Html :: SWF File Not Reliably Loading From Server

Oct 14, 2009

I have created an application using Adobe Flex. I took all the files from the 'bin-release' folder and put it on the server. Then when someone connected to the server through http it is forwarded to the "index.htm". The "index.htm" page is the HTML page created automagically by Adobe Flex during compile time, I just renamed it to that name (from visco.html if it matters). The SWF file remained the same.

The problem is that most of the time when I go to the server, I get forwarded to the "index.htm" file and it loads the SWF perfectly. The other 30% of the time, it doesnt load! The background of the page turns blue (same as my SWF) and if I right-click it, it shows an Adobe Flash dropdown, so it looks like its sort of loading, but the application doesnt fully start even though it has been 100% reliable during debugging and when loading the SWF file manually.

What do I need to do to get the SWF file to load and start reliably?


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code start-->


// declare the LoadVars object that
// loads in the external text
myData = new LoadVars();


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<?xml version="1.0"?>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""


Expected behavior is:

Youtube player loads The label on the top right tracks the X coordinate of the mouse The number should update even when moving the mouse over the Youtube player

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am trying to use this code to load a text file from a remote server to my textfield in flash. Here is my code:

var myTextField_txt:TextField = new TextField();
var myURLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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May 24, 2007

I make a swf for my site that includes dynamicly loading thumbnails from an xml file. Unfotunatly the browser ( IE and FF are what i have tried so far ) just takes the xml file from the clients browser cache even if i have changed the xml file on the server. So the only way my visitors will see my updated content, is if they clear their cache every time before they visit my site. ( even a ctrl-f5 does not seem to do the trick )

is there a function or something i can call to force the swf to re-download the xml file every time? (is really small, less that a kilobyte or two im sure.)

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Error opening URL ''
httpStatusHandler: [HTTPStatusEvent type="httpStatus"


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var loader:Loader = new Loader();
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");

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May 20, 2010

When I place the .swf, smil and http files on the FMS server the SMIL stream test sample works fine
But When I move the files to my web server I get Connection error. This is the same issue discussed in [URL].. I added a 'base' variable but it did not work for me. The SMIL file has the correct path to the sample files and FMS server <meta base="rtmp://" />

I am able to stream files from my html file on my webserver not the FMS server by pointing to the FMS server at rtmp:// Is this a domain security setting? If so, where do I change it? If not How do I get FMS to stream SMIL files without installing a webserver with FMS?

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