adding Flex capabilities.

I have build Flex/J2EE applications from scratch but can't think of the best way to do this.

I am currently using Flex Builder Plugin for IBM Rational Application Developer 7.5.

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