Flex :: Can Add Scrollbars To A SkinnableContainer Created Runtime?

May 18, 2011

I created a SkinnableContainer runtime because I want to set some style properties to it, then based on some external data I need to create a new SkinnableContainer and add it as children of the first one. This children height can be greater than the parent container.How can I create a SkinnableContainer runtime with some scrollbars?I read in the documentation that I need] to create a new Skin. [code

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" xmlns:ns1="Tools.*" minWidth="684" minHeight="484" xmlns:ns2="*" creationComplete="Init();">


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Flex :: Drag And Drop An Object Across The SkinnableContainer

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The drop occurs only at a few places- elsewhere it just shows the "X" sign and on dropping there, reverts to original position. I have used very standard commands... from function 2 to function 3, the call occurs very rarely as seen in trace statements- any guidance on why this happens?

I added the following code to SkinnableContainer: dragEnter="dragEnterHandler(event);" dragDrop="dragDropHandler(event);


private function mouseMoveHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
var dragInitiator:Image = Image(event.currentTarget);
var ds:DragSource = new DragSource();


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- containerssparkmySkinsMyBorderSkin.mxml -->
<s:Skin xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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<s:Skin xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


In the above example, the Skin works just fine, but the image contained within the SkinnableContainer will disappear.

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im develloping an application for  create a layout of advertising newspaper. the user can set the number of pages, and create rectangles represanting the adverts, then drag them and place them into the the representation of the page.the display list is as follow:  on the main stage there is inputs textfields and a button that create the pages according to the number that the user typed.Then instances of the pages are created (MC Page in the lybrary exported for AS as Page and i have a class Page as well). Inside this clip Page i have my tools for create the rectangles and drag and place.....As well as the instances of my pages are created, button(1 for each Page)  are also created. NOTE that Page and button are in the main stage My probleme is that i want my button to change the  depth of is related page for it can be on top or alpha at 100% or the visibilty to true, but my button doesnt find the instance name of the pages at the export because they are not yet created.

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var dotCount:uint = 0;
for(var i:uint = 0; i<=10;i++)
var circle:MovieClip = new MovieClip();


How can I access a property (say .alpha or any other property) of "circle6"??

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Aug 19, 2011

I have several nested VBoxes in flex, and I'm aiming for one of them to get scrollbars if the total content is larger than the window height. However, when I grow the container, it doesn't get scrollbars at all (vertical scroll policy is AUTO), and the outer container stretches past the bottom of the screen, causing the entire app to get scrollbars. So it looks something like this:


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Here is the code I am trying.

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Flash - What's The Definition Name For Fonts Loaded At Runtime Created With Fontswf

Apr 11, 2011

I ran into the 'fontswf' utility to embed TTF fonts into SWF and I am struggling to load them at runtime from my app. All the examples I find online refer to loading the font via [Embed] but I am actually loading them with a flash.display.Loader and from what I gather, once the Loader.contentLoaderInfo fires an Event.INIT I need to register the font, like so:

public function handleLoaderComplete( event:Event ):void {
var FontClass:Class = event.target.applicationDomain.getDefinition( fontName );
Font.registerFont( FontClass );

The problem is I don't know what to pass in as fontName. I am generating my SWF through:

$ fontswf -a belshaw -o belshaw.swf belshaw.ttf

But when I try to call getDefinition( 'belshaw' ), I get an error saying 'Variable belshaw is not defined'. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?The alternative is to generate my on SWF files through templating an .as file and compiling them, but I would rather use a built in tool like fontswf if it's already there.

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Flex :: Force The Browser To Put Up Scrollbars?

Jan 28, 2011

I'm using an iFrame in a Flex 3 project. The problem is that if the user opens my site in a small browser window, they don't get scrollbars. How can I solve this problem? Is there a way to force the browser to put up scrollbars?

If I set the main app to horizontalScrollPolicy="on" verticalScrollPolicy="on" or to "auto", then as you scroll down, the iFrame is stuck to the top of the browser window and obscures the content.

In the main app:


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Actionscript 3 :: FLEX - Scrollbars And Zooming?

Jan 24, 2012

It's going to be used to view complicated scenes in 3D, but to make it work on laptops it's instead showing pre-rendered 360 degree renders of the objects.When you load an object, it first buffers 360 frames into memory, so that you can rotate around this object smoothly. When you release the mouse button, it loads in the high-res image of that frame.

Then, you should be able to zoom in and move around to inspect the model closer.Problem here is when I have the scrollbars enabled it wont work properly.Firstly, I had a problem where the vertical scrollbar moved out of the picture when I was scrolling the horizontal scrollbar.

Then after some more testing, they now stay where they should, but when I zoom in (will post code below) the horizontal scrollbar is not able to go far enough to the left to show the whole image.What happens is, when I zoom in, the scrollbar remains at it's left position, but I zoom in on the center of the image (zooming, by scaling the container. The image fill the container).

My problem is probably just a result of me overlooking some basic understanding. And sorry if the code is a bit messy, I've only done a little bit of clean up. The code I post below is without any scrollbars visible.

You can see that I've tried using scrollbar components too, and it works somehow. But I'm not able to scale the scrollbar depending on the content, so if I zoom in or out, the handle you drag on the scrollbar will be the same...

Image of app running if needed:


<mx:Panel x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" titleIcon="@Embed('assets/img/cog_01.png')" title="vCog Subsea - Draugen Project">


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Apply Actions To An Attached/created Movie Clip At Runtime?

Sep 12, 2004

apply actions to an attached/created movie clip at runtime? I.E. You use attachMovieClip to attach a clip, and then you add a startDrag/stopDrag system to it dynamically.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To Apply Actions To Attached / Created Movie Clip At Runtime?

Sep 12, 2004

Does anyone know a way to apply actions to an attached/created movie clip at runtime? I.E. You use attachMovieClip to attach a clip, and then you add a startDrag/stopDrag system to it dynamically. Is it possible?

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Flex :: Get An Imagesnapshot Of Entire Component Without Scrollbars?

Mar 15, 2010

I can take snapshot of a component. But the problem is the component is lil bigger with scroll bars. The saved image has scrollbars (only the visible area is getting saved). What i need is I want the entire component to be saved as an image.

This exact functionality is available while we print the component using FlexPrintJob, where by setting the FlexPrintJobScaleType.NONE.

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Flex :: Dealing With Automatic Adding Scrollbars?

Sep 3, 2010

I'm creating a container and it's content at runtime. Here's a rough structure:



I've tried also validateNowand other similar methods. What I have here:

1. The HScrollBar is being added.

2. We increase a bit the width of container, so it disappears.

3. When it disappears, the validating throws the null-pointer exception when it tries to measure the non-existing scrollbar. I've also tried to add validateProperties before validation, but it didn't worked either.

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Flex :: What Is The Actual Height Of A Container Without Scrollbars

Jun 29, 2011

what is the actual height of a container in Flex without scrollbars? Height and measuredheight seem to tell me what the visual height of a container is, but I want to know that number plus any height that is being 'hidden" below a scrollbar.

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Flex :: Make Scrollbars In List Invisible?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm using Adobe FLEX 4.5.1 for Mobile.I have a List that displays some images:

<s:List id="imageList" initialize="init()" verticalScrollPolicy="off" itemRenderer="skins.CustomIconItemRenderer" width="100" height="32" verticalCenter="0" horizontalCenter="0">


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Flex :: CreatePopUp Make Everything Modal Except Scrollbars?

Sep 28, 2011

I made this simple application to demonstrate my problem. It has:

An image A button that launchess a popup window Scroll bars on the side


Is there a way to make everything "modal" except the main scroll bars? I know that I could put a scrollbar on the Panel but I would prefer to avoid this.

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Flash :: FLEX - Disable Mousescroll For Scrollbars?

Jan 12, 2012

I'm looking for a way to disable the scrolling of the vertical and horizontal scrollbars when scrolling the mouse. I use the mouse scroll to zoom in and out, and I don't want the scrollbars to scroll while scrolling the mouse wheel.. (But I do need the scrollbars to be visible).

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