Java :: Controlling A USB Device From A Web Application?

Aug 17, 2010

I would like to be able to control a USB device from a web application. I was hoping to use Adobe Flex but I don't think that Flex can support access to USB devices.Is this possible using Java applets, or a similar approach using .NET?

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<application xmlns="">


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What's out there that lets you do this? Are there any OSS projects or maybe something a little more popular than this:[URL]? This does exactly what I'm suggesting (i.e. cuts out the need for Swing UI for the most part) but for a number of reasons I'd be interested in any better alternatives. alternatives would need to support the Flex SDK.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="[URL]"
xmlns:mx="library://" backgroundColor="#D5F8C3">
[Code] .....

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e an application which is talking with Flash clients through sockets. The messages are in XML and not too long, up to 1000 chars. After the update the messages aren't received correctly at the client side - one byte is missing at the end. The first message is correct, the byte is missing from the end of the second message and the Flash stops because of the parse error.


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Mar 23, 2010


I am using the same java server given there. and I am creating the XmlSocket in a flex air application. When I run my air application I get a connection reset at the java server.

Both are stand alone applications on my desktop.

Flex Code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" initialize="init()">


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Handle M:M Entity Relationships In Flex / Java Web Application?

Dec 21, 2010

I am struggling to come up with a way to efficiently manage Flex entities that have a many-to-many relationships between their JPA/Java counter parts.[code]Both of these entities can exist independently of each other and both have a 1:M relationship with the other. The relationship is not really owned by one side or the other.Within the application there are Flex UI's that sometimes want to see viewers based on movies and other UI's that want to see movies based on viewers.Currently both the Movies.Viewers and Viewers.Movies collections are lazy loaded by JPA which works fine. The problem is that every time I ask a viewer for it's list of movies, then they all get sent over the wire and then within Flex I end up with a bunch of Movie objects that (often, not always) duplicate the ones I already have there.

It seems inefficient at best and could likely cause errors if the duplicate objects are not dealt with.In my real application I have tons of these types of relationships all over some very large object graphs.It almost seems to me that the lazy loaded object collections need to be turned into eagerly loaded collections of foreign keys which are used to explicitly load objects on the Flex side of things. But this seems like I am writing a JPA provider in Flex! Is the correct answer to never store state in a Flex application? (Yikes)I should add that all my value objects have a UID that is created on the server side, so I could somehow use that to find/remove duplicates on the Flex side. But how?

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Java :: Embed A Jar File Inside A Flex Application?

Jan 30, 2011

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Flex :: Develop A Video Chat Web Application In Java?

Apr 19, 2011

Currently we are in the design phase of an application that will allow two users to communicate with each other using chat and video (with audio), the application is a web application that currently is a java web app with Spring and hibernate, but we want to incorporate video and chat between two users and we are evaluating the options to developing it, so far we have two choices, either develop a Flex UI that leverages its video and chatting capabilities through Red5 or something like that and communicates with the Spring app using BlazeDS or a completely java based approach using (maybe) JMF and/or applets to achieve the video and chat interaction. The question is, which would be the most scalable approach to develop such an application?, what would be the approach that is the least intrusive from the end user perspective?

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Flash :: Java - Content In Micro Edition Application?

May 11, 2011

Despite my luddite tendencies, I now have a phone with Java support - but no Flash support. I also have a copy of Macromedia Flash MX2004, though I'm unlikely to upgrade any time soon. What I'd like to be able to do is develop some content (including vector animations) in Flash, then use those resources in a Java Micro Edition application. I don't need all features of Flash - in particular, I don't care about ActionScript support. But I do want to be able to load a SWF file (or, perhaps better, an alternative file format that can be generated using a converter tool), and to be able to display animations and use other resources (particularly play sounds) from in that file.

Is there a good library and toolkit to support this kind of thing? Obviously (from the MX2004) it doesn't need to be completely up to date. On knowledge level - I've been a programmer for decades, and my everyday language these days is C++. However, I have a very limited knowledge of Java, and virtually no knowledge (yet) of Micro Edition and its libraries. I've already heard of Flash to J2ME converters, but so far as I can see they generate complete applications in one step, rather than treating the SWF file as a source of resources to be controlled from separately written Java code.

EDIT I get the feeling that this is (with slight modifications) probably quite easy. Java Mobile Edition supports SVG vector graphics. SVG supports animations. There are (I'm pretty certain) ways to convert flash animations to SVG - probably a simple export-to-SVG in the application, though I've not checked. This in itself doesn't give me a convenient bundle-of-media resources file format, but that's a relatively simple problem to solve, so long as there's a way to "load" SVG and other media files from some kind of non-file stream class that gets its data in turn from the bundle-of-media file.

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Java :: Flex - AIR - Build An Application To Run In Local Mode

Dec 20, 2011

I don't know really well the diference between AIR and FLEX, i do with Java tought, My question is that I want to build an application to run in local mode, but maybe in the future I want it to be available trought the web, The basic sequence diagram is the following: So I want the client to connect to a server for login information, and for storing some data, and I don't know wich one of the three technologies is the best..

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Java :: Add Third-party Jar Files Into Android Application Jar File?

Jan 31, 2012

I have an Adobe AIR application for Android. Using for this AIR 3.0 and Flash Builder 4.6. I need to make MyANEFile.ane - which must include 2 external .jar files: Flurry.jar + Tapjoy.jar. But when I made .ane file - it does not work. How can I add this 2 jar files to my main application jar file to make .ane file properly? It shows me such errors in dalvik:


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