Flex :: Event After List Finish Rendering?

Feb 19, 2012

I'm using a spark list to render data which I get from a web service.is there an event which fires after the list has finished rendering all the data ?I want to show a loading image to the user until the list finishes.

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Flex - How To Wait For Event To Finish

Mar 13, 2011

I have a child component that dispatches an event in Parent. The event in parent makes a call to our database. Right now, the event gets fired off & the child continues without the results. How do I make it so that the child waits for the results from the database b/f the child continues?

in child:
dispatchEvent(new Event("getDBcontents")); //

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function playSong(mySong:Number):void {
var myURL = my_songs[mySong].@URL;
playingTra = mySong;
current_song = mySong;
my_sound = new Sound();
[Code] .....

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//Where myDataArray is an ArrayCollection consisting of my Custom ValueObjects. When i execute the code it displays my list with custom item renderer, which is fine. But when bring my mouse over it, it doesn't give any colour highlight which means it is not selecting. Secondly, when i click on any of the list item, it doesn't dispatch any change event. I tried a lot but couldn't understand it.

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How to get all checked items into one more new array?

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creationComplete="group1_completeHandler(event)" >


But for some reason when the code inside myCustomComponent tries to use myVariable for the first time I get a "null" object error. This means I guess that the child component gets rendered before the group1_activateHandler gets called and consequently myVariable gets set.

What should I do to ensure that the parent container initializes the variable before the child component gets created?

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"

When run against the 2 different sdks, here's an image of the font rendering we get:

Note that in 4.5 the font looks slightly squashed.

What's the cause of this, and how do we resolve it?

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Flex :: 3: Scrolling Of List Items With In A List Via Scroll Wheel

Dec 31, 2009

Here is a snip from within my code:


The 'recommendations' dataProvider is an ArrayCollection of String, which are generally sentences about as long as this one. By setting the variableRowHeight and wordWrap properties as shown, if a sentence is too long to fit on a single line, everything works fine- the row expands and the messages show on two lines, or occasionally three.

The space allocated for this panel within the entire canvas means if the total text size of 'recommendations' exceeds six lines, I need for the entire list scroll. This is also working just fine. The trouble is when using the mouse wheel to do the scrolling- Flex scrolls both the entire list and the single item where the mouse is hovering. Often this results in only the second half of a sentence being visible. Non-programmer friends I have asked to look at this noticed this, and tell me it as a problem. If a user does not notice the dual scrolling, and sees only a fragment of a sentence, it will be perceived as an error in the application.


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public var countries:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([


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<mx:List id="list" dataProvider="{dp}" allowMultipleSelection="true"/>

I'm just trying to have the list all selected.

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Dec 4, 2009

I have created a MyTreeItemrenderer extending TreeItemrenderer.

However, I do not want any label, folder, disclosure icon nor icon. I want to dispaly every node of the tree with my own graphic like eg: a line, round image etc.,

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Flex :: Spark List Have Something Similar To ItemsChangeEffect In Mx List?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm trying to animate a list as I delete the top row. All the examples I can find use itemsChangeEffect to bind to the effect, but this property exists only in MX lists, not spark lists.

Any idea how I can get the same effect done in Spark Lists?

I'm trying to remove the top most item in the list with a slight fade out effect before the rest of the items move up to replace the gap.

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Flex TextInput Control: Search Style Rendering?

Jun 29, 2009

I have a TextInput control which has a search functionality for the people in the system.It works fine. All I need is to style it in such a way that, it will be having search image on the right, which when clicked, will search. Its actually for look and feel part of the application, which will make the search box look much better.

It is exactly similar behavior implemented in search box embedded in Firefox.

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Flex :: Datagrid - Determining When Grid Has Completed Rendering?

Dec 3, 2009

i have a datagrid which contains a number of itemrenderers, it is populated each time a user does a search. Is there an event which can tell me when the datagrid has completed rendering all new rows and item renderers?

I need to trigger an event once everything has been created so that i can resize then container which holds the grid.

Currently im using DataGridEvent.HEADER_RELEASE and CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE events to manage this however the problem with these events is that they get called as each new row is being added to the datagrid.

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Flex :: Rendering MXML Component Only After Actionscript Is Finished?

Apr 2, 2010

In my mxml file, I'm doing some calculations in the script tag, and binding them to a custom component.

[Bindable] public var calc1:Number;


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Flex :: Rendering A Bound TileList - Get A Blank Screen For An Odd Second?

May 14, 2010

I have an mx:TileList which is bound to an ArrayCollection.I have some code that displays a "Loading..." message before modifying the ArracyCollection and some code after that hides the loading message.For small data sets, it works fine. However, I noticed with an array size of about 50~ and larger, flex will hide my loading message before the TileList is finished rendering the new data and I'm left with a blank screen for an odd second.Is there an event I can listen to that is called after the TileList is finished re-rendering? Code looks something like this:

loading_message.visible = true;
for each (var x:Object in new_data) {
tile_list_data.append(x); // bound to my_tile_list component[code]..........

In this example, loading_message appear, disappear, and then the flex app will lag before finally revealing the updated TileList.

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Flex :: Rendering/Editing Different Data Objects On One AdvancedDataGrid?

Dec 12, 2010

The dataProvider for my grid contains several objects. Some of which have a Number value, and some Boolean values under field 'value' (other fields are used in other columns).I would like to be able to render differently for each data-type, i.e. have a checkBox for booleans, and a label for numbers. Furthermore, I would like to be able to edit these fields differently, unchecking the checkbox for booleans, and using a numericStepper for Numbers.

Just FYI, I decided to go with AdvancedDataGrid, to take advantage of the styleFunction property, nothing more..Tried to used spark-states, which didn't seem to work as I'm using an AdvancedDataGrid. I'm not sure what the problem was.

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