Flex :: Possible To Attach One NetStream To Several VideoDisplays?

Oct 13, 2011

I'm working on simple videochat app with Adobe FMS 4.5. Everything works fine except one thing: I have small videoDisplay for each connected client and one main display. So user can choose his main interlocutor. When i'm trying to attach netStream to main display from small one, streaming on small one stops.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Attach SoundChannel(s) To NetStream

Jan 15, 2012

I have a Flex(4.6.0) application which creates 3 SoundChannels. I'd like to attach 2 of these channels to a NetStream for publishing, leaving the 3rd SoundChannel only for listening to locally.

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How do I attach individual soundchannels to a stream, or should I be going about this in a different way?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attach Video And Audio From One Netstream To Another?

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just wondering if it is possible to play an FLV and attach the video from that netstream to another and publish it to FM2.

is there a a way to attach video and audio from one netstream to another?
i have tried everything so far that i know of. when i think its attaching and publish it, i see nothing. publshing my cam and mic work flawlessly.

here's my code:


nec = new NetConnection();
nes = new NetStream(nec);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Attach Only Simple Object Data Type To Netstream

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Flash :: NetStream.Buffer.Full Not Fired After Call To NetStream.pause?

Jul 6, 2011

I'm making a small video players in AS3, and I've found that after calling NetStream.pause() or NetStream.togglePause(), no status messages are being fired any more.If I click the "pause" button while the video is buffering, I never get the Buffer.Full message.Here is some code:

_connection = new NetConnection();
_connection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error On BitMapData.draw() After NetStream.pause() Then NetStream.seek()

Feb 25, 2010

I am working on an app that will take a snapshot of an rtmp stream of an archived video, save it to a file, and ExternalInterface the file name to the hosting page to javascript it up for display.

I actually have all pieces working great. The only time an error is thrown is when I pause the video, seek to somewhere, and then try to take a snapshot. Then there is a runtime error of:
SecurityError: Error #2123: Security sandbox violation: BitmapData.draw: mySwf.swf cannot access rtmp://myFlashServer/myApp. No policy files granted access.I've seen post after post of suggestions and have tried them, but without success.

I have the crossdomain.xml and my FlashMediaServer security setup fine (it is actually working, except for this one glitch). It just seems to be the pause-then-seek-then-BitMapData.draw() combination which is creating issues.

Another weird thing: after the error is thrown, if I resume the stream and take a snapshot, it works flawlessly again.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Eliminate Previous Attach Before Move To Next Attach MC?

Nov 5, 2006

how to eliminate previos attach before move to next attach MC..let say as u can see in my code..I just settign the interval..for 2 second..in other to attach the mc on eby one...so how to set up the code so that if the 2nd mc has attach it'll remove the 1st one attach for certain time...and so on..the scenario like this..

mc1 attach
after 2 second
mc2 attach --> remove mc1
after 2 second


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Flex - Get The Name From A NetStream Object?

Dec 2, 2010

In a Flex NetStatusEvent of type NetGroup.MulticastStream.PublishNotify, you get the String name of the stream in e.info.name

The name is what the publisher specified in the .publish ("") method. But in a NetStatusEvent of type NetStream.Connect.Success, there is no such property. Instead, the whole NetStream object is available through e.info.stream

How the heck to you get something as basic as the name from the NetStream object? e.info.stream.name does not exist. I must be overlooking something very simple.

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Flex :: Can't Mute A NetStream?

Apr 26, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error: "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" While Playing Mp4 File Using NetStream Object?

Jan 7, 2010

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var url:String = <some http url>;
connect_nc = new NetConnection();


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Actionscript 3 :: NetStream.info, Getting Error #2154 "The NetStream Object Is Invalid"

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In my application I have a video playing from a NetStream. Every second on timer I update a text label with statistics like stream.info.currentBytesPerSecond. The problem occurs when the NetConnection associated with this NetStream closes: the getter for stream.info throws


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Flex :: Programmatically Stream Audio With NetStream?

Dec 31, 2009

In Flex you can stream microphone audio to an FMS/Red5 server using NetStream.attachAudio, which requires a Microphone object. Is it possible to stream audio through the NetStream from somewhere other than a Microphone? For example, from a file/embedded resource?

The reason I'm asking is that I'd like to be able to run automated tests that don't require using an actual microphone.

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Flex :: What Hinders NetStream.onPeerConnect From Being Triggered

Dec 2, 2010

I'm using Adobe Stratus (now renamed to Cirrus) to build a p2p application. Inside the application, I used NetStream.onPeerConnect callback function and expected it to be triggered every time when a peer is connected. However, it always failed with my friend A while strangely friend B managed to have the function called without any problem.

Here are how the code pieces look like.First of all, create a NetConnection.

netConnection = new NetConnection();
netConnection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netConnectionHandler);

Secondly, create NetStream upon NetConnection successfully connected.

private function netConnectionHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void{

switch (event.info.code){
case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
sendStream = new NetStream(netConnection, NetStream.DIRECT_CONNECTIONS);


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to incorporate seperated parts of PHP code and / or HTML markup. Now when it comes to Flex 4, I'm not quite sure how I'd go about doing that same thing, only this time, for ActionScript files. I want to do this kind of approach since my source code gets really annoyingly huge as the Flex app I'm developing grows.

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Flex - Disconnect A Subrscribed Stream From The Publisher Of The Netstream?

Oct 20, 2010

I have a publisher who publishes a netstream using stratus p2p. This is then connected to by player who subscribes to the netstream.

I believe one can reject the subscriber when the stream tries to connect by using the onPeerConnect method of the netstream's client. However, I would like to boot the subscriber after they have been connected.

There are potentially other subscribers to that netstream so I cannot just close it. How would I boot a particular subscriber without closing the published netstream?

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Flex :: Flash - NetStream With GroupSpecifier Not Sending Handler?

Nov 20, 2010

I have a simple video/chat application built in FLEX. I've created a groupSpecifier,netGroup and a NetStream for the different functionalities. NetGroup is mainly used for the messaging (Posting) and keeping track of the users who enter.NetStream is (or would be used) to control some functions like "start video, stop video" for everyone under the same group.The most important functions I will post on here. The first is setupGroup.

private function setupGroup():void{
var groupspec:GroupSpecifier = new GroupSpecifier("vid"+GROUP_ID+"_sid_"+SESSION_ID);
groupspec.serverChannelEnabled = true;


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Flex :: Streaming - Access Raw Outgoing NetStream Data In AIR?

Jun 29, 2011

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Flex :: Send Video Stream From Script To Netstream?

Jul 9, 2011

How to send a video data stream from one side written by java to another side written by flex and then display it? I just know that on flex one method is to use netstream class get the real-time video stream and bind with a videodisplay to display it. But which class I should use to send this video stream in java and which class I need to use in flex to receive this flow and pass it to the NetStream class?

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Flex :: Attach Custom Data To Elements?

Aug 23, 2011

Is there any way to attach custom data to elements? Kind of like the $.data() function in jQuery?I know you can subclass and element and add custom parameters, but it would be an overkill to create custom class just to add a single custom parameter.

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Flex :: How To Attach File Extension With AIR Application

Feb 23, 2012

I made an AIR application that parses some specific files. I am using flex builder 4.5 and SDK 3.6. I want to attach Icons with those files and when I double click those files they should open with my application. How can I do this?

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Flex :: Adobe Status - GroupSpecifier And NetStream - Use The Group Feature?

Nov 8, 2010

I started using Adobe Stratus yesterday and made a simple chat application. Today, I was to learn how to use the group feature. But when I try to instantiate a GroupSpecifier variable, I get this error: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: GroupSpecifier. P2P.mxml Earlier I was getting a similar error with NetStream (in place of GroupSpecifier). I have Flex 4.1 and it's set to Flash Player 10.1.

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Flex :: Attach Camera To Spark.components.VideoDisplay?

Nov 14, 2010

I'm using Flash Builder and created a spark-application Flex project that will stream video from the local camera. If I use mx.controls.VideoDisplay; there is no problem since it has attachCamera(camera) method. But Spark's VideoDisplay component does not have that method. I know I can use mx controls inside a Spark app but I want to know:

What is the real difference between spark.components.VideoDisplay and mx.controls.VideoDisplay?How do I attach camera to spark. components.VideoDisplay?Is there any advantages if I go with spark (since it's newer to mx library)?

EDIT: In the documentation this is mentioned: "Starting with Flex 4.0, Adobe recommends that you use the spark.components.VideoPlayer class as an alternative to this class. (mx.controls.VideoDisplay)"

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Flex :: Netstream Video Chat Client Freezes And Crashes After Time?

Oct 11, 2010

So I built a videochat client that uses the adobe stratus protocol. Its very simple and just connects two users. However, after about a minute of video chatting the clients freeze and the browser crashes.what might have caused this? Is there some sort of cache that I need to clear every so often or a possible memory leak? I am not sure where to start

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Flex :: Detect When A Remote Client Has Started/stopped Streaming Video Over His NetStream With RTFMP ?

May 1, 2011

Am building a video chat application and i was wondering if there are any native events for the NetStream that fire,that can help in detecting when a remote client starts/stops streaming video over his outgoing stream (NetStream) to which the other client has subscribed over P2P/RTFMP in AS3 ?I maybe able to dispatch custom messages since the two clients are already connected, but i don't want to add the extra overhead.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: NetStream.Connect.Closed - Know Which NetStream Has Been Closed

Aug 2, 2010

A NetStatusEvent with info.code of "NetStream.Connect.Closed" is dispatched by NetConnection when a NetStream is closed. This seems kind of weird, shouldn't the NetStream dispatch the event? how do I know which NetStream has been closed if I have more than one running (which I do)? I need to know so I can cleanup the now dead stream.

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Feb 10, 2006

i'm trying to figure out how to reset or refresh clips that are dynamically attached to another clip based on records returned through xml.asically if the user chooses a different filter for the database query I need to be able to refresh a scrolling list made up of clips which will be different based on the filter.this is what I have for a function. I try to use "attachEmptyMovieClip" but to no avail

members = getMembers.firstChild.childNodes;


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Flex :: Playing A Large/long H264 File With NetStream Takes A LONG Time To Begin Playback?

Aug 1, 2010

I'm trying to play a 10 minute long video (h264/mp4) which is 39MB in size, after I call stream.play(fileURL) it doesn't start playback until its loaded around 12-16MB of the file (many many seconds later), I finally get onMetaData at this point too. Why doesn't it begin playback right away, or at least w/in a couple seconds? What can cause this bloated lead in time?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Use Netstream

Aug 17, 2009

I want to create netstream obj which will connect to wowza server ?

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