Professional :: Placing And Moving Imported Gifs?

Apr 15, 2011

I import an animated gif onto the stage, but if I want to then move all the frames some pixels to the left, I have todo so for each element in every  frame. How can I move the gif and all its frames in one action without using actionscript

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Professional :: Transparent Background For Animated Gifs?

Jul 20, 2010

yesterday i made a Flash with CS5, and i wanted to export the Movie as Animated Gif with a transparent Background but this does not work, no matter if i selest transparency due the Export as Movie or if i set it in Publish Settings, the Background will be always opaque as in the Flash App itself, so White or whatever Background is set to the App...I am on s Mac, the only way it worked was to export the Movie as PNG Sequence but i don't know how to easily combine them together as an animated gif?

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Professional :: Loading Gifs Pngs And Bmps?

Dec 22, 2010

I have been experementing the the loadmovie command in AS1

it works for JPGS

but i cant make it work for PNGs, GIFs, or BMPs
how do i load external images of these types into flash

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Professional :: CS4: Importing Animated Gifs For Rotoscoping?

Aug 22, 2011

I've been trying to import animated gifs into Adobe Flash CS4 Professional to practice rotoscoping, but I can never get the gifs to work. I've tried importing directly to the stage and importing to the library and making the gif into a symbol and so on, and I can get the gif's frames to appear in the timeline, but once the gifs are in the file refuses to play. If I hit Enter and try to play it, nothing happens. If I try to test the scene or test the movie, I just get an swf that's stuck on the first frame in the gif. Does anyone have any idea how I can get gifs to work?(I'm using Windows 7 on an HP laptop with 6 GB of RAM. If I should be providing any other information, let me know.)

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FLASH CS3 - Moving Imported SWF Files To Library Folder

May 31, 2009

I am having problems with building my webpage with Flash. I have imported the the swf files I want in my library but when I try to put them into folders my computer seems to seize up and takes a few minutes to do the job and can be very slow and I am unable to anything on PC while it is doing this. I have not incounted this problem before on my PC but I have had it for over 5 years now and I am due to buy a new PC in spring next year when Windows 7 is released on all new PCs. I am using windows XP with all the updates available plus upgraded to 1GB memory last year. Is my PC to old to work with FLASH CS3 or is it another problem entirely?

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Professional :: Placing Stop To Tweened Buttons

Aug 20, 2010

I have created set of dials/meters with moving arms that change as buttons are pressed. The arms move based on a "Classic Tween" set-up I created. I then applied my buttons to the flash document and then coded in some "gotoAndPlay" on an actions layer to get the arms on the dials to move when I click on the buttons. My problem is that since I have 3 buttons (High, Medium & Low) and the tweens follow one frame right after another (0, 41,78) there is no stop. When I click on Low it plays the low tween, the medium one, and the high tween. When I click on the medium it plays both the Medium and then the High. The High button obviously only plays itself. I don't know how to insert a stop between these buttons.

low_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onLow); function onLow (Event:MouseEvent):void {
gotoAndPlay(0) }
med_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMed); function onMed (Event:MouseEvent):void {
gotoAndPlay(41) }
high_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onHigh); function onHigh (Event:MouseEvent):void {

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Professional :: Flash CS5 Crash When Placing Bitmap On Stage?

Jul 12, 2011

I have a really really annoying problem with Flash CS5 ( on winXP.Everytime I place a bitmap (jpg, png..) on stage, Flash crashes.It occurs with existing fla, as well as with new documents, but only as3!(with as2 new documents, it seems ok!)I tried deleting preferences (reg key and AppData folder), nothing changes. Rebooting does nothing.

Here is the crash report:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>


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Professional :: 1 Pixel White Border When Placing Flash Movie In Dreamweaver CS4?

Aug 17, 2010

I tried all suggestions from the dreamweave forums and none worked.I am placing a CS4 swf movie into dreamweaver CS4 and when I preview in firefox I can't get rid of the 1 pixel white border.Have tried all settings, including setting the wmode parameters to transparentBorder set to 0, frame set to 'top', image set to top.If I change the background of the frame to blue for example, I get a 1 pixel blue line. I believe the problem is in dreamweaver.How do I fix this?

<param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" /> <param name="BGCOLOR" value="#FFFFFF" />  <param name="SCALE" value="noborder" />  <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />  <!-- Next object tag is


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Professional :: One Or More Files Were Not Imported

Mar 16, 2011

I am using Flash CS4 and Flash CS5.I bought some music from Amazon MP3 that I want to use in my Flash animation and I keep getting this error upon import:one or more files were not imported because there were problems reading them.

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Professional :: Changed Imported SWF's FPS?

Nov 2, 2011

I have an animated SWF that I created. It is supposed to be at 3FPS, however it runs at 24FPS which is my stage's current FPS. How do I have different FPS's for my stage, and my SWF?

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Sound And Animated Gifs

Feb 14, 2010

Yesterday I worked on an educational activity for adult English as a second language students similar to this one and the two pages worked perfectly.However, when I tried to make another page today that incorporates animated gifs, I ran into problems.I lost the ability to embed sound on the down state for all objects on the page.I am using Vista updated, and KoolMoves 7.4.1.I used these steps:

1. Import an image (jpeg) on to the stage.

2. Clicked on it and selected make it a button from the tool bar
3. In the OVER State, I drew a layer over the image and made it transparent.

4. I moved to the UP State, copied the OVER State, and added the word.

5. I moved to the DOWN State, copied the OVER State, and returned to the Main Movie.

6. I then right clicked on the image to show properties and changed the sound to YES, went to the down state, and linked to the sound.

7. I then saved, previewed in Play in Browser Window, and the two previous images with sounds (which worked perfectly before I worked on the gif) and the animated gif do not play sound.

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Animated Gifs In Flash?

Sep 12, 2009

I made an animated gif in adobe flash, but when I export it as a gif, the quality is ruined. I know there is a way to make high quality gifs in flash, as shown here:URL...But when I follow those steps and publish it, the gif turns out to be a blank frame.

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Publishing Gifs In Flash?

Oct 27, 2009

I am having sever problems with publishing gifs in flash. All text turns into great big blobs. This has not allways been happening, it just started one day...I have tried reinstalling but the problem is still there...Heres something I made to show...I put a white background, and 30pt arial text saying "Test" in roughly the came out like this:

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Professional :: No Sound On Imported Flv Video

Mar 3, 2010

I imported to stage a .flv vidseo... and there is no sound playing when I play the video...

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Professional :: Imported A Gif But It Does Not Play Correctly?

Jun 18, 2010

I have imported a gif but it does not play correctly. It's only two frames. The first bmp associated with the gif in the library has both slides combined while the second bmp is correct.To show the issue I am having. Here is the 2frame gif playing correctly:[URL]Now here is a screen shot of my library:[URL] You can see how the highlights bmp is incorrect. When I play the gif in Firefox,IE, Ulead gif animator or anywhere else it is fine but in Flash it shows that first frame with the combined slides and then the 2nd slide correctly. It ruins the "dancing effect" I'm going for.

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Professional :: Making Button On Imported PSD

Aug 12, 2010

It seemed like a simple process but I cant seem to get this right... I got a button there, but the URL wont go, i.e., the click does nothing. I imported a PSD layered image to Flash CS3, into a new blank layer. I need basically an area of this PSD to be "image mapped" so what I did was create a rectangle with the rect tool, over the area I needed the hot spot. Here I tried to do a transparent box and border (alpha 0) but the outline is still there even though the box is "empty." (I did select the transparent box, no color, and tried alpha, both same result). I made that into a symbol, then I double clicked into there to fill in the key pts for the over, hit, etc., states.... I don't have any effects here btw, as simple as we can get.

After that I right clicked on the button and entered the action script ("reserve" is the name of my button symbol)
Which gave no errors on validation. When I preview in Flash, everything looks good except the thin black border and the fact that when the button is pressed, nothing happens.

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Professional :: Imported Images Disappeared In CS5?

Apr 21, 2011

I had CS5  I had the problem.  I have just upgraded to CS5 v11.0.2.489.  I have the same problem. I imported a series of images in CS5 to the stage.  I saved the file and reopened it.The images were gone in the stage.  They were corrupted in library as well.
I imported the same images in Flash 8.  I saved the file and reopend it in Flash 8 without a problem.  I reopened the file in CS5 v11.0.0 and CSv11.0.2 without a problem.  I saved the file to CS4 format and reopened the new CS4 file in CS5 without a problem.  I saved the file to CS5 format (both compressed and uncompressed) and reopened the new CS5 files.  The problem is still there.
You can download the Flash 8 version of the file here in my dropbox.[URL]...

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Professional :: Reading File (MP3) When Being Imported

Mar 5, 2012

I remember that I tried it on my friend's laptop and it worked. I am using a trial version of flash and is a beginner?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Animated Gifs Into Flash?

Nov 24, 2004

I was wondering if we can load animated gifs dynamically using the .loadMovie or anyother method?

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Professional :: Changing Source Of An Imported Symbol

Oct 23, 2007

Say I have "Symbol 1" in FLA document "DocOne". I drag this symbol from DocOne's library into "DocTwo"'s library. Now, in DocTwo's library, the properties for Symbol 1 show that the source is "DocOne". I can use the symbol update functionality to update it from DocOne. Is there a way to sever this linkage so that Symbol 1 in DocTwo no longer considers Symbol 1 from DocOne to be its source? So that, for example, if I drag it over from DocTwo to DocThree, Symbol 1 in DocThree, its source in DocThree will be DocTwo and not DocOne?

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Professional :: Putting Action Onto Imported Image?

Aug 6, 2009

I'm trying to create a countdown timer for my website. I have written a code in ActionScript 2.0 that is working but I have a background that I created in Illustrator onto which I want to embed the timer. So, I have the image and on top of that image is where I would like the numbers to countdown, if that makes any sense?
I've posted the image I am talking about. The bottom half (the box at the bottom) is where I want to put the numbers counting down using Flash.

Is there a specific format that I need to have the imported image in since I have tried jpg, gif, bitmap and none of these allow me to put an action onto it?

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Professional :: Why Imported Ai File Won't Scale Properly

Feb 24, 2010

The stroke on one of my symbols(rivet) becomes increasingly thicker for no reason when i import my ai file. .

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Professional :: Imported Photoshop File Exported As?

May 27, 2010

I've imported a multi-layered Photoshop file (that contains layers with elements smaller than the project size... so each layer is alpha with an element floating somewhere on the canvas.I was pleasantly surprised to see that it not only imported into Flash CS3, but also kept all the alpha and successfully exported as a Flash file with the alpha (of each layer) intact. I didn't think it would be able to do that!Anyway, the one thing that concerns/interests me is whether whatever it's doing is compatible on all systems that it'll reach.  At first, I thought it was converting each layer into a PNG file, since (to the best of my knowledge) jpegs dont' support transparency, and the layers were not converted to vectors.

So, what exactly IS it doing to each layer?  What is it exporting them as?  How compatible is that on other systems (browsers, O/S's, etc) these days?  Also, are PNG files now fully supported in all browsers and systems?I'd hate to build my whole site, only to find that it's not compatible on some other system....Bit of back story...  I'm creating a multi-layered interface (background, then another level with some random loaded swf file, then the 'moving stuff' (nav buttons, titles, etc), and then an odd shaped frame on top of that.  Previously, I did it by making everything with Flash vectors... but this time, I tried making all the elements/layers in Photoshop with just bitmaps (rather than vectors), as I wanted a bit more detail.

Originally, I was considering vectorizing them, so it would be all vectors and no bitmaps.... but with all the gradients and details, they would be an inefficient nest of vectors.... quite a mess.So, then I considered doing most of the screen as a bitmap background image, and putting the 'moving stuff' as vectors on top (...and perhaps use masks so that they appeared to go behind the frame and foreground items... but I was worried that (on perhaps other systems or configurations) the image and the vector matte wouldn't align for some reason.

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Professional :: Can't View Jpg N Png Files Imported To Stage

Sep 21, 2010

Why can I see only the above images in the library after importing them to the stage?

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Professional :: Can't Get Imported Library Items To Appear On Stage?

Oct 7, 2010

I am using the CS4 version and when I click on the library item and drag it to the stage, there is nothing there. It is just a blank canvas and it's like the image(s) are hidden behind the stage or something. When I do a Publish Preview, I can see the .swf file with all the images, but in the .fla, there is nothing showing but the text files, and then that is even hidden in a newly created file. I am not sure if I accidently turned something on/off that is preventing my images from not showing on the stage or what. I really need to find a solution to this problem because I need to create a Flash file for a project I am working on in one of my classes. Does anyone know what could be causing this? I have done Google searches and Forum searches to no avail unless I'm not using the right keywords in my search.

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Professional :: Rollover Start With Imported Video?

Oct 29, 2010

I do animation as a hobby on youtube (using a combination of Adobe Photoshop, Sony Vegas, and a few other programs for specifics such as morphing and mouth movements), and I was recently contacted by someone who wanted me to do some work for their website by making animation. The catch is, however, that they want my videos to be in flash format with the option to start playing (and repeat) when a person rolls over the scenes with their mouse.
Now, I was able to figure out how to convert my videos into Flash F4V format (yea!), but I can't figure out for the life of me what to do next. All of the tutorials I've read talk about inserting buttons and changing instances and setting things to over and... it doesn't make a lick of sense to me.

I'm not a dummy... but I've never used this program before, and a lot of the videos out there seem to assume a familiarity with the product.

It "sounds" like it should be something easy and simple enough to do, but I must be missing something obvious here.

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Professional :: Imported Video Doesnt Show Up?

Feb 14, 2011

I am trying to import a .flv video to my flash websiteI do it by choosing the "Progressive download from a webserver" optionIn the .swf file generated, the video runs normally , but when I run my website trough the index.html file and I goto the page where It is supposed to be, the video doesnt show up, as if it never existedI dont know what may be hapenning

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Professional :: Hyperlink In SWF Not Working When Imported Into Another Movie?

Apr 5, 2011

I have 4 swfs that I have exported from flash, all containing clickable links. By themselves, the links work just fine. However, I have a "Main" movie that I am trying to import the 4 swf files into. They import fine and I have no problems except that when I test/export the movie the links in the original swf files no longer work.

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Professional :: Imported Graphic From Photoshop Is Pixilated

Jan 16, 2012

I have a problem when trying to import any graphic file, even a .psd file, in flash pro. The problem is that when imported, the graphic gets pixelated and the edges of of the graphic does not look smooth (not curves but pixelated lines). Interestingly the problem only occurs when I test the movie, but while editing it the graphic looks fine. I am using windows and have flash and photoshop cs5. How can I transfer my graphic from photoshop to flash without the pixelation of the curved lines?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Exporting Animated GIFs Containing Script?

Oct 4, 2010

I've read it's impossible to a export a scripted animation into one animated PNG while retaining any of the AS3-triggered actions (whether in Timeline or Classes). This also seems to be the case with animated GIFS. The problem is, having a 27 x 27 stage, my .MOV files are still huge. Do I have to give up, or is there a hidden workaround for exporting animated GIFs with AS3?

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