Php :: Site Allaboutrajni Work Only When Offline(disconnect From Internet?
Apr 2, 2012
The following site only works if you are offline.[URL].. So how do they do this. I have even seen YouTube do something similar. just open YouTube and disconnect net and refresh. You will see the page below.
this is my first flash test and I have been stuck for weeks to solve this issue. I am currently with Mediatemple, standard gs plan, and I have three files that I wish to upload:
index.html (html file) ProgBar.swf (Preloader) Main.swf (External Swf that is being loaded)
If you open the html file locally on a computer, it works fine, however the problem arises when these files are uploaded to the internet,. It doesn't seem to work at all... Please help me figure out why. Thank you for your consideration.
when I'm streaming in live :a. FMLE is disconnect for couple seconds (10 -30), stop encoding and then renew the connection and the encodingb. In the same time, I can see users (streams) are disconnecting/ disappear from the console.As said it can happen once in a session, but this disconnect most of the users and they have to refresh their browserto get the live session again.Currently I'm using FMSS 3.5.4 r210, Linux redhat 5.2,6 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 16GB.I found a post named "FMS disconnect from FME" (Jun 7, 2010 3:36 PM by BJWP Ltd)
In order to work offline I'm using XAMPP to develop a website which is working great except that I can't see any Flash content. External Flash players have no problem working offline but obviously won't load anything but SWFs and FLVs. Is there a way to get Flash to work in a browser while offline?
I have a little problem. I need to create a search form that will work offline. I mean, ...when you type a file name, it will find it and open it for to do it in flash, swish, or swift ?
is it possible to make an email form work offline? I had it working with PHP but now the whole thing is wanted to be used offline, so.. tried to Google, but no luck with that. It doesn't have to be an email form actually, sending data to a text/xml file works just as well.
I have decided to attempt making my sisters website. I have used an XML gallery in the website and all works well when viewing the website just in flash, .fla or the .swf file. My problem is, when i come to put it into dreamweaver ready to upload and I preview it in Firefox, or any other broswer, all the pages work but no the XML gallery? Im gettin very stressed out now as all my file routesetc are correct?I have googled the problem and all I have found out is that it could be something to do with security?Does anybody know how to resolve this problem
I have a common problem. Because I am sitting on broadband, I don�t have possibility to se how my productions are going to behave on for example 56K, ISDN or similar connection. Is there any application or site that can actually �squeeze� connection speed for those purposes?
I have been asked to get a website up and running. It is a Flash site, which works fine in Firefox and Safari, but its just a white screen in IE. Does anyone know why?the website isand the scrip is : -
<head> <script> if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') != -1) ||
Im in my first year studying a web design course, over the summer I have decided to attempt making my sisters website. I have used an XML gallery in the website and all works well when viewing the website just in flash, .fla or the .swf file. My problem is, when i come to put it into dreamweaver ready to upload and I preview it in Firefox, or any other broswer, all the pages work but no the XML gallery? Im gettin very stressed out now as all my file routesetc are correct?I have googled the problem and all I have found out is that it could be something to do with security?
the flash4 published set of files, with a variety of skins tried, works well on the local drive, even when moved to a different folder structure. when index.html is opened on the remote web site, the browser (firefox3 and ie7) displays the player conrols and a rotating horizontal barber pole, green and black, but no flash video.some of the skins i've used are: SkinOverPlaySeekFullscreen.swf, nOverPlayStopSeekCaptionVol.swf and SkinUnderPlay.swf. all work locally but do not play the .flv file on the web site. no problem playing flv movies on the remote web site if the file set is created by dreamweaver.
I have a preloader with the following code stop(); this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PRO GRESS, onProgress); this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete); function onProgress(erogressEvent):void { var loaded:Number =; [Code] ..... It works great with Firefox and Safari on a mac but when viewing in internet explorer on a pc, the loader does not work at all.
I have been searching Google trying to find a solution to my problem with no joy, so I thought I would post in here to try my luck.I have created a small movie which can be found here, [URL], the problem I have lays with the button at the top of the movie titled "Click Here to Create Your Canvas". I have 'Publish Previewed' in Flash and the button works fine - changing on mouseover and opening link, however when viewed in HTML the button changes as intended but the link does not open on release.
trying to create a character selection screen type thing works fine on my computer but when i load it to internet characters dont load up dont understand why characters and profile images are external image files so i think that reason why its not working is because the swf is trying to display the image before its properly loaded up
so im thinking perhaps if i add some sort of bytes total/bytes loaded script where its trying to load up and display the image it will check if the image is fully loaded before it tries to display the image think that will work ... if that's what the issue is but not certain.
trying to create a character selection screen type thing works fine on my computer but when i load it to internet characters dont load up dont understand why? characters and profile images are external image files so i think that reason why its not working is because the swf is trying to display the image before its properly loaded up
im thinking perhaps if i add some sort of bytes total/bytes loaded script where its trying to load up and display the image it will check if the image is fully loaded before it tries to display the image.
At the end of the movie I would like to check if the user is still connected to the Internet (they maybe on an unstable dial-up connection and lost connection). Is there anyway to do that? I mean, is there a way to check if a user is connected to the Internet using ActionScript?
I am trying to prevent users from viewing my site and then simply going into their "temporary internet files" and stealing my swfs and XML files. I have been using a great .PHP code to stop this but now I am working on a server server that only uses .aspx files. Does anybody know of a way that I can stop files from being stored in the "temporary internet files" folder. I have encrypted the files but this is not good enough.
Following embed code is from [URL] but it doesn't work in Internet Explorer 8. Firefox no problems. Any recommendations for improvements?
UPDATE 2010-05-14: If I'm not mistaken uses Flowplayer and all those flasvars are for that. Perhaps someone here is good with Flowplayer? I've never used it myself.
I am working with Flash MX Professional 2004 on a mac running Tiger. I am near to finishing a fully flash based website.I am fairly new to Flash so experiencing a wee problem with my Preloader. The preloader is an animation in a movieclip that I have placed at the start of each scene that contains only one of my portfolio photos which once downloaded fades in and fades out. The Preloader tested in an isolated test scene on its own works fine, it is placed in frame 1 with the following actionscript 2 and a stop action placed in an actions layer. The downloading photo fade in starts in frame 2. When the user closes the photo it unloads it from the level it is in ready for the user to choose another photo which will go in to the same level.
Yet when the same scene is played back on its own level within the main website FLA it does work as an animation. Rather it stalls, blank to start with then at 50% download it goes straight to the 100% loaded part of the Preloader animation and stays like that until the photo has fully downloaded. It does this at all bandwidth tests and also does this when tested live once uploaded to server. It should animate smoothly up until the photo downloads. Very frustrating problem. I notice that the first frame of the scene has an unusually large size for some reason as the preloader is only 10kb in reality yet shows as 60kb, may be there is something going on here or perhaps it just needs the script changing slightly?[code]
I'm not sure why I am so incompatible with preloaders. After so much struggling I got my first one to work, but now I can't get preloaders to work again with the site I'm currently working with. It just either goes straight to the main screen, or ignores the preloader and just loads while having a blank screen.
only for animations, and not web navigation purposes? I tried using this for my[URL].. that I'm working on, but it did not do anything. Could my problem be that I'm putting the loader in a separate scene? It seems it should work okay then, though, because on frame two I have it gotoAndPlay the next appropriate scene.
Bah. I don't know why this isn't working now. Even kirupa's show bytes/total bytes preloader isn't working.
I have a probleme to make my new site work with netscape7 (the name of the clip is pis=piscine)
size of the stagevar largeurScene:uint = stage.stageWidth;var hauteurScene:uint = stage.stageHeight; /bt01 is a button called clpix01var bt01:clpix01 = new clpix01();bt01.x = 110;bt01.y = 200;// Le curseur de la souris prend la forme d'une main au survol du boutonbt01.buttonMode = true;addChild(bt01);[code].....
In firefox and chrome on my macbook the video plays full screen in the background.However, my client is complaining about it not working at all on windows computers. While I thought that most browser compatibility issues were mostly browser based and not OS based, apparently the same site does not work in firefox and chrome on pc's.I'm not 100% sure, but it might be some sort of a z-index problem? I heard that the video would show up, but none of the content would.
I have insert jPlayer [URL] into my site [URL] and I've got a lot of feedback that it doesn't work. I suppose that it's because of old version of flash-plugin, but no one browser show block whith class .jp-no-solution. I've checked all browsers at home and at work - everywhere it works. But there are too many feedbacks that jplayer doesn't play music.