Flex :: Get An Imagesnapshot Of Entire Component Without Scrollbars?

Mar 15, 2010

I can take snapshot of a component. But the problem is the component is lil bigger with scroll bars. The saved image has scrollbars (only the visible area is getting saved). What i need is I want the entire component to be saved as an image.

This exact functionality is available while we print the component using FlexPrintJob, where by setting the FlexPrintJobScaleType.NONE.

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Flex :: Resize An Entire Air App AS IS - Ignoring Component's Positions And Sizes Logic - Like Zooming

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Nov 18, 2010

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Javascript - Change Scrollbars Into Image Scrollbars

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How do you change the html scrollbar (the one that you see in the far right of your browser) with your own images? I know it's possible because i've seen it before.

P.S.: I am aware of and I know how to change the color of the scrollbar. That is not what's expected. Also i think it's made possible by Javascript.

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Flex :: Force The Browser To Put Up Scrollbars?

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In the main app:


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Actionscript 3 :: FLEX - Scrollbars And Zooming?

Jan 24, 2012

It's going to be used to view complicated scenes in 3D, but to make it work on laptops it's instead showing pre-rendered 360 degree renders of the objects.When you load an object, it first buffers 360 frames into memory, so that you can rotate around this object smoothly. When you release the mouse button, it loads in the high-res image of that frame.

Then, you should be able to zoom in and move around to inspect the model closer.Problem here is when I have the scrollbars enabled it wont work properly.Firstly, I had a problem where the vertical scrollbar moved out of the picture when I was scrolling the horizontal scrollbar.

Then after some more testing, they now stay where they should, but when I zoom in (will post code below) the horizontal scrollbar is not able to go far enough to the left to show the whole image.What happens is, when I zoom in, the scrollbar remains at it's left position, but I zoom in on the center of the image (zooming, by scaling the container. The image fill the container).

My problem is probably just a result of me overlooking some basic understanding. And sorry if the code is a bit messy, I've only done a little bit of clean up. The code I post below is without any scrollbars visible.

You can see that I've tried using scrollbar components too, and it works somehow. But I'm not able to scale the scrollbar depending on the content, so if I zoom in or out, the handle you drag on the scrollbar will be the same...

Image of app running if needed:


<mx:Panel x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" titleIcon="@Embed('assets/img/cog_01.png')" title="vCog Subsea - Draugen Project">


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Sep 3, 2010

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I've tried also validateNowand other similar methods. What I have here:

1. The HScrollBar is being added.

2. We increase a bit the width of container, so it disappears.

3. When it disappears, the validating throws the null-pointer exception when it tries to measure the non-existing scrollbar. I've also tried to add validateProperties before validation, but it didn't worked either.

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May 18, 2011

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Sep 1, 2011

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<s:List id="imageList" initialize="init()" verticalScrollPolicy="off" itemRenderer="skins.CustomIconItemRenderer" width="100" height="32" verticalCenter="0" horizontalCenter="0">


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Sep 28, 2011

I made this simple application to demonstrate my problem. It has:

An image A button that launchess a popup window Scroll bars on the side


Is there a way to make everything "modal" except the main scroll bars? I know that I could put a scrollbar on the Panel but I would prefer to avoid this.

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Flex :: Horizontal Scrollbars - Dropdown Wider Than Anchor

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:SparkSkin xmlns:fx="[URL]" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"
xmlns:fb="[URL]" alpha.disabled=".5" minHeight="25">
[Code] .....

This works as expected when the contents of the dropdown are either wider than the anchor or smaller than about 100px, but if I explicitly set the width in the instance of the DropDownList to be something like 200px and the contents of the dropdown are around 150px wide, the dropdown is smaller than the anchor. Basically, it looks like openButton.getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() returns about 100, regardless of what I set the DropDownList's width to be. How can I change this so that I can have multiple DropDownLists with different widths, but always making sure that the dropdown's width is either greater than or equal to the anchor's width?

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Flex :: Force Scroller Scrollbars To Overlap Content?

Sep 16, 2011

I have the following spark Scroller

<s:VGroup width="100%" height="100%" gap="0">
<s:Scroller width="100%" height="100%">
<s:DataGroup width="100%" height="100%"


which is set to 100% width. The DataGroup is also set to 100% width. What I want to achieve is for the scroller's vertical scrollbar to OVERLAP the DataGrid. In other words I want the DataGroup to maintain the width of the outer VGroup even when the vertical scrollbar is displayed. I don't need the vertical scrollbar to move my content to the left, i want it to be displayed in top of that.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ImageSnapshot And PNGEncoder In Flash

Sep 27, 2010

As usual I've come across something easy to do in Flex but not in Flash. Flex has ImageSnapshot and PNGEncoder to get a .png out of a display object. Any way to do this in flash without using a 3rd party API as I can't distribute a license with my app. I'm using Flash CS5. I wish there was as much support for Flash as there is for Flex. I've had to write my own tree component, if I'd have used Flex I could have just used the Flex tree component. I'm hoping I don't have to write my own display object to png class myself.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Take An ImageSnapshot Of The Whole Stage In FlashCS5

Sep 15, 2011

I'm trying to take an ImageSnapshot of the whole stage in FlashCS5:

ActionScript Code:
// set up save image
var image:ImageSnapshot;
var fileSave:FileReference;


It works, but it takes the snapshot, that's in the upperleft corner of the image, and has this long black background.

Is there anyway to specify and print everything on the stage, and in the stages bounds?

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Flex :: Scrollbars In Dropdownlist Inside DataGrid ItemEditor Not Working

Aug 17, 2010

I have a DropDownList inside the itemEditor of my DataGrid. There are enough items in the DropDownList to justify scrollbars. You can see the scrollbars, and the mousewheel works fine. If you move the mouse over the scrollbars, they'll change appearance fine (mouseover is working). If you click on them, the DropDownList closes as if you'd clicked elsewhere in the data grid.

I've been experimenting with custom skins hoping to find a way to trap the mouse event, but have been unsuccessful.

FWIW, this is Flex4, as an AIR app.

Scratch.mxml (main code)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Flex :: Listview - List - Scrollbars Become Visible And Cover The Itemrenderer?

Sep 22, 2011

I have a list inside a VDividedBox. When the box is resized so the vertical scrollbar shows on the list, it covers some of the itemrenderers. How do I get the list to resize horizontally so that the scrollbar does not cover the renderers?

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Eclipse :: Creating Tooltip In Flex - Horizontal / Vertical Scrollbars

Oct 12, 2011

I am trying to have a tool-tip in Flex 3, where in when my mouse is over the some value, it should show a tool-tip just like you get it for any classes in Eclipse IDE. Suppose, your mouse is over word "String" in java, you get a tool-tip stating the description of java.lang.String and its syntax. It also allows to copy the contents. Is it possible to create such a tool-tip in Flex 3 ? I want this kind of tool-tip to appear, and when pressed F2, it should have horizontal and vertical scroll bars and we should be able to copy the contents from tool-tip.

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Flex :: 4 - Null-component - Checking If The Cancel Button Component In The Child Component?

Jun 23, 2011

I have a component "child" which has a cancel button. Now this component is placed in a state called "newChildComp" I also have another component called "parent". In the parent component, i have a button that dispatches an event. Here is the event code:


so, basically,i am checking to see if the cancel button component in the Child component, while i am still in the parent Compoent, was clicked, if it was clicked, call the cancelButtonHandler. The problem is by the time the addNewChild handles the event, that cancel button was still null. My question is how do i solve this without using the itemCreationPolicy on the cancel button?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - I Resize The Entire Flex App Just Like Acrobat Connect?

Jun 26, 2010

ive been pondering how to create the same type of resizing that acrobat connect does. i did read the documentation of percentage sizing. and i have implemented it. but its not how i want it to look. to see an example: [URL] sorry Jeffrey to use you as an example. :) just try to resize your window and see it... thats what im looking for.

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How To Mute Entire Flex Application

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Flex :: Strike Through Entire Row In DataGrid?

Aug 10, 2011

Given some rule I want to strike through an entire row in a DataGrid. Is it possible?

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Flex :: Sending Entire Columns Of Datagrid To PHP?

Nov 4, 2009

My Main.MXML

<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
xmlns:mate="http://mate.asfusion.com/" width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:AdvancedDataGrid sortExpertMode="true" id="baselineGrid" dataProvider="


I need to send the entire datagrid columns to PHP. How to send all the values of the column 1 and column 2.

Note: COlumn 2 is an itemRenderer which has a combo box.

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Flex :: Radio Button In Datagrid For Selecting The Entire Row?

Oct 7, 2010

I have a Datagrid in Flex. I need to add a radio button in first column such that when I select that radio button, entire row should get selected.I have tried using following code -

<mx:DataGridColumn id="selectColumnRadioButton" sortable="false" textAlign="center" editable="false" width="18">
<mx:itemRenderer >


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex SWF Loaded And Extends To Entire Stage

Aug 20, 2011

I have an swfLoader that loads a flex swf. When the flex swf is loaded it takes up the entire stage, this does not happen with a swf of the same dimensions created in flash professional.

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Flex :: Print Entire Scene Contents In Actionscript 3 For Builder 4?

Jun 9, 2010

How do i print the entire scene contents to photographic paper?

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Flex :: Custom ProgressBar Bar Skin Won't Fill Entire Track?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm trying to create a simple skin for the flex progressbar control. Both the track and the bar should have rounded corners, and the bar should fill the track completely in the parts where it is being shown.

Here is the bar skin I've created based off this example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


Instead of the bar being flush with the track, there's a margin, and the rounded border gets cut off.

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