Javascript :: Free Pdf Reader For Client?

Apr 4, 2011

I am looking for a free plugin in flash or flex or something else that will allow me read pdf files and which I can integrate in my website. Do you know some?

UPDATE: I get the impression my question wasn't clear enough so,I am developing a website using asp.NET and I have a requirement to display a pdf file to the user so he could read the file and paging between files.I am looking for an open source plugin that I can integrate in the website. I don't really mind the technology of the component - but I prefer something in flash or flex.My problem is that the web application will run on a computer without an internet so I need something I can download and use without internet connection.

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Jan 7, 2011

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Render "widgets" i.e. containers with forms and components(this should be easy and possible using POHJC - Plain old HTML,JavaScript and CSS )Provide a Tree like control for laying out some data Provide a Canvas where data structures can be represented as basic shapes Provide drag and drop capabilities between Trees, Buttons and Canvas Provide some sort of Tab Navigator container (I guess JQuery works here) Interact with back-end services (JSON/XML calls will be okay, but mapping directly with back-end entities will be awesome!)Renders on latest versions of major browsers, Android OS and iOS (WebKit for mobile?)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Client To Client File Transfer

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Can we perform client to client file transfer, client to server can be done by FileReference. but how do we do client to client transfer, for example if a user wants to send file to another user to whom he is chatting online.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Client To Client Streaming?

Mar 17, 2010

I am trying to build a client-to-client streaming program - client 1 has a webcam and client 2 will connect to client 1 and be able to view the webcam. Is this possible using 2 swf clients? Can someone point me in the right direction as to what commands would be used to connect the two clients. I have tried: binary sockets Connect() where each clients points to the other and they both time-out NetConnection to try to point each client to one another to establish a connection, but no luck with that either; this seems more oriented towards streaming content to a flash media server rather than to another flash client.

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Actionscript 3 :: Client + Grails Server - Processing Audio At The Client And Sending It Back To The Server

Mar 8, 2012

We're writing a flash application that can download a MP3 file, convert it to a Sound object, get the raw data and make some processing (like adding sounds, change octaves). After the processing, we want to send the data back to the server in chunks, so the server will be able to glue the data together and recover the new generated file. The problem is: if we send to the server "wav" pieces of sound, we are able to glue them together without any problem in the generated file. However, if we convert each wav piece to a mp3 file (so we can send a smaller file to the server) and join the mp3 files at the server, the result is a sound with some problems at the merge point.

This is how we load the mp3 file from the server:

sourceSnd.load(new URLRequest("sample url to mp3"));
sourceSnd.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, carregou);

This is how we convert each piece of mp3 to bytearray and wav:


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Text Reader In Flash?

Nov 3, 2003

I'm almost certain that this is impossible, but I had to ask. One of my clients wants to know if I can build something that can read the text in Flash, kind of like an HTML reader for the visually impaired. The user would be required to have speakers.

It wouldn't have to read all of the text in the movie, just certain dynamic text fields that are in the SWF.

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Saving Flash To Reader?

May 27, 2009

is there a way, anyway, to save a flash file to reader?

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Flex :: Barcode / QR Reader In 4.6?

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I'm looking for a barcode reader using a webcam in flash builder 4.6 for mobile application. I have tried the following link here but didnt work its showing "Nothing is decoded" If you tried to scan a Barcode/QR code using mobile device.

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Jul 24, 2009

I have an RSS reader that displays my blog feeds on my flash website. It works if I view the website remotely by hitting F12, but it doesn't work if I view it through the website on the server. Why is that? Is it an issue with the server? I also have a guestbook and contact forms on the website, and it takes at least 20 minutes before the guestbook updates with the new entry or I receive the email from the contact form.

blogspot_txt.htmlText = "<u><a href='' target='_blank'>View TheRun4Life Blogspot</a></u>";
var rssReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");


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Rss Reader To Display News Feeds?

Jun 12, 2009

I am trying to make a very simple rss reader to display news feeds. All I really want to do is have a text box display the first item of the feed, wait for a moment, then display the next one. I've been searching around and can't find any decent tutorials on the subject.

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Flash :: Check Reader Version

Oct 12, 2009

Creating a CD to hand out with a pdf on it. i'd like to check for Adobe version or if reader is installed in flash menu (exe) before they're allowed to open it. then have them download latest from [URL] if not installed. seems fairly simple, just not finding anywhere that will give guidance.

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