Get A List Of IP Connected In LAN Using Air, Flex Or Flash

May 3, 2011

Is it possible using Adobe Air, Flex or Flash to get a list of available IP in a LAN?

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Flex :: Occasionally Connected Application With Air

Apr 11, 2012

It is the first time I work with this kind of application. Very little experience I have. And so do the stakeholders. They want something like an (flex AIR)application that is able: save data locally if the application is close synchronize data with the server side if needed Now, it is time for me to "do something" to this requirement before it get fixed. I have so many questions, but here are some less silly one:

The requirement is about "Rarely" connected, not "Occasionally" connected, right?
If I can't change the requirement, what should I do, "hibernate" the AIR application like Windows OS or save only the data to local DB? Their possibility ?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Flash Form Connected With PHP

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_root.form.loadVariables("", "_SELF", "POST");
getURL("", "_SELF", "POST");

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Flex :: 3: Scrolling Of List Items With In A List Via Scroll Wheel

Dec 31, 2009

Here is a snip from within my code:


The 'recommendations' dataProvider is an ArrayCollection of String, which are generally sentences about as long as this one. By setting the variableRowHeight and wordWrap properties as shown, if a sentence is too long to fit on a single line, everything works fine- the row expands and the messages show on two lines, or occasionally three.

The space allocated for this panel within the entire canvas means if the total text size of 'recommendations' exceeds six lines, I need for the entire list scroll. This is also working just fine. The trouble is when using the mouse wheel to do the scrolling- Flex scrolls both the entire list and the single item where the mouse is hovering. Often this results in only the second half of a sentence being visible. Non-programmer friends I have asked to look at this noticed this, and tell me it as a problem. If a user does not notice the dual scrolling, and sees only a fragment of a sentence, it will be perceived as an error in the application.


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Flex :: Make List Content Dependant On Selection In Another List?

Jul 6, 2011

When a user selects a category from the first drop down box then i want the 2nd drop down to be updated based on the selection of the first drop down. I have created multiple ArrayCollections whose names are set to the "data" values of the first drop down, for instance:

public var countries:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - List Selected Entire List By Default?

Aug 31, 2011

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<mx:List id="list" dataProvider="{dp}" allowMultipleSelection="true"/>

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Android :: Get Connected To Flash Media Server Via RTMP?

Apr 1, 2011

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Save Flash Game And Play It Without Being Connected To The Internet?

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Flash :: Php - Ajax Calls Queued While Connected To Socket

Sep 19, 2011

I'm running into a problem while running both a Flash socket and using Ajax to load pages. Both work fine separately. I am able to browse my site using the Ajax calls, or I am able to send/receive messages through the socket. However, when the socket is connected for some reason the Ajax calls start to seemingly be put into a queue and never actually finish until I stop the socket.

If I disconnect from the socket, or close the socket on the server side, then the Ajax call immediately finishes and loads the page. The Ajax call never times out, it just waits forever, right up until I close the socket connection. In JavaScript, I'm using jQuery's $.getJSON() function to load the pages (which I thought were asynchronous calls). In Flash I'm using the basic ActionScript 3 Socket class:


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Flex :: Spark List Have Something Similar To ItemsChangeEffect In Mx List?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm trying to animate a list as I delete the top row. All the examples I can find use itemsChangeEffect to bind to the effect, but this property exists only in MX lists, not spark lists.

Any idea how I can get the same effect done in Spark Lists?

I'm trying to remove the top most item in the list with a slight fade out effect before the rest of the items move up to replace the gap.

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Aug 17, 2010

how to disable VGA port being connected to an external device through flash.

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Flex :: Using Drag & Dop Into List Get List Items?

Nov 23, 2009

while i using drag & drop from listbox1 to listbox2 ,how can i get all the items of listbox2 in flex

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Flex :: Set A Style For The Icons In A List List?

May 13, 2011

The traditional way to assign an icon would be to use the icon field of the item renderer,which reads the value of "icon" property in your data, for example:

listData.addItem({label: "Logout", icon: "com.classpth.DefualtThemeLogoutIconClass"});

But i want the DefualtThemeLogoutIconClass to changed to another class: ightThemeLogoutIconClass when the theme is changed.The only way to do this would be to use a style declaration containing a classReference to the icon, and change its the value in each of the CSS files of the various themes.The question is, is there any way to assign this style to an icon in a List, something as easy as intuitive as list[0].getIcon().setStyle("styleName");

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Actionscript 3 :: Drag A Point In Flash, And Have Lines, Connected Other Points Move?

Dec 26, 2009

I have a set of dots displayed on the canvas (key bits of code pulled out):

// Drop points based on x y coords
for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
itemPoint[i] = new mcDot();[code]....

how to redraw the lines as I move a dot. Also there could be many lines connected to any single dot. Do I need to somehow register which lines are connected to which dot? How do I redrew the lines based on this?

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Flash :: C# - Sending Data From A TCP Server To Connected Client Outside Of The Listening Thread

Nov 12, 2011

I am writing a simple Tcp server in Unity and have my Flash application connects to it.I found a great tutorial on threaded Tcp server online, and my flash app connects to it nicely. However, I am not able to send data outside of the listening thread to the connected client. I tried to create a global reference of the Tcpclient obtained inside of the thread. However, that reference (sclient) only works inside of the listening thread, printed Null to console outside of the thread. There must be something I can do to retain the TCP client reference for later use or access it from outside of block thread.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash : Local Connection Gives Error #2082: Connect Failed Because The Object Is Already Connected?

Apr 2, 2010

I am trying to connect to FBJS bridge. It keeps giving me the following error.When I'm opening only one connection and I do not have any other window open.

ArgumentError: Error #2082: Connect failed because the object is already BabyVille()[C:Documents and SettingsuserDesktopabyvilleflashMain]This is my code :

public class fbjsTest extends Sprite[code]....

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Flex :: Flash - Custom List Selection Not Highlighting?

Mar 18, 2010

I want to create a custom list in Flex for an interface prototype. The list is supposed to have an image and 3 text fields. This is what I have done so far, the control displayed is what I want. But, when I click on one of the items, the item does not appear (visually) to be selected. I was not sure how I would implement this.

Here is my code so far:

<s:List width="400" height="220"
alternatingItemColors="[#EEEEEE, white]">


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Flash :: Way To Auto-update A Dataprovider In Flex List?

Feb 3, 2011

Is there a way so that every time the list is changed (data add, data deleted, etc.), the list will re-update or "refresh?"

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Flash :: Implement A Infinite List In Flex (hero)?

Apr 12, 2011

I'm new to Flex/ActionScript (.NET/Java has been my main playground so far).I'm trying to build a Flex app that has a list that is meant to look and behave like an infinite list (of items - which can be any object). The idea is that the user should be able to scroll up or down and never reach the end of the list in either direction.

An example would be a list of numbers. Scrolling up will show negative numbers; scrolling down will show positive ones. Now, my list is a simple Flex Spark list (using Flex Hero).It is bound to a data provider that is an ArrayList.My initial idea was to listen to the scroll event and add/remove items as needed. However, in the current build of Flex Hero, there is a bug that doesn't raise scroll events for vertical scrollbars sometimes (http:url].....).So, I'm using the workaround suggested in the link above (i.e listening to the propertyChanged event of the list's scroller's viewport. The event though only gives me the current verticalScrollPosition. And it looks like the default spark list supports smooth scrolling and raises the event many times before the list scrolling comes to a standstill (it is a nice visual effect).Now, I need to :

Figure out whether it is scrolling up or down (how do I do that?)

Figure out which items are visible. I can get this from:


Add/remove items as needed, so that the user can scroll up and down forever, never reaching the end of the list in either direction.

I've tried the following code but it doesn't work. (comments in code).

import mx.collections.ArrayList;
import mx.core.INavigatorContent;

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Flash :: List Component - Change Pointer Icon To Hand For List Items?

Nov 9, 2010

I am working on an older Flash project created in CS3 ActionScript 2.0 How can I make the pointer cursor change to the hand when hover over a list item?_root.slidePanel.myList'myList' is the list. I have traced out the contents of the List MC and it has a child MC called 'content_mc'. I assumed this was the object containing all of my list items but the only members of this MC I can see (when tracing them out) are 'setRGB' and 'searchKey'.

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Flash :: Detect When Flex Spark List's Data Has Changed

Oct 6, 2010

I need to detect when a Flex Spark List (spark.components.List) data has changed so that I can programmatically change its scrollbar. I know that List is a an EventDispatcher but it's unclear which event I'd register for.

Edit: My List's dataProvider is an ArrayCollection that elements are added too. So the dataProvider is never replaced. I considered listening to the backing ArrayCollection, but it's possible the List will react to the change after my listener, which alters the scrollbar. Thus my listener's changes will be superseded by that of the List.

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Flash :: Create Multiple Events In A Single List In Flex?

Jan 20, 2012

I want each item in a list to change to a totally unique view file. Instead of 10 items in a list all going to 1 new view but with different info being generated I want 10 different view, 1 per item in the list. I can't find any examples of how to do this and I have been tryingo to make it for for a while. This is for a mobile app.



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AS3 :: Flash - Fl.controls.List Adding Button To List Item?

Apr 23, 2011

I want to add a SimpleButton to a list item in a list component. I am getting the CellRenderer for the list item I want and using the addChild method to add the simple button. The button appears in the right spot on the list item but it doesn't function like a button. It's like the contents of the buttons first frame is added to the CellRenderer and nothing else.

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Actionscript 3 :: Get A Navigation Through The List Items In A List Component Of Flash?

Mar 23, 2012

Why I have to press 2 times the arrow key down to get a navigation through the list items in a list component of Flash?

Theres any workaround for this? I have a listener for keyboard event that checks if keyCode is equal to 40 if it is then I use 'stage.focus = list', but I have to press 2 times key arrow down to start navigating through list items.

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Flex :: Flash - Get List Of Running Processes, Get Active Process (and It's Application) AIR

Jan 25, 2010

Is it possible to get somehow list of running applications/processes and, while running in background, check which process is active?

Additionally - if somehow, the answer was yes, is it possible to react for change of active window / application react just as if it was Event, or bind to it custom event (e.g. Event.SystemActiveAppChange)?

EDIT: Due to probable missunderstanding, I mean local applications - on your win/mac/linux machine - I would like to (in process of learning of language) track what apps I use the most, make a little graph maybe?

So, the point is: in AIR app, developed in FLEX, I would like to get/list all running applications/processes, as well as which one is active (on user's PC/Mac/Linux)

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