Javascript :: Flashvars Not Working With Alphanumeric Value Read From Url

Feb 10, 2012

I have a problem with flashvars , when I read the url from browser if I have assigned just numbers to Id (my paramter in url) ,everything works fine, but if my id includes character, then it does not work , I don't want to change anything in flash side in mxml files, I want to do it with javascript

here is my code

<script type="text/javascript">
function getQueryVariable(variable)


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JavaScript :: Passing Alphanumeric Value To URL QueryString Not Working

Feb 9, 2012

I am having a flash application where I want to send parameters to it via the javascript from a defaul.aspx page. I have a parameter called Id where it can accept alphanumeric values. The query string in the url works fine if I enter just numbers for the Id, and takes me to the specific page related to that id , but if I enter a combination of numbers and characters like 001A , it does not work.

This is the code I used
<script type="text/javascript">
function getQueryVariable(variable) {
var query =;
var vars = query.split("&");
for (var i=0; i<vars.length; i++) {
[Code] .....

And then passed the flashvars into swfobject.embedSWF. I also don't want to change anything in my mxml files in flash side.

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Flash :: Read Flashvars Into File By Modifying The Standard HTML Published Out Of CS5

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I'm trying to read flashvars into my flash file by modifying the standard HTML published out of Flash CS5. The following isn't working:[code]

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Javascript :: What Is Possible With XSS With Flashvars - How To Prevent It

Aug 19, 2010

Recently a client was concerned that their SWF was "insecure" because the XML path was coming from Flashvars. This seems to me to be something that isn't really a concern as the SWF is only displaying images / text and a few button links. I can understand how someone could path to the swf and add a remote XML path in to add javascript to the button url targets, but really what damage could this do? Eg. they could change [URL] to this [URL] Obviously they could build a fake wrapper html file around this but I still don't see how they could do anything harmful with this. Am I missing something? My next question is what is the best way to go about preventing this from happening? So far I have in my XSS checking class:


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Javascript :: Xml File As Flashvars In SWFobject?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a flash file with an xml file as flashvars. when I use this code it works in every browser, but not in IE 7 or higher.

OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
WIDTH="530" HEIGHT="410" id="usa_locator" ALIGN="">[code]....

After reading a lot, SWFObject seem to be a good option. All u need to do is:

1- Include swfobject.js in header

2- Create an empty div for the flash object to be included

<div id="myContent">
<p>Alternative content</p>

The only problem I have is: I don't know how to pass the flashvars via a url for an xml file. It seems to me that SWFObject does not support this. Instead, you need to create a list of flashvars as

var flashvars = {
name1: "hello",
name2: "world",[code]....

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Javascript :: Swfobject: How To Use The Flashvars Attribute

Jul 26, 2011

this is the code i'm working with right now:


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Php :: Javascript - Send Variables To Flash Using Flashvars?

Jun 3, 2011

I have a flash player embedded on page page.php?user=john using swfobject. The player calls the xml file content.php to get the results. I'm trying to get the user name from the url id. and fetch results based on that. I can get the username on page.php by doing $_GET['user'], but how can i pass that to content.php. Having read allot of articles online, i did the following,I'm embedding the flash on page.php using swfobject like this

<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {user:"<?php $_GET[user] ?>"};
var so = new SWFObject("<?php echo $index->CFG['site']['url'];?>preview2.swf", "sotester",

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass Data To FlashVars With Javascript?

Feb 7, 2009

I am dealing with the HTML page where my flash movie is embedded.

So I have a JavaScript function called getURLVar() that returns a string (a variable passed in the HTML page by the URL). That part works.

What I want to do is call that JavaScript function so I can pass its results into the flashVars property where you embed your .swf.

The following does not work

<embed src="MainPage.swf" flashVars="myFlashVar=<script language="'Javascript'>getURLVar()</script>" quality="high" menu="false" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="800" height="600" name="test" align="middle"


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Javascript :: Update Flashvars And Reload Flash With JQuery?

Oct 5, 2010

I would like to update the flashvars value argument to view another video:

<param name='flashvars' value='movieId=1002' />

I found out that I can make it work in Firefox by updating the parameter with the extra step of readding the whole flash contents.

$("param[name=flashvars]").attr("value", "movieId=33");
$("embed").attr("flashvars", "movieId=33");

But this does not work in IE8 as the browser won't refresh the flash contents. Any ideas on how to reload the flash contents without external dependencies like swfobject.js?

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Javascript :: Setting Flashvars Parameter Of Swf Object Dynamically

Feb 18, 2012

I have a rquirement where i want to play the song based on the checkbox checked.I mean i want to set the flashvars parameter of swf object on click of checkbox to play respective song.I am using the tag for this is


in my website. Here i want to change the flasvars dynamically on checkbox(function as radion button) checked

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Flash :: Auto-fill Flex Input By Using JavaScript Without Flashvars?

Dec 9, 2011

I have flex application (swf file). Does anyone one know how to autofill flex textInput from JavaScript without using flashVars? It must work in FireFox and IE.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass Anything From Javascript To An Object And Use Flashvars To Retrieve Its Definition?

Mar 26, 2011

So I am trying to pass anything from javascript to an object, and use flashvars to retrieve its definition. Is it even possible? Here is the code-


var user = window.external.GetUsername;'GET', 'http://www.mysite/members/tb/get_avatar.php?username='+user, true);


Of course this doesn't work. how would I get that variable "user" that is created in the javascript code, back to flash?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Get The FlashVars Working

Aug 8, 2011

I went through many articles and tutorials and I can't get the FlashVars working.
I'm using the SWFObject to insert the Flash movie into HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">

But the aname variable doesn't exists in the Flash. Even if I loop through all the param values, there is nothing. I tried to add the "aname" into query and it's working. But I really want and need to use FlashVars.
The full source is available here: [URL]

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var c:Color = new Color(button4.txt);


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Professional :: Flashvars Not Working 100% In Opera Or IE Ok In Ff

Jun 21, 2010

I created a flash menu that highlight the current page button reading a variable coming from HTML. I've set a variable in the OBJECT and EMBED tag using the query string syntax, but I get identical results using flashvars. This menu is working perfectly in firefox, but it doesn't in opera or IE 6. In opera it only works if all buttons are vector objects (?!?!?!?):it doen't work if I import a PNG in the buttons. I've put an IF statement (I already tried to use the SWITCH statement with same results) on the very first frame in the menu movie.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: LoaderInfo/flashvars Not Working?

Feb 25, 2008

i have a file named: 394354.html. In it is the following code:

codebase=",0,0,0" width="900" height="900" id="LoaderExample" align="middle">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />


That is part of the source in the LoaderExample.swf. And all I get is a "Parameter text must be non-null" error. I've alternatively tried the FlashVars method using additional <param> and <object> tags but i get the same error. What is going on with Actionscript 3? is this a bug? What am I doing wrong? Do the 5 or 6 tutorials i've read leave some important detail out ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FlashVars - Tutorials Are Not Working

Oct 12, 2010

I've followed about 10 different tutorials to access FlashVars including this one ([URL]) and nothing is working for me. Here is my as3 code:


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flashvars Not Working - Displaying Undefined

Jun 8, 2009

I created a same script of calling my flashvars in actionscript 3. But when I tried to display my flashvar in actionscript 2, its not working. I did the same thing in calling and embedding the swf. But it's displaying undefined..

Here's the block of code...
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
var xmlFilePath:String;
try {
var keyStr:String;
[Code] .....

I was just trying to display the value of the flashvar. I tested it in the browser but it's still not working.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flashvars Not Working On Android Browser

Feb 5, 2011

I have a flex app that I need to pass FlashVars into. It works great on desktop browsers(chrome, firefox, ie) but for some reason the flashvar is always undefined when i load it on my Android browser(webkit on a droid incredible).

Has anyone successfully passed flashvars into a swf on an Android Device?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Some Data Using Flashvars But Nothing Is Working?

Dec 18, 2010

I'm trying to load some data using flashvars but nothing is working.

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Java :: Flashvars Object Was Not Working In Mozilla Browser

Apr 14, 2010

I am retrieving an flashvars object from JSP file. Like userid = mx.core.Application.application.parameters.userJspid;like this it is retrieving in IE browser. But not in FF (Mozilla), why it's not retrieving is there any code i need to add it for Mozilla specially.


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Flash :: .net - Read Cookie From Javascript Or ASP.Net?

Oct 27, 2010

We have a flash video that was created for our project, we dont the source so we have to work around the compiled flash file. We are going to host the video on our domain and the video creates a sol cookie (flash cookie) file to store how far the user has proceeded though the video. So my plan is to access this cookie to see how far the user has progressed and then fire an event when they have finished the movie.

I have been googling for some help but haven't found to much. I have found out that its possible to do in javascript and I have found some .net sol file viewers but haven't seen any examples I can get my mind around.

I have watched the traffic that gets created with fiddler and every time the next button is clicked a new request is fired with the swt file that is being accessed. I would also be happy with tracking every time one of these swt files has been accessed as well.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting LoadVars To Read JavaScript

Sep 1, 2007

I've tried a million methods for this. And cant get it to do it. Basically I have LoadVars reading a txt file. The HTML renders fine. Is there a way to get it to parse Javascript from the text file?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting LoadVars To Read Javascript?

Mar 30, 2010

Ive tried a million methods for this. And cant get it to do it.Basically I have LoadVars reading a txt file. The HTML renders fine. Is there a way toget it to parse Javascript from the text file?

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Flash :: Javascript - Read First Party Cookie?

Nov 15, 2010

Is it possible to read first party cookies from flash?It should be noted that we have complete access to javascript via the ExternalInterface class.So, now the question is - can we access first party cookie from javascript? Our javascript code will be loaded by a website which is not hosted by us. This makes the cookies created by that website - first party cookies. How can we access these "first" party cookies?

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Javascript :: Read Address Bar Url From A Flash Site?

Apr 4, 2011

I have a flash site, where when a user clicks on a link the page does not reload but the content changes with flash(like any normal flash site). So for example if user click on products page, the product page content is displayed, and the url in the address bar also changes from "domainname/index.aspx" to "domainname/index.aspx#/products"

I need to get this url from the address bar, and if i use "window.location.href" it returns "domainname/index.aspx". Does anyone know whether it is possible to read the url from the address bar which is changed by the flash.

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Read A Local Text File Using Flash Or Javascript?

Feb 23, 2010

Is there any hook to react to a user drag and dropping a text file onto a browser? If the user drops a text file onto the browser with my page loaded, I'd like to be able to open the contents of the text file using javascript. I don't think this is possible, but just checking.

Is something like this possible in flash?

As an alternate, the user could specify a file path for me, then I could open the text file and read it. Seems like this is a security risk and probably won't be allowed, but just checking. It looks like this is possible with flash 10?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alphanumeric Keypad Input (T9) In TextArea

Apr 10, 2010

I have a project that involves taking user input from a keyboard/numeric keypad. The script I wrote detects when the user actually enters a numeral in the text area, and replaces it with step-by-step with a series of letters and numbers in a similar fashion to keypad input on a phone. Everyone else's solution assumes that the user is A.) On an actual mobile device, and B.) That the LAST character is the one that should be replaced in the series.

Whereas, in my case, the user can use standard keyboard/numeric keypad input. Moreover, the caret should be able to move to any arbitrary position within a given string of text, and not just to the end of that string. My script works for the most part, except for some reason, the caret advances on its own without me/the user telling it to, and from what I can see, there's nothing in the code to allow for this:

var _1:String = "1@._-";
var _2:String = "2abc";
var _3:String = "3def";
var _4:String = "4ghi";
var _5:String = "5jkl";
[Code] .....

Lastly; my code does not account for when a user presses a DIFFERENT number than the one that they are currently pressing--in which case the caret should naturally advance automatically to allow for a new numeral to be inserted. My example is attached.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SortOn Alphanumeric Array Which Holds Objects?

Apr 7, 2010

I have an array which holds objects. The objects have properties called cat and title. The cat property can hold values like:
Cat 1
Cat 2
Cat 3

And the title property can hold values:
Title 1
Title 2
Title 3

So that you wind up with something that looks like
Cat 1
Title 1

Cat 1
Title 2

Cat 2
Title 3

Now, I want to sort these, but we all know that Array.sortOn(["cat", "title"]) will produce results like:
Cat 1
Cat 10
Cat 11
Cat 2
Cat 3

What's the most efficient method of sorting these properly (so the number component sorts like a number and not like a string)? I can request users pad their entries (yes, other people will be entering this data), but that's both a little bit ugly and not very user friendly.

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Regex Validation Expression For Password That Allows For Only Alphanumeric Values

Apr 19, 2010

I'm trying to setup a RegexpValidator that only accepts a string of alphanumeric characters between 6-30 characters long and requires one number. I'm new to Regular Expressions and everything I've tried seems to keep returning an invalid ValidationRsultEvent.[code]

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