Animated Gifs In Flash?
Sep 12, 2009
I made an animated gif in adobe flash, but when I export it as a gif, the quality is ruined. I know there is a way to make high quality gifs in flash, as shown here:URL...But when I follow those steps and publish it, the gif turns out to be a blank frame.
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Nov 24, 2004
I was wondering if we can load animated gifs dynamically using the .loadMovie or anyother method?
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Feb 14, 2010
Yesterday I worked on an educational activity for adult English as a second language students similar to this one and the two pages worked perfectly.However, when I tried to make another page today that incorporates animated gifs, I ran into problems.I lost the ability to embed sound on the down state for all objects on the page.I am using Vista updated, and KoolMoves 7.4.1.I used these steps:
1. Import an image (jpeg) on to the stage.
2. Clicked on it and selected make it a button from the tool bar
3. In the OVER State, I drew a layer over the image and made it transparent.
4. I moved to the UP State, copied the OVER State, and added the word.
5. I moved to the DOWN State, copied the OVER State, and returned to the Main Movie.
6. I then right clicked on the image to show properties and changed the sound to YES, went to the down state, and linked to the sound.
7. I then saved, previewed in Play in Browser Window, and the two previous images with sounds (which worked perfectly before I worked on the gif) and the animated gif do not play sound.
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Oct 4, 2010
I've read it's impossible to a export a scripted animation into one animated PNG while retaining any of the AS3-triggered actions (whether in Timeline or Classes). This also seems to be the case with animated GIFS. The problem is, having a 27 x 27 stage, my .MOV files are still huge. Do I have to give up, or is there a hidden workaround for exporting animated GIFs with AS3?
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Jul 20, 2010
yesterday i made a Flash with CS5, and i wanted to export the Movie as Animated Gif with a transparent Background but this does not work, no matter if i selest transparency due the Export as Movie or if i set it in Publish Settings, the Background will be always opaque as in the Flash App itself, so White or whatever Background is set to the App...I am on s Mac, the only way it worked was to export the Movie as PNG Sequence but i don't know how to easily combine them together as an animated gif?
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Aug 22, 2011
I've been trying to import animated gifs into Adobe Flash CS4 Professional to practice rotoscoping, but I can never get the gifs to work. I've tried importing directly to the stage and importing to the library and making the gif into a symbol and so on, and I can get the gif's frames to appear in the timeline, but once the gifs are in the file refuses to play. If I hit Enter and try to play it, nothing happens. If I try to test the scene or test the movie, I just get an swf that's stuck on the first frame in the gif. Does anyone have any idea how I can get gifs to work?(I'm using Windows 7 on an HP laptop with 6 GB of RAM. If I should be providing any other information, let me know.)
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Aug 31, 2009
is it possible to load dynamic/animated gifs using a UILoader by any chance? Simply stating its source just gives a static image which is no good ~_~
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Nov 24, 2004
I was wondering if we can load animated gifs dynamically using the .loadMovie or anyother method?
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Oct 27, 2009
I am having sever problems with publishing gifs in flash. All text turns into great big blobs. This has not allways been happening, it just started one day...I have tried reinstalling but the problem is still there...Heres something I made to show...I put a white background, and 30pt arial text saying "Test" in roughly the came out like this:
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Dec 22, 2010
I have been experementing the the loadmovie command in AS1
it works for JPGS
but i cant make it work for PNGs, GIFs, or BMPs
how do i load external images of these types into flash
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Apr 15, 2011
I import an animated gif onto the stage, but if I want to then move all the frames some pixels to the left, I have todo so for each element in every frame. How can I move the gif and all its frames in one action without using actionscript
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Jul 28, 2005
I'm using the following code to load two gif images into two movieclips
var team1_img_file = "hamburg.gif";
var team2_img_file = "gladbach.gif";[code].....
The gif images are in the same folder as the flash file- does flash require a physical path / full address?The facts:
- I receive no error.
- "_layer2" does exist and is not obscured by anything.
- using "this" instead of "_layer2" gets the same result.
- the images don't show up.
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Sep 1, 2006
I have been tyring to export an animated banner, in animated.gif format. it's a simple animated text with no gradients. it should go on top of a graphic which has some gradients and is multi-coloured and with effects (the colours are similar to the one/i used in the page) as you can see here the text looks a bit funny.url...
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Jan 20, 2012
Am I completely hallucinating or what ? That's several years I'm working with Flash, and today, i want to do the simplest animation ever, and it just doesn't work....I want to mask an animated clip with an animated mask (a shape animation), but every time the mask arrives at a keyframe, the clip restarts to the frame 1 !!I added a piece of code to see at which keyframe it is blocked, and at every mask keyframe, the code says 'TypeError: Error #1009: null property..
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Jul 14, 2005
This tutorial found on: [URL] Is extension of: [URL] The problem manifests itself when I substitute .jpg thumbnail with .swf one. (I need this because i need transparent thumbs, so i needed to import transparent gifs via swfs - i used [URL] to convert gifs to swfs if someone is interested - It is released under the GPL. ) XML is parsed ok, and the thumbnail is visible with other .jpg thumbnails. The problem is that it is not "alive": Clicking on it doesn't change the main image, hovering doesn't change its alpha:
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Nov 14, 2000
How do I import my animated gif into the FLA??
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Feb 25, 2010
I am using Flash CS3 to create a button for a site I am building in Dreamweaver CS4. The button I am trying to create looks like a volume knob on a guitar amp. I need it to point to zero and then "turn up to 10" over a period of 3 seconds when the user hovers over it. It also needs to play a sound. I have created seperate images in photoshop for the knob pointing at each increment 1-10. I added these to a new Flash doc on separate layers. Saved it and it plays as expected when in preview. However I cannot figure out how to get it set in a button. I have created simple buttons but not one that "plays a longer animation" like this.
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Dec 16, 2010
I have made a christmas card in flash - but I need to export it as an animated gif of it - which I can do easily enough - my proble is the quality - it defaults to screen 72dpi but if I want better resolution it increases not only the DPI but the actual file dimensions - mega large.How can I get around 150-200 DPI and retain the original canvas size?
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Sep 1, 2009
Can you export an animated GIF in Flash? i know you can export a "regular" GIF but what about animated ones..?
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Dec 22, 2009
Is it possible to overlay an animated gif on top of a flash banner?I have an html page, where I want to re-work our main banner with flash elements, but would like to place our existing animated gif over the right hand part of the background banner.
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Sep 1, 2010
I'm trying to put an animated gif behind a flash banner when people who don't have flash compatible browsers (iPhone, etc...) come to our website they don't see a big space with nothing there.
I tried making the gif a background for the cell that the flash movie is in, but I can see portions of the animated gif behind the flash movie, even if I set them to the same dimensions.
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Jun 11, 2011
CS4, AS3.Windows XP SP3.I've created a pretty simple flash animation with some text that fades in and moves around a bit. Nothing fancy. It runs just fine both locally and on my client's site. I need to turn it into an animated gif so that non-flash viewers will see the animation. But I can't seem to get it to come out right. It needs to have a transparent background and it needs to run just once. Like I said, all that runs fine as an SWF.
When I choose the export option in the file menu (export movie as gif), it does export and I can run the gif but the background is definitely not transparent and the thing loops continuously. Yes, I've checked the "transparent" checkbox and also set the repetitions to 1. Neither of those settings do anything.I also tried "publishing" the gif. That's even worse. The resultant animation doesn't even resemble my SWF. It's a blocky mess when it runs. It does appear to have a transparent background but it loops over and over and again it's a blocky mess (not sure how else to explain that).
The whole thing is just about 10 layers of different lines of text that are tweened in various ways to get the effect I need.You can see the animation on the right hand side of this page: It's the one that says "FREE! Consultation..."
PS: The gif is not in place. I currently have it set to just show a static image if someone does not have flash.
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Mar 26, 2010
I've searched but there are so many different options, so i decided to ask if do you know of any good and free animated flash charts?
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May 4, 2010
I importing from xml a image gallery to as3... like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
This is working just fine, but i wanted now to put some gif beside of the jpg so i can show a progress work...When i tryed to call the .gif file it imports but it stays stoped... just dont show the animation...I would like to now if i can import a gif to my gallery and if it can be imported animated... if not, what solucions u got? i tryed to to import a simple swf from with the code i shown u but it dont even import anything.
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Jan 1, 2008
I have made a relatively short movie ( 90 frames ) and am trying to make it an animated gif so that I can attach it to emails. When export it everything looks crisp and smooth except the text looks awful - all pixelated. Increasing the resolution that the movie is exported at does The text looks horrible even at 300 dpi. How can I make the movie an animated gif and keep the font looking good? Is there any way to make it look as crisp as in the swf. I have tried different anti-aliasing settings but nothing seems to work.
View 4 Replies
May 4, 2010
I importing from xml a image gallery to as3... like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
This is working just fine, but i wanted now to put some gif beside of the jpg so i can show a progress work...
When i tryed to call the .gif file it imports but it stays stoped... just dont show the animation...
I would like to now if i can import a gif to my gallery and if it can be imported animated... if not, what solucions u got? i tryed to to import a simple swf from with the code i shown u but it dont even import anything.
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Mar 7, 2011
I created 3 buttons in flash (biography, music, contact). Whenever you hover over them,they animate. Is there a way to make these clickable objects in Dreamweaver? I've searched and found out about the 'invisible button', but this doesn't work for me because it takes away the animation I created.
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Dec 6, 2011
I'm completely new to flash & digital art. I got a project recently for a christmas card. Basically a digital drawing with some flash animation edited into it. The rough sketch can be seen here: Though I just have a slightest idea based on youtube videos of how to do it. Here's what I think I could do (correct me, if wrong):
1)Make the background image in PS as a digital painting
2)Make the characters into vectors in Illustrator.
3)Make the further frames/moving parts of character in Illustrator as well
4)Export the whole thing into Adobe Flash
5)Make it happend.
a)Does my plan have potential?(Though I can finally be sure of it in practice.)
b)What flash format to use to create it, considerint that it'll be used in web, sent out as emails? (There are a number of things in there -Action Script, AIR etc)
c)Any tips for a beginner?
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Feb 25, 2010
I need to export a Flash file I created as an animated GIF. Despite trying various settings under Publish, the animated GIF looks very low res or pixelated, yet the SWF file looks fine.
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