Mask With Several Shapes?

Mar 19, 2009

Is this possible? Cause it "masks" just one shape within the mask layer.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import Shapes Directly From The Library As Shapes And Not As Sprites / MovieClips?

Feb 17, 2009

I have a question about shapes (i mean the flash.display.Shape class). Is it possible to import Shapes directly from the library as Shapes and not as Sprites/MovieClips? Shapes are supposed to be faster than MovieClips/Sprites, right? So why is it only possible to import MCs/Sprites from the library? I understand that generally shapes could be created solely by actionscript, but in my case the shape comprises of many points and is curved - so it's quite infeasible.

Is there maybe some sort of plugin to generate code that would draw the desired shape from a drawn shape in CS4? And a last one: Are there any benchmarks out there for performance comparison between sprites/mcs/shapes? How much performance do i loose by using a sprite instead of a shape?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alpha Mask - Area Of The Loader Outside Of The Mask Will Visible When The Mouse Is Down

Sep 10, 2010

I have a startDrag function set up on a loader and mask that when the mouse is down on the loader it drags, when not it doesn't. There is also 2 buttons that control whether mask1 or mask2 is used. What i would like however is when the mouse is down - the area of the loader outside of the mask is visible but only by about 10/20% alpha, that way the user can see where all the image is while dragging. Is this possible? Full code can be seen below and i have attached the zip with the .fla file:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scriptable Mask - Large Mask Behind The Whole Of Flash Site?

Aug 19, 2003

what i am doing is to make something along the lines of the "scriptable mask" tutorial Inigo was kind enough to put up.My idea is to have a large mask behind the whole of my flash site, this masks a colour image with a black & white one (nothing tricky). The image I am using is actually 5 separate images combined, and each is a pic of certain parts of the site.I also have a very basic set of buttons along the bottom... each corresponding to each section.

All I want is to set it up so that when I mouse over the buttons, the _x of the mask moves to correspond with the correct image... really very basic... or so I thought .If anything it should be easier to do than what is in Inigo's tut (where he uses the _x of the mouse to move the mask)... i just cant seem to get it to work with a nice easing effect (its easy to get the mask to simply snap to each coordinate, but I need it to smoothly move).

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Create Own Mask Around A Jpg Image By Drawing Around It On The Mask Layer

Dec 4, 2009

maybe point me towards a better way to mask. png file is way too big. I have been using the mask layer option to create my own mask around a jpg image by drawing around it on the mask layer. There has to be a fetter and faster way to do this. Is it possible to maybe have a specific color range have an alpha value of 0. Similar to green screening whereas If I put the item I want to clip on a green background flash will auto take out the green for me. and by auto I mean action script maybe. I think this can be done but im not finding it.

how are these guys clipping these images [URL] they have the movie clips set up where the black background on the 3 layers of shoes is getting masked out. When I go into the shoe movie clips I see there is a black background but it just disappears when I go back to main timeline.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Shape.mask=mc.mask In As File Not Working

Apr 8, 2010

ive gotten one movie clip to mask another in the actions frame but i cant seem to be able to mask the flames which are a shape with a movieclip in this as file. im not getting any errors but the mask isnt covering anything look near the bottom at s.mask=mask_mc; there are about 20 "s" shapes spawning per second if that has anything to do with it

//this package turns an mc into a flaming button that calls a javascript function
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Mask Multiple MC Or Sprites Under One Mask?

Nov 26, 2009

I was wondering if its possible to mask multiple MC or Sprites under one mask, when using = a;cba.mask = a;something like that

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How To Cut Shapes In Flash

May 1, 2009

Is it possible? I can't figure out how to do it.

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Apr 15, 2009

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C# :: Create Images Using Shapes?

May 24, 2011

Im trying to create a drag and drop module which can be used to build an Image. EX: Using a triangle and rectangles to create a House.

I have created the drag and drop module but I cant make them fix with each other.

I'll explain the functionality a little bit, but forgive my English if any mistakes since it's not my native language. The user is given a set of shapes and a question like "CREATE A HOUSE" so he should be able to drag the shapes that is given and and build the house.

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Actionscript 3 :: 3d Shapes In Flex?

Jul 21, 2011

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Feb 7, 2009

Can I add eventListeners to shapes ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Shapes To An Array?

Jun 7, 2011

I want to add different quadrilaterals to an array, so summing up this is what I am trying and it isn't working[code]...

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IDE :: IK Animation Symbols Vs Shapes

Aug 17, 2009

I'm working on an IK based character animation, and I have a question about the different IK "types".I've started by creating a charater, created using symbols to represent the various body parts, which works great, and I've created a shape based armature as well to handle the mouth because the shape based animation works perfectly for animating it.Is there a way to "attach" the shape armature to the symbol armature to that the mouth will move with the head during animation? It is difficult to keep the mouth armature aligned with the face manually, and the bones don't "stick" when I drag them from the symbol armature to the shape armature.

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Pencil Draw Undesired Shapes?

Mar 17, 2009

Why is it that when I draw with the pencil tool, my lines get auto-reshaped? This is nice but it's not nice when I try to draw a stickfigure and it turns out completely wrong. Sometimes when I draw a circle with the pencil tool it becomes a square. But then again I don't use a drawing pad. I use a mouse.

Somebody told me: "Because Flash is really a vector drawing tool, not a bitmap drawing tool. It is *interpreting* your marks as pieces of a curve. That said I think there may be a setting to remove this smooth - in effect using more line parts for you drawing."

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Shapes Clickable?

Mar 31, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTestObject W/ Irregular Shapes?

Jul 5, 2011

I have maze-like game and I'm trying to get the player mc to respond to a collision between the boundary mc.hitTestObject doesn't work since it's not a rectangle. Is there a way to do this?

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Flex :: Manipulate Shapes In Adobe?

Sep 18, 2009

I'm working on an application where I'm drawing some rectangles on the screen, and then will need to manipulate the shapes (change their size, location). I tried to do something with .drawRect and clearing the shape each time I was manipulating it, but the RAM usage was spiking and then falling (presumeably because i keep reinitializing a new component and then removing it, and garbage collection was cleaning it out). This seems like its probably not the most efficient way to do it.

Is there a way for me to just create a shape once, and then move it around on a canvas (and change its width and height without all this RAM usage?

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Actionscript :: Drawing Shapes In Flex?

Feb 9, 2011

I want to develop an image editing application in Flex 4. My initial requirement is to draw various shapes like Line, Rectablge, Triangle, Circle, Star etc in appication. I want to facilitate user to draw shapes using rubber banding like professional applications do.

All shapes would be vector and should look smooth in an size. So, can't use bitmap and scale them.

What are better methods to achieve this?

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Actionscript 3 :: Dynamically Expanding Shapes?

Jul 17, 2011

I made a rounded rectangle in as3 and would like to expand it on click. This is the code I use:

var lesBg:Sprite = new Sprite();
with ( {
lineStyle(3, 0x61b157);[code].....

When I click on it I would like it to expand to twice its size. I'm doing this with TweenLite but when I expand it I get ugly pixelated images and the borders expand too., 1,{width: 380});

Is it possible to expand the image so it stays clean and the borders stay intact?

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Oct 22, 2009

Does anyone know if it's possible to extrude vector shapes using AS3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Collision Between 2 Shapes?

Nov 12, 2009

I want to detect when a circle collides into a random object. I know this is pretty basic to do with a mouse colliding into a random object but I want to modify this for a circle. I have seen some examples which use circles but they are drawn in script, is it possible to do this with a mc from the library.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drawing Shapes At An Angle?

Dec 29, 2009

I have a code, that draws a horizontal line, then it turns into a slope, and at the end of the slope it draws a circle. Here's a code:

var xspeed:Number = 1; // defines increments for x of slope
var yspeed:Number = 2; // defines increments for y of slope
var hspeed:Number = 5; // horizontal line increments


Create document 800x700 and put this code into main timeline. Now test movie As you can see, everything works great. But there is a problem. The circle is being drawn at 0 degree angle. But I want the circle to match the angle of the slope, so it looks like the slope and the circle are both at the same angle.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resize Shapes Drawn In It?

Nov 1, 2010

How do you resize shapes drawn in actionscript?

I need to create a skewed rectangle and on rollover, have the right edge move outwards.. making the skewed rectangle wider.. while keeping the proportions.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GradientFill On Unregular Shapes

Feb 26, 2011

I've got sprite on the stage, let's say it is a graphics of a car. I would like to let the user fill the car with the colors he inserted to xml file.So, if I have square or rect, I do the thing this way:[code]So in the symbol class(Car) I added a public function, which I use for the instance of the Car in the MainTimeLine(as DocumentClass)car.setGradient(fillColor1,fillColor2,fillColor3)but gradient applies to the rect, created with drawRoundRectComplex, which then is added to the car instance. And I would like to fill with gradient the shape of the car.Is it possible [code] instantly took an idea that I could shift this function from Car's class body to the MainTimeline and pass the object to fill as a parameter. But how to incorporate this object between beginFill and endFill methods. The same way I tried to set THIS I mean actual instance to be filled but it doesnt work for me. Wrong code, or it is impossible...:/ but, is it possible to incorporate shapes created with authoring tool and then change its gradient via code?

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