Insert Flash Gallery Into Flash Page?

Jul 25, 2009

I've created my own web page in Flash (Dreamweaver front) with Flash elements in a separate swf file. I want to create a gallery only on the front page of my site but I'm not sure if I can create new and insert on the page, or if need to create a new swf file on the timeline - not sure how to do this and not mess up my site?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Gallery Page With A Bunch Of Page Numbers - Click On A Page Number, The Over Script Should Stop Until Go To Another Page?

Jan 26, 2009

i'm trying to build a flash site and ran into a problem... i have a gallery page with a bunch of page numbers at the top. when you click on one, a movieclip loads of some images coming the problem i'm having is that i made a little animation for when you roll the mouse over the page number (they scale up when the mouse is over, scale back when the cursor moves away)... what it's doing is when you roll over, it goes to a certain frame in the timeline and plays that animation.that's all working cool, but i need it to not do that once it's clicked on. so basically when you actually click on a page number, the over script should stop until you go to another page... here's the code i've written,

function over(event:MouseEvent):void {
function out(event:MouseEvent):void {[code].....

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Flash :: IE And Mozilla For Page With Master Page And Content Page?

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The problem is the movie seems working when there is a alert on, without at least one alert msg, the code does not work, I am sure you people can solve, I can see that the following code works well in both Mozilla and IE, but only if the alert is ON, if I put it off, then the code does not work. Can anybody tell me what is the workaround :


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Professional :: Convert A JQuery Lightbox Style Gallery Into A Flash XML Based Image Gallery With Categories?

Oct 26, 2010

I've made a gallery slideshow before but wasn't as intuitive looking back at it now and I want to start fresh on this new project. I would like to convert a jQuery lightbox style gallery into a flash XML based AS3 image gallery with categories. I don't want to code the FLA, I want separate AS files.

This is a school project for my website. I would use jQuery and I have more experience with it but this project needs a flash component. I'm just not sure where to start and looking for some advice on how and where I could find resources. I want it to be minimal as I can make it;

- 8 thumbnails to a "page/section" with more flowed into page 2 or 3 etc. (or a srcoller)

- a few buttons for categories

- images fading in full size with a description when hovered over and a close button

- preloader (simple bar)

Esentially something like this > http:[url] which is using http:[url].... for the thumbnails. That might be ambitious but I'd suffice with a simple fade effect.I've downloaded some galleries out there but most of the code is messy or outdated.http:[url]... this is alright, but all the code is done in the FLA. I might break it into AS files but it depends.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML For Gallery From Tutorial 'photo Gallery Using XML And Flash'?

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i am trying to put some things together following the tutorials on this site. I did the tutorial 'Photo Gallery Using XML and Flash'and I followed it step by step and uploaded it with all the necessary files onto my remote server (xml file, Gallery folder, fla, swf, and html) - however, when I test the movie with flash, it seems to work fine (except the description test, my question to that later), but when I test it online it shows only the first image (but displays the correct number of images in the gallery); even when clicking the next button, it keeps loading the first image the first image. In other galleries (I use the structure for multiple galleries for my portfolio) the first image never loads at all.

Also, about the description text, in between the <caption> and </caption>, can I use <strong> and <em> and <br /> to change the appearance of my text? All it says is 'null'.If you want to look at what I mean check out my portfolio in the making. The problem with the first image displaying only is under 'paintings' and both the projects in 'design - packaging'. The second problem (no picture loading at all) is on some of the buttons in 'design - identity' (where I have not changed the description text of the tutorial yet).

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Professional :: Which Is Right To Insert Swf To Flash Movie

Apr 9, 2011

I animate flourish using adobe flash then export it as swf to use it again in another flash movie when i import it i use these steps:

1- I make a symbol(movie clip)

2- I import the swf to the stage

3-then I back to Scene1 to control its size and position in my movie

BUT when I finish all these steps and play my movie the flurish too slow and not soft as original its cracks!!

1-i make a new layer i right in action the following:
but how to change width and height for the swf??? on stage

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I want to display Day and time in flash with AS2 not only that i want to put certain event on certain date and time that means i have a movie clip with object on it ,when i run it,it changes its positionBUT now i want to change movie clip position on certain date and timefor eg;I have made a simple move clip of firework i want it auto play when it is(01.01.2012) (12:00 AM)

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Unable To Insert A Flash Movie?

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Yesterday I made a nice little flash movie (a picture slideshow) and today I've looked a a few tutorials explaining how to add my new flash image. To keep it easy I made a single page, using Dreamweaver, just to display this one movie. Everytime I ruin in in dreamweaver (F12) nothing appears. Similarly, anytime I look in the properties and press play my flash image disappears.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


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As, Ctrl + C = COPY
Ctrl + V = PASTE


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Insert Youtube Video In Flash?

Nov 5, 2010

I am trying to put a youtube video in a flash file,this is my code,

movieMC.loadMovie("" );
closeBTN.onPress = function(){

I have this actionscript on one layer and created the the movieMC and closeMC. I have then put movieMC on one layer and actionscript on another.However this does not work, where am I going wrong, is there another way to do this.

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Insert Into GSP Simple Flash Movie?

May 13, 2010

Is it possibe to insert into GSP simple flash movie?

I tried this way:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="${resource(dir:'flash',file:'movie.swf')}" width="400" height="400">
<param name="movie" value="${resource(dir:'flash',file:'movie.swf')}" />


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MySQL :: How To Insert Flash Object With PHP

Dec 3, 2010

I'm trying to insert embeddable video code, such as youtube/viddler/etc.. which all start with the object tag:
<object width="480" height="385">
<param name="movie" value="[URL]">
</param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true">
</param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always">
</param><embed src="[URL]" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385">
into MySQL with PHP.

I'm trying to call it in php, but only get the text value back, basically, the entire embed code as text is displayed instead of the video itself. Here is my display code which shows text. How can I make it show the actual video instead?
//assuming a connection to the database exists
$sql = "SELECT * FROM table";
$result = mysql_query( $sql );
while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result, MYSQL_ASSOC ) ) {
$html = array(); //create an array of html formated values.
[Code] .....

The php code right above it pulls out this data, without the slashes and it displays the embed code perfectly as text, but the actual video does not form from that. Is there anyway to have the code displayed act as code and show the video instead of text?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Insert Into MYSQL From Flash Via PHP

Jan 16, 2011

I have spent many days tearing my hair out trying to get this simple flash code to work. I have four text fields named player,tournament,position,prize and a submit button. I have a working mysql database. The php file without the POST variables (i.e. using static data) works fine. I just cannot get the flash to talk to the php correctly. I have looked at many examples and tutorials and forums, but am at a loss. I have had many flash errors over the days. At the moment it is ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on actions::main/processLogin(). Expected 0, got 1


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Insert RSS Feeds In Flash?

Sep 20, 2011

I am trying to insert an RSS feed into flash and struggling. Here is the code I am using:

ActionScript Code:
var rssURL:URLRequest = new URLLoader();


But I'm getting an error saying 'Implicit coercion of a value of type to an unrelated type'

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IDE :: Flash And XML: Insert Hyperlink Into XML Node?

Feb 9, 2006

I would like to be able to put a hyperlink with anchor tags in an XML node so all the characters in the node are passed to a dynamic text box in Flash where HTML formatting is preserved.

something like this:

<node><a href="<A href="">click here</a>">">click here</a></node>

How do I go about this? - I'm afraid an <a> and </a> tag will be treated like a new child called "a" within the current node.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Insert Into MYSQL From Flash Via PHP?

Jan 16, 2011

I have spent many days tearing my hair out trying to get this simple flash code to work.I have four text fields named player,tournament,position,prize and a submit button.I have a working mysql database. The php file without the POST variables (i.e. using static data) works fine.I just cannot get the flash to talk to the php correctly. I have looked at many examples and tutorials and forums, but am at a loss.I have had many flash errors over the days. At the moment it is ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on actions::main/processLogin(). Expected 0, got 1

$player = $_POST['player'];
$tournament = $_POST['tournament'];


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IDE :: Insert Flash Game Into Wordpress?

Oct 15, 2009

how to insert a Flash Game into Wordpress.

Flash Game is in swf file format.

kindly teach me which directory should i upload the swf file to and the source code that i need to type in Wordpress.

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