Javascript :: Update Client Status To Server On "onbeforeunload" Event?

Sep 2, 2010

I have a flash application that needs to send a http request to the server which will disconnect the existing session immediately. I have a tried a few options but none is reliable.Option #1: On "onbeforeunload" event send a http request from inside the flash applications. Fallacy: This does not work because as soon as the browser is closed the flash player unloads the app and hence the communication breaks.Option #2: On "onbeforeunload" event send a http request using XMLHTTPRequest in ajax. This works fine in IE but doesnt work in Firefox. When i debugged the http req in httpfox it threw "NS_BINDING_ABORTED" error which i think means that request was cancelled due to page unload.

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Javascript :: IE Onbeforeunload Not Firing ExtenralInterface Callback

Feb 12, 2010

I have a Flash movie embeded with swfobject in a html container. Through ExternalInterface I have registered a javascript function to fire callback to my flash app.

ExternalInterface.addCallback("notifyClose", notifyOnClose );

The javascript function is added as an event listerner to fire onbeforeunload.

<script language="JavaScript">
function getSWF(movieName) {
if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1){


I have tested in FF and IE. Firefox works as expected but not in IE. In IE I get notified in Flash with the onload message, but not onbeforeunload.

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Javascript :: Sending Flex Data To SQL As The Browser Closes (on Window.onbeforeunload)?

Nov 3, 2011

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Flash :: Professional - Update Via SCUP - The Client Is Not Supposed To Be Interfered With The Update Progress

Nov 17, 2011

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Actionscript 3 :: Client + Grails Server - Processing Audio At The Client And Sending It Back To The Server

Mar 8, 2012

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sourceSnd.load(new URLRequest("sample url to mp3"));
sourceSnd.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, carregou);

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Media Server :: When FMS Shutdown The Network, The Client's NetConnection Didn't Dispatch Any Event?

Aug 7, 2009

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Mar 2, 2010

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Media Server :: Get The Stream Status While Playing?

May 22, 2011

The stream can be buffering,playing or closed.How can I capture these events while playing?

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Media Server :: Client Returns Server Not Found:rtmp:// When Accessed From Another Pc?

Jun 29, 2010

i have a small LAN of about 8 computers all of which are running windows 7. I have installed FMS and XAMPP webserver on one of the machines. I want to stream live from one PC to all the other PCs on the LAN. I have a webpage with jwplayer embedded in it on my XAMPP webserver that is able to see the live stream when i start it locally. I mean the live stream works fine on the machine with the servers on it. But when i want to view the live stream from another machine in the LAN by accessing the webpage that has the jwpalyer from another machine, The jwplayer returns "server not found:rtmp://" error. I was thinking that maybe a firewall is blocking the 1935 port but i have turned off the firewall of every PC on the LAN. I have unistalled any antivirus program on all the PCs. But i still get the same error when i try to access the live stream from another PC on the LAN.When i run netstat -a -n|find ":1935" i get SYN_SENT and i think the request for the stream is sent but the conection is rejected.

This is the code for the webpage with jwplayer embedded in it. maybe it:
<html>head> <title>JW FLV Media Player</title>    <script type="text/JavaScript" src="swfobject.js"></script>


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Apr 18, 2010

I have created a script for an Adobe FMS application to broadcast a playlist of video files as a live stream. (internet tv)
I am now working on a custom Flash-based video player to play my stream.

How do I send information from my server-side FMS application (main.asc) to the client-side video player? (e.g: title, duration of current video player)

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Media Server :: Dynamic Stream Switching From Server (not Client) Side

Sep 6, 2010

I understand how clients use bandwidth detection etc to dynamically switch streams via client calls with ns.play2( ... ), but I was wondering if it's possible to only ever use 1 initial ... ) call on the client side, but let FMS server side logic that I write dictate which client sees what content. For example, I have 3 clients connected to my FMS server, all watching a live stream. I then decide I want clientA to see 'recordedMovieA.flv', clientB to continue seeing the live stream, and clientC to watch 'recordedMovieB.flv'.


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Media Server :: Check The Bandwidth Of A Client ( Server Sided ) And Redirecting Him To The Right Video Stream?

Apr 7, 2010

i am currently playing around with a flash media server trial in combination with the flowplayer.All in all i am testing the performance and general functionality for the company i work for.Anyways, i am trying to search a way to check the bandwidth of a client ( server sided ) and redirecting him to the right video stream.Sure this could be done by the backend flash application, but its out intention to perform this check server sided. 

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Sep 19, 2010

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Apr 28, 2010

I m working in flex3.0 and i just want to know that how can i call a function from fms server to my AS3.0 (Client Side) code.i tried the syntax,null,null); but my flex code throw exception unable to call the can i use (methodname,null,null) and is there some special way to declare that method at client side.

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Oct 9, 2011

No I have installed fms4.5, but I can't find good docs how to set something like this up. In Learning section I saw a lesson, but this one isn't ready.So I want to publish using flash and the subscribers to the livestream can be iPhones or Browsers.

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Media Server :: Retrieving List Of Live Streams Names With Status Publishing

Apr 28, 2011

i have a website like ustream, where user can register and create  live channels and publish live video using FMLE.
Now i want to check wether a particular channel is online or offline. I have stream name for particular channel. My website is coded in PHP. I have tried using getLiveStreamStats function, it works fine where the XML file is not heavy. I mean number of subscribers are less. Then i can just check the Publisher Tag. if it exists that means stream video is live, else not.
But problem arrives when the number of subscribers are high. The XML file do not loads in PHP, and it takes too much time to load the page.
what can be done to just check if the xml file has publisher tag. and display if the stream is live or not

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Media Server :: Retrieving List Of Live Streams Names With Status Publishing?

Jan 3, 2012

I want to retrieve the list of live stream name.

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Javascript :: Free Pdf Reader For Client?

Apr 4, 2011

I am looking for a free plugin in flash or flex or something else that will allow me read pdf files and which I can integrate in my website. Do you know some?

UPDATE: I get the impression my question wasn't clear enough so,I am developing a website using asp.NET and I have a requirement to display a pdf file to the user so he could read the file and paging between files.I am looking for an open source plugin that I can integrate in the website. I don't really mind the technology of the component - but I prefer something in flash or flex.My problem is that the web application will run on a computer without an internet so I need something I can download and use without internet connection.

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Javascript :: Securing A Client-side API

Apr 27, 2011

I'm building a server-side API and client-side library for a JavaScript-based game where two very important features must be secured. A user must be debited for each play We must ensure that the score that gets submitted is the actual earned score by the player. Solving the first problem seems simple; at the beginning of each play we hit the API, debit the user's account and return a unique Play ID. When we submit the user's score for that play, we pass the ID issued at the beginning.

The second one has me a little stumped. Initially I considered a client-side hashing algorithm based on the ID and the score, but quickly realized that the Javascript that produces the hash could easily be reverse-engineered, even if it was obfuscated. At this point I considered a small flash component that generates the hash, but I've heard that even compiled flash can be decompiled.


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Javascript :: Determine IP# Of Domain From Client Browser?

Mar 26, 2010

I would very much like to determine the IP# of a domain from client script. It's for use in a testing application to determine whether or not a certain domain is set to a QA address as opposed to the address live on the . The testing machine will have it's host file set to resolve a domain to the QA address.Pinging from the server won't help since the server is getting the public DNS address.

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Javascript :: Cross Requests From Client Webpage?

Mar 4, 2012

Is it possible to make cross request from client web page to any other host? using flash, javascript or mb some other client side technology, how can this cross requests ipmlemented?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Flashvar Again After Javascript Update?

Sep 19, 2009

I'm writing a script where I need flash to check the content of flashvars more than once.Does anyone know if I can reload or something flashvar in actionscript? whats the command for this?

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Flash :: Flex - Using Media Gateway Application - Status Is Not Getting Update Like: "Connection Failed" Or "Connection Success"

Dec 17, 2010

I got a IP Communications new account having following paramters:


Its showing me connecting ... Status is not getting update like: "Connection Failed" or "Connection Success". how to use the above information in this app,

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ActionScript :: Javascript - Event Listener To Listen "all The Time" Not Just Wait For Any Particular Instance (mouse Click - Keyboard Event) Of Event?

Jul 7, 2011

I am trying to learn JavaScript and I am wondering whether JavaScript has a event listener just like ActionScript's ENTER_FRAME. Basically, I want this event listener to listen "all the time" not just wait for any particular instance (mouse click, keyboard event) of event.

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Javascript :: Implementing A Client-side Image Editor

Aug 13, 2010

We want a web app that allows a user to edit images on the browser and we're trying to decide which technology to use. We want to support simple image customization, such as high-quality resizing, cropping, image merging, and color transformations, as well as the addition of text elements with different fonts and colors.

The current options are: Flash: no worries about cross-browser compatibility; could use same image library on client and server; no iPhone/iPad support. Java (compiled to javascript with GWT): need to find a good image library in pure Java so it can be compiled to JS. Plain old javascript + HTML5: may be a mess due to multiple browsers; may need to write image editing code from scratch. Here's what's most important to us / criteria for choosing:

Image consistency: the image that the client edits on the browser must be exactly the same as the one we'll eventually use on the backend. We can achieve this by (a) having the same library both on the client and server to process images, (b) having the client generate the image and upload it to the server, or (c) use two different image processing libraries on the client/server and hope for the best in terms of consistency.

Option (a) seems best, but it would only be possible if we use Flash or Java/GWT. We don't like option (b) because the images are large; we'd rather save a sequence of operations to perform on a raw image than saving multiple transformed images. And we don't really know if option (c) is safe or not. Scalability: We prefer the client to do as much work as possible to decrease server load. Image quality must be kept high
Cross-platform: We'd like to support as many platforms as possible without rewriting everything (big negative for Flash due to iPhone/iPads).

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Javascript :: Relation Between Client Side Scripts And DBMS

Nov 2, 2011

Today I heared something weird from someone, he said that using Javascript at the front end with Oracle DB that gives high performance than the performance if used Flash(ActionScript) with Oracle, while MySQL have the same performance with any client side scripting. Is that right?, Does client side scripts have anything to do with DBMS ?

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