Flex :: Delete Part Of A String In Actionscript?

Mar 20, 2010

So my string is something like "BlaBlaBlaDDDaaa2aaa345" I want to get rid of its sub string which is "BlaBlaBlaDDD" so the result of operation will be a string "aaa2aaa345" How to perform such thing with actionscript?

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Flex :: Deleting Row Of Datagrid By Clicking A Button Part Of That Row In Delete Column?

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I want to delete a row of my datagrid when someone click a button part of that row located below Delete Column. I tried many different way one of those were to

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The item render ev.renderers.UserGridEditRender has a delete button listing for click event it basically do userGridData.removeItemAt(userGrid.selectedIndex);
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Jul 1, 2011

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import flash.display.Shape;
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Mar 26, 2010

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2) text is set to auto-suggest string such that the un-typed part is highlighted.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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[Embed(source = "../../data/abc.txt", mimeType = "application/octet-stream")]
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How can I do this? Using an ItemRenderer?

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Nov 19, 2009

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<mx:DataGrid width="320" height="624" verticalScrollPolicy="on" dataProvider="{blocked_Usernames}" editable="true">
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Blocked User Name" dataField="blockedUsernames" editorDataField="value"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn width="20" editable="false">
<mx:itemRenderer >
<mx:Component >
<mx:Image source="@Embed('assets/image/Close.png')" width="10" height="10" autoLoad="false"/>

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Flash :: Flex - Search In ArrayCollection By Part Of The Word

Jun 8, 2010

For example i have an ArrayCollection, and i want to find persons with telephone begines with "944" how can i do this?


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Flex :: Delete The Contents Of A Form When Switching Between States?

Apr 8, 2010

I have a email form in a custom component that is put in the main application when switching to the email state. When someone searches something it will switch back to the search state. But when the person eventually goes back to the email state the contents of the form is still there. I tried doing a creationComplete and running a function that makes the fields have no text such as email.text = ""; but this doesnt work.

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Flex :: Animated Component Adding-delete In A VBox?

Mar 23, 2011

Is there a way to make the elements of a VBox smoothly move to their new positions when a new element is inserted or removed?

I actually need only to make them move smoothly when I remove an element.

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