Performance :: Flash Scenes - More Efficient Than Using Mcs Or Frames?

Feb 15, 2012

I am making a game and was wondering whether scenes have any efficiency/performance purpose or if they're just there to make Flash more organized?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Different Scenes Instead Of Frames?

Jun 7, 2007

For my game i was think to create different Scenes instead of Frames, since it would be easier to navigate between them.

Will functions, variables etc be same on all the scenes? Or will they be unloaded?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Direct Users To Different Scenes / Frames?

Sep 11, 2005

I'm having trouble creating a conditional statement. I want to direct users to different Scenes / frames based on the first three numbers of their 7-digit assigned account nos.

I cant seem to figure out how to write the condition: "IF VARIABLE1 begins with "555" gotoandStop..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Scenes Or Even Frames With On (release)

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I attached this actionscript to a movie clip:


It rolls in and out fine. but refuses to change scenes or even frames with on (release). I am kind of new to flash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Player 11 Performance - The Flash Player Chokes And Skips About 10-20 Frames?

Dec 9, 2011

I'm having a performance problem that seem to be related to Flash Player 11.I noticed this mainly because Chrome auto-updates the flash player. So, it's now up to 11 in Chrome. During a sliding section transition, the flash player chokes and skips about 10-20 frames. In essence the content jumps, not a smooth transitions. You can see this at the following url. Using a browser with 10, plays as intended, a separate browser with 11, chokes and jumps ahead.

firstworldproblems-[url].....I have security sensitive site, that is more elaborate that I can't share here. But, the same issue is happening above.I'm using LoaderMax to load assets. Adding it to the stage and then animating them in from the left or right of the stage, using Tweenmax. The one I can't show is a series of images, 1280x640 pixels, 10 in total.Removing items from the stage when they are not visible, so I can get the CPU usage back. On Flash Player 10, this is working as intended.On 11 it jumps. I don't think it's the removing assets from the stage that's choking the player, because the above link has the same issue.I feel like this is a Flash Player 11 performance issue.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: One Main Class - Error With Frames / Scenes

Feb 12, 2011

I am getting errors with flash cs5 classes I am using one main class and I've got to make a menu and normal game so two scenes (1 menu 2 main game). I keep getting this error when i play the movie. I am using CS5 IOS Packager

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at ButtonClass()[C:UsersMY NAME COMPDesktopIOS]
at runtime::ContentPlayer/loadInitialContent()
at runtime::ContentPlayer/playRawContent()
at runtime::ContentPlayer/playContent() ......

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Scenes - Organize The Timeline And Not Take Up As Many Frames Per Timeline

Dec 5, 2009

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Make A Movie With Multiple Scenes - Streaming Sound And Scenes Sync

Jul 3, 2009

whenever I set my sound to stream and continue to make a movie with multiple scenes. The audio and video get disgustingly out of sync sometimes even off by 30 seconds. I just started an animation its only 10 seconds long with two scenes and the AV is already off by about 5 seconds. Ive worked around this by avoiding scenes altogether but i really don't want to have another 5000 frame scene. I discovered this problem in Flash MX and Im quite annoyed that it still has't been fixed 3 years later!

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Actionscript :: Flash Getting VIM To Be Efficient Like Flex

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Flash :: Most Efficient Way To Overwrite Bitmapdata?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a bitmapdata object that is filled with n rectangles of a width of 1 pixel and of varying heights.

I want to run through a loop and remove the old rectangle and replace it with a different one.

Should I do something like reset the each bitmap column of pixels to a background color and then add the rect i want?


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More Efficient Keyframe Animation In Flash CS4/5?

Dec 12, 2010

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Performance :: Performance - Hold MouseDown To Increase Speed/power?

Sep 12, 2011

this is what i'm trying to accomplish; With a click on a movieclip (cannon_mc)a shot is being fired (ball_mc)

The longer mouse is down, the speed of wich the ball is fired with should increase.My question to you is;

What is the most efficient way to accomplish this? With a timer or something like this;


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Flash :: What Is The Most Efficient Way To Create A Web Video Chat

Mar 18, 2010

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Performance :: Optimization - Improving Performance With Large #'s Of Objects

Jan 11, 2011

I'm devloping some library classes for flocking/steering behaviours on large numbers of objects (2000+). I'm finding that at < 500 instances, performance is reasonable. As the numbers increase, framerate bogs down.

I've seen remarkable performance with libraries such as Flint or Box2D with ridiculous #'s of particles / objects, so it should be possible to optimize / refactor my code to be a bit better.

I'm aware of the basic optimizations, such as bitwise operations and optimized for loops. Are there any more fundamental approaches I should be considering? For example, currently each instance is a vector-based MovieClip. Would working with BitmapData be more efficient?

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Performance :: Flex - Using Nested ViewStacks Cause Performance To Decrease?

Nov 4, 2011

Will I take a big hit in performance using nested ViewStacks? Should I strive to handle all navigation in one ViewStack and push children manually or will the affected performance be negligible?

<tabnavigator />
<tabnavigator />
<tabnavigator />

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Performance :: Improve Flex Performance For Invisible Views?

Mar 19, 2012

We have a medium size Flex 3.6 application that contains around 20 different page views (managed via a single lazy ViewStack) each having multiple components. Most use custom renderers.All model data is loaded at startup and changes to model instances are communicated via binding and/or collection change events.Once the user has viewed each page at least once, all page views are instantiated and happily listen to update events.Which in effect means that each time a model instance changes, all interested views receive that event and compute derived data or trigger item-renderers.I have tested and confirmed this behaviour in a proof-of-concept application. Even when setting a list to being invisible, it still listens to collection change events and invalidates any renderer affected.What would you do?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Most Efficient BitmapData Grid Drawing With Alpha

Oct 14, 2010

I'm looking for the most efficient possible way of drawing an 8 x 4 grid (960x600 total size). Each square of the grid has a variable alpha and the grid is redrawn every enter frame. The problem is my application is doing a lot already and I'm looking for the most efficient way to execute this loop 32 times (possible more in fact) per frame without overloading processor.

private function init():void {
var dimensions : Array = [ 0, 0, 960, 600 ];
var gridRaw : Array = [ 8, 4 ];
var stageRect : Rectangle = new Rectangle( Number( dimensions[0] ), Number( dimensions[1] ), Number( dimensions[2] ), Number( dimensions[3] ) );
[Code] .....

I'm under the impression there could be better ways of drawing the shapes straight to BitmapData without using Sprites, or maybe I'm doing something wrong about memory usage as I can see memory going up and down in a cycle.

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Flash Load ALL Scenes Of A Movie Or Does It Load The First Scene And Then Load The Other Scenes?

Jun 2, 2010

I am working with a project that has many scenes. Each scene has a movie clip attached to it. The first scene is simple...just a couple of buttons and that is it. My worry is that when I add all of the videos that correspond with each button and publish the SWF will be a huge file. THE QUESTION: Does flash load ALL scenes of a movie or does it load the first scene and then load the other scenes when the user needs to view them?

My ultimate goal is to just have the first scene load and then when the user clicks on the buttons contained within that scene that only upon release does the corresponding scene load. Maybe I am doing this completely wrong and should look at doing it another way.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Track Scenes Viewed And Display Image A Or Image B Based On Scenes Viewed

Feb 26, 2011

I have an interactive story divided into scenes. At the end of each scene a button appears. This occurs on a frame on the timeline.
There are two different buttons that might appear based on whether a prior scene has been viewed or not.
For example, there are Scene_1 and Scene_2. At the end of Scene_2 one of two buttons will appear. The buttons will be either "Go see Scene_1" or "Return to Main Menu".
If the user has already seen Scene_1, Flash will know that and automatically go to the frame in Scene_2 that contains the button "Return to Main Menu".
Conversely, if the user has not seen Scene_1, Flash will know and automatically go to the frame in Scene_2 that contains the button "Go see Scene_1".
I imagine there would be an action frame at the end of Scene_2 that will contain the as2 code to enable this action.
Perhaps something like, but probably not at all like the following:
if ("Scene_1", last frame == true){gotoAndPlay("frame#");}else{gotoAndPlay("frame#");}

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Making Edits More Efficient?

Aug 28, 2009

what are some tricks and tips for making editing across frames quicker and more consistent? For example, if I have an animation with many frames and/or multiple scenes is there a way to add or move an element so that it appears the same way across all of the frames?

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Most Efficient Slideshow Method?

May 18, 2009

I can make a slideshow by importing 30 or so images and using the timeline. I can make a slideshow by importing 30 or so images and using actionscript so that the timeline is realtively short.
What is the best way?  I discovered how to do it by loading a movieclip with the image, but that is risky because depending on the connection, it sometimes loads too late.
What is the most streamlined, small filesize way to make a long slideshow?  Can you point me to posts that talk about this or tutorials?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multitouch API Not Efficient Enough?

Aug 15, 2011

interested (or proficient) in multitouch technology with AS3I'm currently doing a multitouch project (ya!), in which touch point and gesture detection is required, using the beta multitouch API in flash, the program does compile but there're some deadly issues about it:

1. The program(in swf form or windows projector form) lag frequently (about 1-3 times in 10sec) when I'm doing gestures, but it runs withno lagging when I open it by dragging the swf file to IE(and other browsers too), wield. (I'm using win7)2. Swipe gesture is not supported, which makes me really isappointed,by the way, touchEvents and gestureEvents can not be used at the sametime, but I've ever seen some smooth flash programs which apparently allowtouch and gestures, how do they do that?Well, the program is very simple but laggy(except swf in IE, of course), so I don't think the main problem for lagging is my code, I wonder if it's just me or it's the problem of the beta API or Flash player, but it's still not comprehensible


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drastically More Efficient Than 2.0?

Jan 13, 2009

Why did Adobe decide to drastically change the language this much?The only reason I can think to revamp something that before was quite simple to something that is more complex is for efficiency. From what I've seen the listeners help reduce filesize by having you only include functions you need, but it also seems like they're trying to become like larger languages such as java and c++.

While I'm sure it's good code ethics to separate code from movieClips and buttons, it's damn frustrating, coming from the 2.0 background. The only reason I can fathom as to why they did this was because there HAS to be some crazy performance boost or something.

Otherwise it just doesn't make sense to axe it altogether.Maybe I'm just complaining about losing novelties but so far I don't like the changes Adobe has brought to Flash.

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Actionscript 3 :: Efficient Looping Through Dictionary?

Mar 5, 2010

for (var k in dictionary)
var key:KeyType = KeyType(k);
var value:ValType = ValType(dictionary[k]); // <-- lookup
// do stuff

This is what I use to loop through the entries in a dictionary. As you can see in every iteration I perform a lookup in the dictionary. Is there a more efficient way of iterating the dictionary (while keeping access to the key)?

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XML :: Most Efficient Way To Store And Parse Data In AS3?

Sep 22, 2010

What way of reading and storing data is fastest for AS3. For debugging right now it is just reading the raw XML, but I suspect it would be faster if I made them into nested arrays. Would parsing the XML into nested arrays to be read later be the most efficient method?, or is there a better way to read lots of data?

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Flex :: Looking For A More Efficient Way To Clear Controls?

Jul 28, 2011

In main.mxml I have a bunch of textInput controls a combobox and a few checkboxes that I would like to be able to clear with some sort of loop. Right now, I do it like this:


I read a post on SO that recomended adding the controls to an ArrayCollection with the creationComplete event. I tried that and it worked fine but it was not any more elegant than what I have now. All of these controls are in mxml format and not generated with AS by me. I also tried looping like this:

I can't get past that part though. I cannot find a way to reference the values of the control.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Code More Efficient?

Aug 5, 2011

I have an activity with 6 buttons. Each button loads a movieclip from the library. Users can click the buttons in any order. The code below shows my long process of checking to see if other movieclips are present and removing them before I add the new movieclip.I'm wondering if there's is an easier way to do this. So far I've only written the code for the first 3 buttons. It is long and creates plenty of opportunities for syntax errors

var answer01:MovieClip = new swap01target();
var answer02:MovieClip = new swap02target();
var answer0


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Most Efficient Way To Use Google Maps?

Sep 30, 2009

I have a google map in my site, and have all the code in the main timeline. I'm pretty sure this is affecting my intro animation due to google maps importing. Is there an efficient way to do this, so that it won't affect the intro?[url]...

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Most Efficient Way To Add Ambient Animation?

Dec 20, 2010

I was wondering if there were any tips on the most efficient (least processor heavy) way to add some ambient animation to a set of sprites on the stage (possibly hundreds). i was thinking of just having them pulse or fade in and out a bit every so often just to show some movement.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Efficient Text Truncation?

Sep 30, 2007

For this I have up to 16 movie clips with up to 3 fields in each that need truncating. So as you can see 3 x 16 = 48 * # of excess characters; Potentially VERY slow.My current code is:

mc.displaySongT.text =;
altered = false;


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