Flex :: Events - ResizeEvent.RESIZE - Maximize Or Restore Window

Jan 22, 2010

I'm having a little problem with my resize event... I created a component myself, and this component, at each resize event, runs a complex method. Here is the problem: When I maximize or restore my window, this event is called several times in a real short period of time, not letting enough time to my method to run completely before another one starts... I'd like to know if there is anyway of only run this method in the end of each resize movement.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Maximize And Restore Down On Resize?

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I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong but I'm stuck!
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Flex :: Resizing The Restore-window Of A Maximized Window

Aug 11, 2009

I have a window, the window I programmatically change the size of the window depending on the current view it is displaying. The user cannot resize the window them self, but they can maximize the window.

The problem is if the view is changed while it is maximized, the maximized window size changes, I do not want this, I want it to only change the size of the non-maximized window.

My first thought is to just check if the window is maximized, and if so do not resize it...but the issue there is then when it is restored at a different view then when it was maximized it will not restore to the new size it should be.

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Professional :: Maximize Projector Window Automatically?

Jun 9, 2011

Since full screen mode disables most keyboard input, it's a non-starter for me.
Is there a way to automatically maximize the Flash Player window when using a projector?  In other words, when someone double-clicks the projector EXE, I want it to start in a Maximized window.

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Aug 16, 2010

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Professional :: Retain Background Picture In Full Dimension While Restore Down Window?

Apr 6, 2011

i want to minimize window to not-fullscreen (i ment restore down (icon in the top right corner betwen - and x) browser window and ajusting size of window manually over arrows in the corners of the window) and retain background picture full size (i need to picture proportionally follows screen minimizing). The site is [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL Window With Maximize Button Accessible?

Aug 20, 2003

I've been trying to get a bit of control over the "getURL" action. I want the window that pops up to be a particular size, centered and have the maximize button accessible (it always seems to be greyed-out).

heres the code I've been using:

on (release) {
getURL("javascript:openNewWindow('http://www.google.com','thewin','height=600,width=400,max imize=yes,toolbar=no,sc


I've tried a few of the components that are supposed to make this easy but, I haven't found one that works properly yet.

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Javascript :: Flash - Automatically Maximize Browser Window And Switch To Full Screen Mode?

Jan 23, 2010

I am working on a Flash app that is 900x700 pixels. When viewed in misc. browsers at 1024x768, the browser chrome causes robs too much of the vertical space and the app appears in a window with a vertical scrollbar. Unacceptable.

The flash app will be launched via a link emailed to the viewers.

I'd like to avoid resizing the flash app and am wondering if there's a way to do the following via javascript, with no clicks involved:maximize the current browser window remove current window address bar and tabs / switch browser to full screen view (equivalent to pressing F11).

An alternative would be to resize the flash app vertically to match the browser canvas height to avoid scrolling. This may cause the app to become unreadable, so not the best approach in my case.

UPDATE: Seems that browser resizing and autoswitch to full screen won't work and neither will the flash app auto resize. What is the best approach then? And, some users may have browsers with toolbars or open a small browser window.

The only idea I have is to use javascript and display a message to users with small browser windows to pres F11 manually. The audience is executes and some may not even know what an F11 means...

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Mar 17, 2010

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Flex :: Make FlexMDI Resize It's Child When Window Is Resized?

Oct 2, 2010

I use the addChild(myChild) on a window. but when this window resizes i want to make the myChild width and height to fit the window.

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Flex :: PopUp Window Resize With Height / Width In Percentages

Nov 30, 2011

I have the following:
var win:Window = new Window();
What about if I want the popup window to be stretched and be 80% width and height from the parent? How do I achieve that?

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Css :: Dynamic Font Size Flex 4 To Resize When Window/panel Is Resized

Feb 11, 2011

I have a Flex custom BorderContainer component which has text inside of it. If I were to add this in my main Application inside of a panel, the BorderContainer goes outside of the width bounds of the panel due to the text being a set size. I have all of its components in percentages so that it re-sizes when shrunk, but the one part that contains checkboxes and labels (lots of things with text) mess up since the font size doesn't change.

I am pretty positive that the results I am looking for can be done through embedding the font, though I have not been able to come up with a solution from online. I am trying to do this with a CSS style since I will be using it for many different components (I dont just want to change it in the flex code directly).

EDIT Solution:

I attempted to use the ratio as www0z0k had suggested but it caused some serious issues when it was re-sized quickly or to a small screen (the component would not re-size correctly because it was multiplying by the ratio. What finally seems to have worked for me and caused no issues was that I ran the code and found the width (1152) and height (842) of the container.

I then created a const variable of widthX = 1152 and heightY = 842 and in the onResize() function I coded the resize like this:
(where bottomGroup is the id of the borderContainer I am trying to resize)

bottomGroup.scaleX = width / widthX;;
bottomGroup.scaleY = height / heightY;


So far I have found some examples of embedding fonts in the <fx:Style> and attempted to remove any delaration of fontSize but that doesn't seem to work.

@namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark";
@font-face {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Resize The Window Before The Swf Is Loaded - It Misaligns Until Resize

Jan 4, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize Mess - Block The Window From Being Bigger Window

Mar 15, 2012

The problem is: i have a flash movie (*.swf) 1280w x 640h,, and & want to remove the resize function, i mean block the window from being bigger window. i actually set a noscale function that is working on content, but the problem is with the window..... my code for nonscale is now:


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Flex :: Restore Spark VideoDisplay Stream?

Dec 8, 2011

how to receive an event when the streams disconnects that would be great.

The documentation for this control is simply horrible. I have an application that will have a live video stream and I'm looking for a way to make the VideoDisplay control restore its connection in case of the occurrence of any of these specific scenarios:

The application starts and the stream is not online yet. The application is streaming and the user is disconnected from the internet. The application is streaming and the video server crashes and reboots.

I'm using Wowza Media Server and Wirecast to test this. 1 and 3 don't work, I'm not sure number 2 does. I made number 1 work by adding this very questionable piece of code:


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Flex :: Text Input Error / Validation And Restore Previous Correct Value

Jul 2, 2009

I have text input boxes. There is validation for each of the boxes using numberValidator. Now, the thing is that am using alert box to show if any error occurs.

Flowchart ::

1> Insert value in textBox.

2> NumberValidator validates the input on "trigger=change".

3> If error, alert message is displayed. The user clicks OK to go back to form.

4> Focus set back to the TextBox.

5> But, alert box makes the text input value blank / null. i.e. Both the previous error value entered by user and the default correct value will not be displayed now.

Display the most recent correct value that was entered in the text box. Not the default of any other, but the most recent correct value entered by the user.

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Actionscript 3 :: Maximize And Minimize Line Charts In Flex Using It?

Mar 31, 2011

In my adobe flex interface window there is two graph at a time .Is it possible to add maximizing & minimizing functionality to these graph so that one can view both graph at a time and if required minimize one ,which leads the other graph to occupy the minimized graphs place.and vice versa. it?

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Actionscript 3 :: Resizing Container On Resize Of Application Window In Adobe Flex/AIR Application?

Mar 4, 2011

I am working on an Adobe AIR Application. The size on Application window is 800X600 and is contains border container and border container contains many controls. What I want is to if user re-sizes the application then that container should also be re-sized according to scale. i.e If user maximizes or minimizes the window then that border container should also be maximized or minimized respectively.

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Resize Swf To Fit Browser Window Without Distortion?

Feb 12, 2010

I am trying to achieve the resizing effect as seen on [URL]There is no distortion no matter what direction the browser window is resized.

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Make Swf Not Resize To Browser Window?

Jul 29, 2011

I'm trying to run my swf by going directly to it on my serer eg(www.example.com/mySWF.swf), later I will embed it using HTML or PHP, however Im wondering why it keeps getting resized to the window size, I want it to stay the size of the swf. In the publish settings I set dimension to Match Movie, and I set scale to No Scale in the HTML tab of publish settings, am I doing something wrong or can you not have it stay its original size without emedding it into html?

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Flash :: Resize AIR App Window While Dragging?

Apr 2, 2010

So I've noticed Windows 7 has a disturbing tendency to prevent you from dragging the title bar of windows off the top of the screen. If you try - in this case, using an air app with a draggable area at the bottom of the window, allowing you to push the top of the window up past the screen - it just kicks the window back down far enough that the title bar is at the top of what it considers the 'visible area.'

One solution would be to resize the app window as it moves, so that the title bar is always where windows wants it. How would you resize the window while you're dragging it, though? Would you do it like this?

dragHitArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, function(e:MouseEvent):void{
stage.nativeWindow.height += 50;
stage.nativeWindow.height -= 50;

see what's going on there? When I click, I'm doing startMove(), which is hooking into the OS' function for dragging a window around. I'm also increasing and decreasing the height of the window by 50 pixels - which should give me no net increase, right?

Wrong - the first '.height +=' gets executed, but the '.height -=' after the .startMove() never runs.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control SWF Window Resize

Feb 19, 2009

Normally the user can resize the swf window when it is playing on flash player. I want to stop the user to resize it. It is possible when we use 'fscommand("allowscale", "false")'. I dont know why it is not working for me. Did i use the script wrongly or do I need to do anything in somewhere?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resize Swf To Fit Any Browser Window?

Jul 29, 2009

I have been scouring the net for some answers on how to get a swf to automatically resize to fit all browser windows (resolutions)...

I found one javascript [url]... that is meant to do this, but I havent had any luck in getting it to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disable Resize Of Window ?

Oct 26, 2003

the allow scale only disables scaling of the content..can we actually disallow scaling of the window that plays the projector file ?I want it at a fixed window of 800x600 projector...and set it to the centre...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Window Resize With Placed Scroller

Oct 28, 2007

What I've got is a fla with some window resize code in it, and another fla that is linked to from the window resize fla, so basically when the window is resized the loaded swf eases back to the center. This works fine if all the content of the loaded swf stays within the boundries of the swf... BUT... if I place a scroller in the loaded swf then when the window is resized the loaded swf moves upwards and to the right (Not in the center!!).

The fla for the window resize fla is here The fla for the loaded swf with scroller is here

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control SWF Window Resize?

Feb 19, 2009

Normally the user can resize the swf window when it is playing on flash player. I want to stop the user to resize it. It is possible when we use'fscommand("allowscale", "false")'. I dont know why it is not working for me. Did i use the script wrongly or do I need to do anything in somewhere

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