Handle Application Views In Flex?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a Flex application with three different views. Only one view is shown at a time, and the choice of view depends on what part of the application the user is working with. If it had been an ordinary HTML webapp I would have created three different HTML-templates/pages for each view.

What is the recommended way to handle such application views in Flex?

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Flex :: Modularity - Decompose An Application In Views?

Nov 21, 2011

What are the criteria for decomposing a Flex applicaiton to views? I find quite difficult to apply the Single Responsibility Principle in this context.I've come to the following conclusions through my experience:More monolithic approach(e.g. one view per tab, lots of panels in the same tab)Very easy communication between components as only one Presentation Model is used Cannot use multiple States, only on the top level component.More modular approach (e.g. one view per panel)(the opposite to the monolithic one)

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Flex :: Passing Data From Modules To Parent Application To Switch Views In The Viewstack

Jan 11, 2010

I have application with a viewstack witch load 5 modules. each module is loaded via the moduleLoader tag and they all have an id.

Every loaded module has a context menu. the context menu has 5 menuItems. one menuItem for each view for the viewstack.

The context menu is loaded via xml.

this is my application file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"


the xml of the context menu is in the module but, the context menu is in a as file that extensiate a button.

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Handle M:M Entity Relationships In Flex / Java Web Application?

Dec 21, 2010

I am struggling to come up with a way to efficiently manage Flex entities that have a many-to-many relationships between their JPA/Java counter parts.[code]Both of these entities can exist independently of each other and both have a 1:M relationship with the other. The relationship is not really owned by one side or the other.Within the application there are Flex UI's that sometimes want to see viewers based on movies and other UI's that want to see movies based on viewers.Currently both the Movies.Viewers and Viewers.Movies collections are lazy loaded by JPA which works fine. The problem is that every time I ask a viewer for it's list of movies, then they all get sent over the wire and then within Flex I end up with a bunch of Movie objects that (often, not always) duplicate the ones I already have there.

It seems inefficient at best and could likely cause errors if the duplicate objects are not dealt with.In my real application I have tons of these types of relationships all over some very large object graphs.It almost seems to me that the lazy loaded object collections need to be turned into eagerly loaded collections of foreign keys which are used to explicitly load objects on the Flex side of things. But this seems like I am writing a JPA provider in Flex! Is the correct answer to never store state in a Flex application? (Yikes)I should add that all my value objects have a UID that is created on the server side, so I could somehow use that to find/remove duplicates on the Flex side. But how?

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Java :: Handle Nullable Integer - Flex Remoting Application?

Feb 10, 2011

I have an Application consisting of a Java Server part and a Flash/Flex client, both communicate via BlazeDS. In order to have the same typed Objects on both sites, I use the GAS3 code generator (used by flex-mojos).But now I am facing the problem of handling nullable Integers. The problem is that I have an Object (A) which contains a foreign key ID which is reference an optional Object B. - But I only send the ID to the flex client.On the Java site it is easy:

class A {
private Integer bFk;

But on the flex client side, bFk is of type int. And a Flash int can not be null. So the remoting mechanism converts the Java null Integer to 0. After sending it back to the server, the Java bFk becomes 0 even on the Java side. - That is not acceptable, because I need to separate 0 and nullMy first workround is using not a Integer on the Java side, but an new Class NullAbleID, which works a bit like a wrapper/adapter, that wrap an internal int where -1 represent null (I can use -1 for null, because real id will be negative). But when I would using this it means I have to replace all Java Integer ids, by this NullAbleID class.

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Flex :: Spark DataGrid On Mobile Application Handle Scroll And Selection Item?

Dec 15, 2011

I have a spark datagrid on a mobile application, I set the


and the dataGrid scrolling is good, I got some problems adding a selectionChange eventListener to it, because scrolling the dataGrid will automatically change the selection and instead simply scrolling it, the function binded will start...

How can I add the touch dalay before select the index, so if I scroll the grid the selection won't change, and it change only if I press the item without scrolling?

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Mar 30, 2011

Ive read a ton of online tutorials about this and cant seem to get a definite answer...

navigator.pushView(views.view2, {response:"BLAH"});


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Flex :: Programmatically Add Views To A Viewstack

Jun 10, 2010

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Flex :: Access All Views In ViewNavigatorApplication

Sep 13, 2011

I'd like to make an application for PlayBook (using Flex) that has the UI similar to the PlayBook web browser. By similar I mean I want to implement a menu that is shown when the user swipes down from the top bezel of the tablet. I like this feature because I can draw on it, place tons of other objects and handle all kind of events without using screen space when not needed. Plus the PlayBook does not have a "Menu" button like some phones have.Depending on configurations chosen from the first view a number of other views will be pushed onto the the stack view. When the user will access the pull down menu I'd like to show in form of thumbnail snapshot my main (configuration view) and the rest of the views that are on the view stack. This will basically show the user what is going on in different view and let him choose to which one to switch.[code]The menu is accessible from any view, but the code for event handler is in my main MXML file (project.MXML), I found this to be the only way of having one menu for all the views. I managed to pull down the menu from any view and displaying a thumbnail of the current view.

How to get access to all the views. I've been trying all day and all my trials give me access to the active view and my menu object. Here is some code to show what is going on:[code]As I mentioned above this for loop will successfully do the job for the current view then it will crash.Does anyone know how to loop through all the views? This is my first application with flex so if there are any alternatives to my approach I'll be glad to try them. Although I'd like to stick with a single ViewNavigator as opposed to tabbed navigator and multiple views instead of states.

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Flex :: Handling Multiple Views Of The Same ArrayCollection

Feb 22, 2010

I have an ArrayCollection bound to a view, I use a filterFunction on this view to only display parts of the contents. Additionally I have another component where I want to display other parts of the ArrayCollection.

What I would like to do is wrap ArrayCollections around each other, meaning I could have one ArrayCollection containing the model data, and then two separate outer ones where I can set the filterFunction property (setting this in the model seems inappropriate in all cases). Is this possible somehow? If not, how else can this be solved, preferably without forcing model logic to end up in my view?

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Flex :: Passing Parameters Between Views In ViewStack?

Mar 19, 2011

how I would pass a value to "SelectedChild" in ViewStack:

In the example below, I am trying to set a public property in a form called "register" after I have navigated there from another form called "login".

The result I get seems to be a compilation error:

Error: Access of possibly undefined property pagename through a reference
with static type mx.core:INavigatorContent.
vsMain.selectedChild.pagename = "register page";


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Flex :: Passing Data Into Tabbed Views?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a project that has 4 views where I'm using the tabBar with viewStack/NavigatorContent. I have a couple HTTPServices set up gathering the XML and converting to Bindable ArrayCollections. When and how is the best way to pass that data to such things as charts, dataGrids, etc. that aren't seen until the user clicks a tab? Right now I have each item set up with creationComplete functions that pass it then. Although it seems to be working, is this the best way, or is there something better and maybe even quicker?

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Actionscript :: Flex 4.5 - Global Variable Across All Views?

Nov 20, 2011

How do you define a global variable that is accessible across all views on Flex mobile / Flex 4.5/4.6

(Edited for clarification)

Is it still necessary to have to use a separate global class?

(additional) There is a new PersistanceManager in Flex 4.5, is there something like a GlobalObjectsManager that can be used to just set/get stuff in memory?

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AS3 :: Flex - Inherited Classes And Dynamic Views In PureMVC

Jul 14, 2009

I was wondering best practices for views of inherited classes in PureMVC in this situation: Multiple classes inherit a BaseClass (lets say InheritedClass1 and InheritedClass2) Each InheritedClass has a respective view (derived from a base view class, but each unique) With a given dataset (lets say ArrayCollection of InheritedClass1/2 Objects), the respective views need to be dynamically loaded. The dataset is relatively large, so a TileList would be nice (since it only instantiates objects which are currently displayed) I can think of a couple solutions, but I find them to be too "hackish" to be the best solution:

In View: Repeater over a BaseClassView which attributes a view to a State (set to the "InheritedClass1" state to add a InheritedClass1 object) Pros: No unneeded memory increase (States' objects are instantiated when needed) Cons: View is dependent on the data types, so adds coupling In Mediator: Loop over the ArrayCollection and addChild() the views based on data type Pros: Works. Cons: Mediator is adding things to the View, which defeats the point of the separation of Mediator and View. Slower than a Repeater.

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Flex :: Single Model - Multiple Filtered Views

May 17, 2010

I have data model (dataProvider as ArrayCollection) i want to display in few views , each view should show filtered data. As you probably know, filterFunction is property of ArrayCollection,so I can't use this solution (unless creating new instance of ArrayCollection for each view on top original and impementing filterFunction).

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Flash :: Flex - Builder - 4 - Using MXML As Views - Any References?

Dec 14, 2010

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Flex :: Data - Pass Multiple Strings Between Views?

Aug 10, 2011

I have a list of txt files and when one is selected it is read and assigned to a string variable. this string is then pushed to a view : pushView(viewer, string), where the string is displayed in a textarea. I want to also pass the relative path of the file also. Is this possible to pass two strings?


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Flex :: MXML Views - Passing Dependencies Into Constructor Of Classes

Oct 6, 2009

I'm used to building applications using pure AS3. I always pass dependencies into the constructor of classes I make, but this method seems to not work out well for Flex MXML views. It seems like I should define setters on the MXML class, which map to attributes in the tag/class instantiation. But using this method I cannot specify which properties are required and in what order I expect them etc. What is the preferred method to give a Flex view it's dependencies?

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Flex :: Flash Builder Data Passing Between Split Views

Feb 22, 2012

I have a SplitViewNavigator with two split views. In one of the views I have a list and in another one I have questions. User must solve the question and when user click send button, he will see another question.

But when user click to send button in one view, how can i know this in the other view? I'm a newbie in Flash Builder and I'm searching for this for hours.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Scrollbar Gallery - Replace The Rectangular Handle With Own Customised Handle

Feb 6, 2010

I'm creating a scrollbar gallery from a tutorial on this site. Though I've completed the tutorial, and customised the gallery to my own needs, however I'm trying to make a very small change to it - and no matter what I do, keep running into problems. I'm trying to replace the rectangular handle with my own customised handle - a (20 x 20) 'circular' png image that I've imported into Flash, made a graphic and stored in the library (though I understand it can be imported using actionscript, like the other images in the gallery).


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Flex :: Handle Both CLICK And MouseDown Events In Flex?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a scenario where I am listening to both CLICK and MouseDown events for an object.

On MouseDown I do a startDrag(). And on Click, I perform something else.

But the problem is that, MouseDown event fires first and it initiates a drag. The click event does not fire.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Viewstack "blink" When Switching Between Views?

Sep 12, 2011

I'm working on an app in which I want the viewstack to switch views on certain events. I have them switching correctly but there appears to be a slight "blink" when the change between views occurs. I've tried creationPolicy="all" but that doesn't fix the problem. The reason the "blink" is so noticeable is the fact that the views in the viewstack are different width/heights. Is there a way to stop this "blinking" effect on viewstack view switch?


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Flex :: Mobile Gesture Event : Slide Between 2 Views Like Google+ Mobile?

Mar 23, 2012

I would like to move (right or left according the current view) between 2 views when I move my finger on the mobile screen; for example with Google+ mobile application, in profil section, you can change the view just on move your finger on the screen, and the offset and the moving speed must be checked before change complete view.

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Performance :: Improve Flex Performance For Invisible Views?

Mar 19, 2012

We have a medium size Flex 3.6 application that contains around 20 different page views (managed via a single lazy ViewStack) each having multiple components. Most use custom renderers.All model data is loaded at startup and changes to model instances are communicated via binding and/or collection change events.Once the user has viewed each page at least once, all page views are instantiated and happily listen to update events.Which in effect means that each time a model instance changes, all interested views receive that event and compute derived data or trigger item-renderers.I have tested and confirmed this behaviour in a proof-of-concept application. Even when setting a list to being invisible, it still listens to collection change events and invalidates any renderer affected.What would you do?

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Flex :: Handle Events Without Using A Framework?

Jan 4, 2010

I'm developing an AIR application with Flash Builder 4 Beta 2 (nightly SDK) an am not using a framework like mate. I have a couple of views and components in my application. An outline might look like this:

|- mainview
|-- toolbar


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Php :: Login Using Flex And PHP But How To Handle Session

Jan 7, 2010

I have a Flex login page that uses HTTPService to communicate with server side php script. Once user's credential is verified, a session will be created and the login page will redirect to the main Flex page with that session info. I'm not sure how to implement the session logic.

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PHP :: Adobe Flex - How To Handle Sessions

Nov 17, 2011

I am thinking about porting my social netowrking site code to Adobe Flex / PHP and was wondering how does one go about handling sessions in this case. I would imagine Adobe Flex doesn't really know if a PHP session has been started or not therefore, I would have to research how to accomplish this. One idea I had was to created a session token string after a successful login and pass this token to each http request the user makes for data. E.g. [URL]. Each time a request is made to this page, a MySQL query is run to check if the token I passed in the url matches against the token created for that user during login. If this is true, then data is returned.

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Flex :: How To Handle Framework Events For ACE Test

Dec 23, 2009

In ACE Flex 3 , there is a topic "Handle Framework Events". Any document which lists all the 'required' framework events for ACE test? So I could know what are "framework" events and will focus on them.

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Flex :: Best Way To Handle Clicks On Menu Items?

Mar 11, 2010

I do not know why but I see that itemclick event on a menubar do not fired unless you click a sub item. What is the clean way to handle clicks on menuitems which are on the top level and do not have sub menu items. For example I want to fire an event whenever MenuItem B is clicked.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- menus/MenuBarControl.mxml -->
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="[URL]" >
<mx:MenuBar id="myMenuBar" labelField="@label" itemClick="{itemClick(event)}" >
[Code] .....

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