ActionScript 3.0 :: Socket Event Triggers Movieclip Movement - Need More Frequent Rendering

May 11, 2009

I have a flash project that's implementing a simple two player game. I have added an enterFrame function to my main movie which listens for keyboard activity in order to move a cowboy gunslinger. Whenever the cowboy moves, I send a message over a socket to a server which dispatches the movement to the other connected client. This works pretty well, however, the movement messages tend to arrive in clumps which results in jumpy animation of my cowboy on my opponents screen and jumpy animation of his cowboy on my screen. To illustrate, i put a trace in my enterFrame function because I am imagining that this function will run roughly once each time my main movie renders the screen. I also put a trace statement in my function that responds to network traffic and moves the remote player's cowboy on my screen. Here's the output:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Movement Triggered By Socket Event - Screen Render?

May 11, 2009

I have a flash project that's implementing a simple two player game. I have added an enterFrame function to my main movie which listens for keyboard activity in order to move a cowboy gunslinger. Whenever the cowboy moves, I send a message over a socket to a server which dispatches the movement to the other connected client. This works pretty well, however, the movement messages tend to arrive in clumps which results in jumpy animation of my cowboy on my opponents screen and jumpy animation of his cowboy on my screen. To illustrate, i put a trace in my enterFrame function because I am imagining that this function will run roughly once each time my main movie renders the screen. I also put a trace statement in my function that responds to network traffic and moves the remote player's cowboy on my screen.

Here's the output:
enter frame:4
enter frame:4
enter frame:4
client movePlayer running
client movePlayer running
client movePlayer running
[Code] .....

As you can see, I'll get several messages in a row from the remote client which instruct me to move their cowboy ('client MovePlayer running') and they will all run in a row before the screen updates. I'm guessing I should be using something like updateAfterEvent but this method is only provided by Mouse, Timer, and Keyboard events.

So a few questions:
1) Can someone recommend a good approach to force a screen render each time an incoming movePlayer event arrives over the socket? It's important to note that my function for handling these events has no visibility to the original socket data event.
2) Am I right in understanding that the enterFrame function of my main movie happens once each time my movie is rendered? Is there some more accurate event to which I could attach a trace message so that I better understand the relative frequency of the render events and the socket events?
3) Does firing an updateAfterEvent call force onEnterFrame events to happen more frequently? I'm worried about destroying performance by inadvertently firing more enterFrames which would fire more socket events which would fire more enterFrames, etc., etc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: End Of External Audio File Triggers Movement On Main Timeline?

Aug 12, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Movement Using Keyboard Event

Jul 30, 2009

I am working on a game project and i have a question about movie clip movement using keyboard event. Basically I have a character on screen and it can move on the x axis using the left and right buttons. I am making my character move by changing the x value of the character movieclip but I find very it laggy and not smooth and if I am going point by point then it's too slow. Whats the best way to make the character move so that the transition will be smooth.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: End Of Flv Triggers Event?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm using FLCS4 (AS3) and I've built a very basic site, simple pages on various frames. Three of the frames/pages contain video components that auto-play a flv clip.What I'm asking is it possible to know when the video clip is finished and at that point display a button.(So the user cant proceed forward until the video clip is finished playing){captive audience, so to speak}Anyways, is this possible, if so; how do I approach it?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Event Listener Never Triggers

Nov 7, 2011

it loads an external .swf file and is supposed to play it. I've added an event listener to run when the file is loaded. The function it calls moves the video to the bottom most layer so the buttons still show and then plays the file. The problem is the event listener never triggers.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Event Listener That Triggers Only Once When The Movie Loads?

Apr 1, 2009

is there an event listener that triggers only once when the movie loads?If not how can I simulate this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HitTest Triggers Event After Wheel Finishes Spinning?

Feb 12, 2011

I have a wheel that the user can spin by flicking it with a mouse (think wheel of fortune). It needs to trigger an event once the spinning has finished depending on what section of the wheel it has landed on. I can get it to trigger an event but it triggers every time the wheel passes the hitTest object, not just when it is done. I've attached a sample of it.

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Flex :: MouseOut Event Triggers Based On Old Component's Size After It Was Resized?

Mar 22, 2011

I have a component called X. I'm trying to make a menu come down from it when I put my mouse over it.

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Jan 26, 2012

Could someone explain when does local SharedObject triggers event handlers added via addEventListener?I have tried and it doesn't trigger, after flushing.For example i have two object.swf both in separate browser tabs.I'm adding data inside object.swf on one tab and want event to be triggered in object.swf from another tab.Is it possible with native functionality and without remote type of SharedObject?Ofc i could write infinite loop and check local storage for changes, but it's the last solution i would like to implement.I was reading docs and played with example over there, but it doesn't trigger event, even if it is added before flushing.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Child Movieclip Triggers ROLL_OVER In Parent?

Jul 14, 2010

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Things that do not work:
mouseEnabled = false; (why doesn't this work?? ugh)
mouseChildren = false;


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<mx:HTTPService id="loginData" url="com-handler/basic.xml" showBusyCursor="true">

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GC Has Become Less Automatic And Less Frequent?

Aug 8, 2009

I've been reading up on GC in AS3, I understand how it works now, and how I should go about things, nullifying all references, weak references, avoiding circular references etc (I tend to have circular references now I think about it).

How does the GC in AS2 work in comparison? How often is GC activated in both environments?

And is performance the reason that the AS3 GC has become less automatic and less frequent?

In AS2 presumably it's having to do far more scans and more frequently, thus being more of an overhead?

How does the delete keyword differ in AS3 compared to AS2? I know many people used null in AS2. I tended to use delete for onEnterFrame events and instances of classes no longer being used, then just remove for movieclips obviously.

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Flash :: Professional - CS5 On Mac OSX 10.6 Frequent Crashes

Mar 8, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rendering Movieclip Behind All Objects?

Nov 12, 2007

i have a set of thumbnails which loads videos from a xml filebut the problem is that when i click on thumbs the video seems to get loaded in front of everything. The swf shows correctly but local dosent'..and the funny thing is that wen i resize the movie in html ,movie loads in front hiding the thumbs.

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Apr 10, 2009

I've decided to make a start on a new platformer and I was wondering specifically how each of you programmers would go about handling multiple frequent collisions between the player and level/environment. At the moment I'm quite proud of this [URL] Here the player is using a single if statement as follows to check for hit detection.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Handling Multiple Frequent Collisions Between The Player And Level/environment?

Mar 17, 2011

handling multiple frequent collisions between the player and level/environment. At the moment I'm quite proud of this [URL]. Here the player is using a single if statement as follows to check for hit detection.

if(player.area.hitTestObject(g1) || player.area.hitTestObject(g2) || player.area.hitTestObject(g3)){
player.y = g1.y;


(This has a slight problem as the player can only be touching one ground at any time and this loops through all of them it ends up making the player fall through the ground anyway.)

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Actionscript 3 :: Papervision Rendering PNGs With Transparency That's Inside A Movieclip?

Mar 9, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Socket.readInt() And C# Socket.Send() Different Values Of Int-variable?

Nov 19, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Event Listener For MC Movement?

Aug 9, 2007

I thought I saw somewhere that you could set a listener to monitor a MovieClip's position, to see if it has been moved. Is this possible in as2? Only as3? Do I just have a loose screw?Or is there an event that triggers when a MC is dragged (not pressed, not dragged out, but dragged around)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movement Of A MC Demands An Event?

Apr 7, 2012

I could've moved on to the more difficult stuff: collision detecting and course plotting.I have spent over 2 hours just trying to get a MovieClip to move from A to B -- or from x,y to x,y I should say.I first thought I could just set new x, y properties for my MC, and then it would move there. No.Then, I tried using an event handler and function. This worked, but after the first "leg" of the movement, it sent me a 1063 error, and I also was concerned that the Event I used (ENTER_FRAME) was a one-time use kinda thing.{{What IS the proper Event to call, when you just want the computer to act on its own?? No mouse CLICK, no keyboard UP -- just move, doggone it!}}

Then I tried several permutations of functions and arrays, but it seems like movement of an MC demands an Event. Is this true? For a while, I fiddled around with my TweenLite commands.I currently have a Guide moving around my Grid, which is -- through TweenLite -- drawing a line.I just want this additional MC to tag along for the ride.Here's the code for the Tween; it's pretty standard:,.5,{x:lineStartArray[0] + lineMove1Array[0], y:lineStartArray[1] + lineMove1Array[1], delay:2.5, ease:Linear.easeNone, onUpdate:drawLine});

I tried to duplicate this and apply it to my MC. No dice. It actually shifted my whole stage or something weird.I can just add my MC as a Child to the TweenGuide, and then it will certainly tag along

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movement On Keypress Event Not Smooth?

Oct 22, 2009

I am trying to move an object on keypress. so i am doing

if(keyboardevent.keycode == keycode)
code to move;

this works perfectly fine, but when i keep the key pressed for a couple of seconds, the motion is not smooth. for the first second the object gets stuck there, and then moves smoothly. same thing happens when i change the key. basically, it is taking time to read the first key event.

why is it so? i dont want this 1 second delay. i want the object motion to be fluent, as i am making a time critical game.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Event Listener For Mouse Movement?

Jan 25, 2006

i need to code something that will restart the movie (or go the the splash screen) after the mouse hasn't moved for a certain period of time

i know i need an event listener to do this, but thats pretty much all i know.

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Flash :: Flex - Net.Socket "complete Event"

May 31, 2011

Is there any way to know if data is completely received on the other end of a Like a complete event? Based on the event documentation there is none. If there is no way, what are the alternative strategies?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Movieclip Area Movement - Restrict The Area In Which The Movieclip Can Actually Move ?

Apr 24, 2009

I have made a movieclip and gave the frame this actionscript:

var keyListener:Object = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = function() {[code]........

it moves fine and stuff but i was wondering how can i restrict the area in which the movieclip can actually move ? my flash file is 550px X 400px and i want to make it so that it can only move in 300px X 200px of the file if you understand ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Movieclip Is Stuck After Movement

Apr 27, 2009

I've attached a demo fla so you can see what I'm trying to do. Basically the big circle is a spaceship that will move to wherever you click. The small circle is a resource that the ship can collect, in this case it's called iron. When you click on the iron the ship moves to it and then the small circle disappears, and +1 is added to your inventory, creating the illusion that the ship has collected it. Problem is, after you collect the iron, you can't really move the ship anymore. It's stuck around the position where the iron was. How do I regain control of the ship after I collect the iron?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Any Way To Restrict Movement Of MovieClip?

Dec 26, 2009

I have a graphic of a computer with a mouse that is a movieclip and I am wondering if it is possible to be able to move the movie click about by clicking and dragging on it but I want to restrict the mouse to a certain space so it doesn't float off the table.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Ease In / Out Movement In MovieClip

Feb 10, 2010

I have a background image that moves left and right, continuously giving a 360 Degrees appearance. My control buttons work fine but what I want to do is ease in to the movement. Here is a LINK to my demo. When you roll over the arrows is simply starts and stops. I'd like to ease the starts and stops

Right Arrow
on (rollOver) {
} on (rollOut) {
[Code] .....

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