Publishing Gifs In Flash?

Oct 27, 2009

I am having sever problems with publishing gifs in flash. All text turns into great big blobs. This has not allways been happening, it just started one day...I have tried reinstalling but the problem is still there...Heres something I made to show...I put a white background, and 30pt arial text saying "Test" in roughly the came out like this:

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Animated Gifs In Flash?

Sep 12, 2009

I made an animated gif in adobe flash, but when I export it as a gif, the quality is ruined. I know there is a way to make high quality gifs in flash, as shown here:URL...But when I follow those steps and publish it, the gif turns out to be a blank frame.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Animated Gifs Into Flash?

Nov 24, 2004

I was wondering if we can load animated gifs dynamically using the .loadMovie or anyother method?

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Sound And Animated Gifs

Feb 14, 2010

Yesterday I worked on an educational activity for adult English as a second language students similar to this one and the two pages worked perfectly.However, when I tried to make another page today that incorporates animated gifs, I ran into problems.I lost the ability to embed sound on the down state for all objects on the page.I am using Vista updated, and KoolMoves 7.4.1.I used these steps:

1. Import an image (jpeg) on to the stage.

2. Clicked on it and selected make it a button from the tool bar
3. In the OVER State, I drew a layer over the image and made it transparent.

4. I moved to the UP State, copied the OVER State, and added the word.

5. I moved to the DOWN State, copied the OVER State, and returned to the Main Movie.

6. I then right clicked on the image to show properties and changed the sound to YES, went to the down state, and linked to the sound.

7. I then saved, previewed in Play in Browser Window, and the two previous images with sounds (which worked perfectly before I worked on the gif) and the animated gif do not play sound.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Exporting Animated GIFs Containing Script?

Oct 4, 2010

I've read it's impossible to a export a scripted animation into one animated PNG while retaining any of the AS3-triggered actions (whether in Timeline or Classes). This also seems to be the case with animated GIFS. The problem is, having a 27 x 27 stage, my .MOV files are still huge. Do I have to give up, or is there a hidden workaround for exporting animated GIFs with AS3?

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Professional :: Transparent Background For Animated Gifs?

Jul 20, 2010

yesterday i made a Flash with CS5, and i wanted to export the Movie as Animated Gif with a transparent Background but this does not work, no matter if i selest transparency due the Export as Movie or if i set it in Publish Settings, the Background will be always opaque as in the Flash App itself, so White or whatever Background is set to the App...I am on s Mac, the only way it worked was to export the Movie as PNG Sequence but i don't know how to easily combine them together as an animated gif?

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Professional :: Loading Gifs Pngs And Bmps?

Dec 22, 2010

I have been experementing the the loadmovie command in AS1

it works for JPGS

but i cant make it work for PNGs, GIFs, or BMPs
how do i load external images of these types into flash

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Professional :: Placing And Moving Imported Gifs?

Apr 15, 2011

I import an animated gif onto the stage, but if I want to then move all the frames some pixels to the left, I have todo so for each element in every  frame. How can I move the gif and all its frames in one action without using actionscript

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Professional :: CS4: Importing Animated Gifs For Rotoscoping?

Aug 22, 2011

I've been trying to import animated gifs into Adobe Flash CS4 Professional to practice rotoscoping, but I can never get the gifs to work. I've tried importing directly to the stage and importing to the library and making the gif into a symbol and so on, and I can get the gif's frames to appear in the timeline, but once the gifs are in the file refuses to play. If I hit Enter and try to play it, nothing happens. If I try to test the scene or test the movie, I just get an swf that's stuck on the first frame in the gif. Does anyone have any idea how I can get gifs to work?(I'm using Windows 7 on an HP laptop with 6 GB of RAM. If I should be providing any other information, let me know.)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading GIFs Into MovieClips... No Reaction?

Jul 28, 2005

I'm using the following code to load two gif images into two movieclips

var team1_img_file = "hamburg.gif";
var team2_img_file = "gladbach.gif";[code].....

The gif images are in the same folder as the flash file- does flash require a physical path / full address?The facts:

- I receive no error.

- "_layer2" does exist and is not obscured by anything.

- using "this" instead of "_layer2" gets the same result.

- the images don't show up.

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IDE :: Load Dynamic/animated Gifs Using A UILoader?

Aug 31, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Animated Gifs Dynamically Using The .loadMovie?

Nov 24, 2004

I was wondering if we can load animated gifs dynamically using the .loadMovie or anyother method?

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Publishing A Flash Movie

Mar 8, 2010

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Publishing Flash To Web With Dreamweaver

Aug 19, 2009

CS3 on a 2.4 ghz intel core 2 duo Mac running OS X 10.5.8.I have been able to create my webpages and upload them to the host. They are viewable, linkable etc. Everything is working, but now I want to include some flash elements.I built a flash file in action script 3.0 and saved it in the files folder of Dreamweaver, I dragged and dropped the swf file into the design screen and saved it. I have uploaded the html file, the swf and fla files and the created js file to the host server, but the flash element does not appear on the page when I view it in the browser.

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Publishing Settings For Flash CS4 - GIF?

Aug 25, 2009

Yes, I am currently running into an issue concerning publishing settings with Flash Professional CS4. I know how to make things animated in the publish setting, but things come out like the saturation is not all there in a project. I have no clue what to choose for the options to achieve the desired effect I want. It just looks drained of color. When I import items to the stage everything looks so clear and perfect, but when I go to publish it as a .gif animated it looks so bland. I'm sure Flash users are familiar to the settings provided for the .gif tab, if not I can give a list of everything thats there. I have included a screenshot of what my dialog box looks like as well.

Attachments: dialog-box.jpg (70.3 K)

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Flash :: CS5.5 Publishing Incomplete SWF?

Aug 17, 2011

I have an FLA that has 20 scenes in it. When I publish it, the resulting SWF plays fine up to scene 16. At that point, I get the streaming audio, but the animation just stops. The scenes after 16 are empty.
This is a simple, voice narrated movie that is linear. The buttons at the bottom are AS2 pause/play/nextscene/prevscene. It works fine till I get to scene 16 and that's where it seems like it's just incomplete.
I noticed when it's publishing that the progress bar seems to get a bit over halfway and then the publishing dialog just disappears as if it's finished. It doesn't move the progress bar all the way to 100%.
If I do a test scene each one of those scenes publishes fine and plays fine inside Flash CS5.5. This only happens when I publish the whole thing. If I copy the timeline of scene 16 and paste it into a new movie, that single scene also publishes and plays fine. Again, it's only when it is publishing all 20 scenes.

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Publishing SWF Using Adobe Flash?

Jun 8, 2010

I have a SWF file which contains of an image (1keyframe) and also, it contains an AS3 file with the following codes:

var loader:Loader=new Loader();
var ur:URLRequest=new URLRequest("1.swf");

so basically, i am trying to play the swf file (1.swf - an audio) while the image is being displayed. What I want to know is how will I be able to publish this project into an SWF file which can still play as expected even without the raw 1.swf file. I can publish SWF right now but when I delete the 1.swf file, my generated swf can only display the image.

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Flash :: IDE = CS3 Crash When Publishing

Jun 15, 2007

Installed Flash CS3 for the first month and everything was working ok. But mayhem kicks in the last couple of days when i tried to publish my document. it just keep crashing. i tried creating a new document with just one line of text and it still crash upon publishing. I uninstall the program, run winCS3Clean and install the program, THRICE, but the problem just wouldnt go away. this is very frustrating.

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Nov 9, 2011

I have just completed a project and upon publishing it found the swf file to be bloated. I looked at the report found 411K to be Action Script and 10k to be EVERYTHING else! The key is that I did no coding at all. I used the standard motion tweens, but the project is very, very simple. I have one moving graphic and about 10 pieces of text fading/zooming in/out.

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Flash :: Publishing In .gif - Cs4 Doesn't Work

Sep 12, 2009

I'm trying to export an animated text image, but for some reason, when I publish in .gif format, the text is all screwed up. I have example of it, in the attached file. It worked for me in flash mx, but in flash cs4 it doesn't work. I want the text to be readable and animated, in this .gif.

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Jan 25, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Publishing A Flash Intro?

Nov 28, 2010

I'm going to publish my flash intro for our website but can I just publish it without using Dreamweaver? I want to make my flash intro always centered vertically and horizontally according to the browser's size. I also want it to have a plain black background and not showing the edges of my flash.

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Compiling Flash And Publishing To IPad?

Dec 7, 2010

Is its currently possible to publish a Flash App to iPad? I see Flash CS5 has the ability to publish to iPhone/iPad - is Apple supporting this and will be able to be sold in the App store. It would be a lot simpler for me to code up my next project in flash as opposed to objective c and cocos2d.

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Flash :: Add BitmapData To A NetStream Publishing To A FMS?

Oct 28, 2011

A webcam feed is published to a Flash Media Server. Now I want the Augmented Reality layer to be a part of this video capture, rendered into one NetStream.

Has anyone done something like adding a watermark to a NetStream before?

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IDE :: Flash CS3 Files Crash When Publishing To CS4

May 8, 2009

I have decompiled CS3 fla's and I am trying to publish them as CS4 files. I have Flash CS4 installed on my computer. Some of my files will publish but not all of them will. It is getting rather frustrating trying to publish these files while all I have changed is the text. Although as you must know, the text is now a graphic(from the Flash Decompiler), so I am now trying to publish the new file and it crashes. It does save as an fla but will not before a swf.

I know the message boards keep saying to uninstall Flash CS4 and re-install CS3 but this is not an option for me.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Publishing In Swf Format?

Aug 10, 2010

I working on a product demo in flash and it is almost complete. The problem is when i integrate Audio in the animation the file don't publish in swf format. It is showing a process bar with 70% completed. It means 30% is not publishing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: What Are Cons Of Publishing In Flash Player 7

Jan 23, 2010

I've been working on an xml gallery. The website scales according to the browser window. Some of my work is fine lineart and any scaling seems to cause a lot of aliasing. If I publish it with Flash Player 7 the scaling is fine.This may sound like a naive question but what are the cons with publishing a portfolio with an older Flash Player?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Publishing Glow As Red On My Computer

Jan 5, 2009

I have a glowFilter applied to movie clips on rollover state. When I try and publish from this computer the glow is always red no matter what I set the color to. If I publish on another computer the color publishes normally. Is there some setting in my preferences somewhere that is causing this error or do I possibly need to do a clean install? I created an example attached with the code I am using. The glow is applied with Tweener as well.

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Professional :: Publishing A Single Scene In Flash CS5

Aug 30, 2010

DId things change in regards to publishing scenes?  I know I can publish preview a scene with the option-command-return, and that still works, however it does NOT replace the swf file in the location chosen in the Publish Settings.
I have an old .fla I need to get swfs published from each scene... this used to be a piece of cake.

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Aug 30, 2011

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