ActionScript 3.0 :: MP3 Player - Trigger Event When Track Finish Playing

Feb 2, 2010

I'm working on an mp3 player. I want to trigger an event when the track finishes playing. I've created a function that will just trace a statement so that I know the event listener is working, but I can't seem to get it to trigger. Here is the playSong function in which the code is used:

function playSong(mySong:Number):void {
var myURL = my_songs[mySong].@URL;
playingTra = mySong;
current_song = mySong;
my_sound = new Sound();
[Code] .....

I tried to add in the following lines, but that instead institutes some playback issues:
if (my_channel){
my_channel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, stuff);

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ps. here is my code



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ps. here is my code



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// --------------------------<load and loop sound>-------------------------- \
this.createTextField("status_txt", this.getNextHighestDepth(), 72,630,100,22);


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Apr 29, 2006


I've been fiddling around with the above player and find it simple to use and personalise.

The only problem is that I can't seem to find a way for the next track to play automatically. And I guess to start at the beginning again after the last track.

I'm sure it's just a play/stop or true/false that I've over looked

Here's the code on the MC that contains the player's buttons:

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
//trace(_root.s.position / 1000);
secondsPlayed=int(_root.s.position / 1000);


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1 time the track has played

2 total track time, that also counts down as the track is played

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May 4, 2009

I would like to trigger a function when my video is done playing.

So far I have this:
var videoLength:Number;
ns.onMetaData = function(infoObject:Object) {
videoLength = infoObject.duration;

Not sure how this would be done? Does Stop get triggered everytime the video stops?

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Feb 7, 2010

I am trying to get an equalizer animation to redirect to a url AFTER the called on MP3 track has finished playing. But I am pulling my hair out in trying to figure out how to do this... Based on some help and more research, I think i need this following action script inserted somewhere into the original action script, but i'm not sure. Am I even on the right track?


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Oct 15, 2009

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Flash :: Track Video Player Embed On Other Sites?

Feb 19, 2010

Setup: an online tv channel with "youtube" like clips and categories our own flash video player which can be embeded into other remote sites as2 flash player Goal: To track who's embeding my videos, at least with basic statistics per domain.

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The geturl command could contain a variable like the Video Title which already is included in the player; and this title would pass on with GET to the php file and setup a dynamic page title which can be tracked very well. Problem: how to i use the GETURL function without have user's browser open a new tab or window. Is there any hidden way to do it?

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Dec 2, 2009

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Here's the code -
ActionScript Code:
var my_songs:XMLList;
var my_total:Number;
var my_sound:Sound;
var my_channel:SoundChannel;
var current_song:Number=0;
[Code] .....

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