Logos Are Shown In 3d Perspective And Keep Rotating?
Oct 12, 2010
Code:[URL].. they have a flash banner where a lot of logos are shown in 3d perspective and keep rotating.its a popular effect on net anybody know where can I find the code online. m no coder. i belive its an xml driven pic gallery widget.
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So I am learning AS3 slowly.First project in it.I am having some troubles. (I know I need to learn to code class based, working on it, familiarizing myself with some of the basics before I change my style completely).I have set up my stage to have four instances of a movieclip named silverScreen0 - silverScreen3.Each of those has a content layer in it which I am dynamically loading an identical swf.I then have a mask I put over each clip so that it only show a specific area.
-First issue comes up that hte fourth mask seems to move/distort on load, as you'll see in the swf.
-Second issue comes up when the loaded swf comes in ... the mask seems to shift if the swf has a motion animation, click the second white circle above chapter1 to see this.
-Third issue comes up when I move the content layer inside of the silverScreen# clip ... the mask seems to move as well. No example of this but if you download the source files you can see it.[code]
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Jun 24, 2004
This project I am working on needs a top view on a snowstorm. I was thinking I can use code similar to a starfield coming at you, and then modifying it so that the objects start from around you and fall towards the center. (opposite direction). However, when I change the code the way I believe I need to, I get the right thing to happen but not to regenerate. It happens only once, and once they reach the center, they don't recreate around the edges of the screen. Here is the code I am using from a simple starfield tutorial:
_global.ppDist = 700;
_global.speed = 50;
//update function to handle perspective projection and scaling
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Oct 6, 2003
Is there any way of creating the same perspective motion in AS as I've done in the below attachment using tweens?
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Mar 29, 2012
Basically that method of fitting a bitmap texture onto a parallelogram, by splitting the parallelogram into two triangles and skew/shearing the two separate copies of the texture to be lined up with it's respective triangle.Senocular wrote a pretty good tutorial on it, but I'm stuck on some little details and or conceptual stuff, I'm not sure.First question, in the transform matrix, the b and c multipliers (skew and shear), what does it mean exactly? I played around with it and found that shearing by a factor of one, the angle formed by the slope (the slope of the two top or bottom 'points') of the shape was 45˚. So, 1 = 45; 0.5 = 22.5, etc. Am I on the right track or was the 45 angle observation just a coincidence? If so, how exactly do I find the skew factor?
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Dec 12, 2004
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Apr 2, 2010
I am wondering how to apply perspective to a dynamic/static text field in CS3? I have tried a few ways, but I can't get farther than skewing. This is the pane on which I would like to place the text. Could someone tell me if there is a way to get the same perspective?
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May 2, 2010
The following is entirely a math question. As we know, PerspectiveProjection delivers perspective transformations in 3D represented by the interdependent values of fieldOfView and focalLength according to the following formula:
focalLength = stageWidth/2 * (cos(fieldOfView/2) / sin(fieldOfView/2)
Q: How to get the visible on-screen size of the DisplayObject (Cube on the above-linked image) to which PerspectiveProjection has been applied? A more thorough description and illustrative code on the issue in ActionScript 3 lacks functionality for visible bounds of DisplayObject.
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Feb 17, 2011
I'm in the planning and learning stages of building a facebook game. For the past year my foremost question has been, "Flash or HTML5?". Rather than try to decide the answer to that, I thought I would give the markets for both some more time to mature and learn how to design the game and how to manage the server element.
Over the last year I've devoured thousands of pages of text concerning game development and business development, along with getting a solid footing in AS3, python, php, C# and javascript. So, I'm most interested in picking a system that is best for the job rather than, for example, starting off assuming the game logic will be in python because that's what I enjoy most.
The game is at its core a strategy game and I plan to use many mobile phones extensively in addition to the standard facebook "invite all your friends" features. The graphics won't be flashy and will in most places be rather flat because of the thematic elements, rather than 3d isometric like farmville or other flash facebook games.
So from a technological perspective HTML5 doesn't have any real advantage that I can see over flash, and neither does flash have any real advantage over HTML5. If you see that one has a clear advantage over the other then I would be happy to hear that in your comments.
I have five primary questions that I need your opinion on:
1) Which platform makes better sense for building a facebook game considering the future market trends?
2) Which platform has better inherent elements to help prevent cheating? (like flash being compiled into a .swf vs javascript being in plain text)
3) Which platform would be most attractive to the best game development talent for future hires?
4) Which platform is easiest to take technology from one game and use it for other future games? (like developing isometric graphics in flash)
5) Which platform is easiest to develop with a team?
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