Scripting :: Recording From User Mic W/o Using Flash

Aug 11, 2010

Is there a way to not to use flash as a platform for mic recording based script?

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Flash :: Recording Live From A Webcam / Recording From User's Webcam - PHP

May 23, 2011

I want my site's users to be able to record videos straight from their webcams into my site. Videowhisper is one such tool which seems to work fine - [URL] But I'm looking for opinions on better / more scalable / reliable solutions. Paid solutions are fine.

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Flash :: Javascript Library For Recording User Audio?

May 8, 2011

This isn't another one of those "How can I record audio in the browser?" questions... I know that the HTML5 Stream API is around the corner and Flash can already access the user's microphone and camera. I'm simply wondering, as a Javascript developer with little knowledge of Flash, if anyone has developed a JS library that hooks into Flash's device capabilities for recording but sends the results back to javascript (presumably using ExternalInterface).

In other words... libraries like SoundManager2 utilize a Flash fallback for audio playback, but they don't seem to allow for recording. Has anyone written a JS library that uses an invisible Flash movie to allow audio recording?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scripting To Only Allow User To Proceed After Viewing Several Flv Files

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I have an interface with several swfs _level1 that play flv files, they replace each other on _level1 when activated. I want the user to have to watch all of these movies before proceeding further. In other words, they cannot continue to the next scene until they have played all movies in that scene.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Recording User Name And Id Number?

Nov 16, 2009

I have a quiz that, on completion, I need the user to be able to enter their name and user id (already generated externally) which is then passed to either a database or an email is sent to a pre-determined address to log that they have completed the quiz.

I'm guessing that when the above has been done, the playhead could move to a frame that gives them a confirmation and closing message. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to how to achieve this?

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Actionscript 3 :: AIR3 Ios App Microphone Recording/playing - Beginning Of Recording Is Missing

Oct 4, 2011

i have build a small test app in Flash Pro 5.5 overlayed with the AIR 3 has just 2 buttons to record and playback audio from the microphone. when i test this on my iPhone 3g - i record myself saying "1-2-3-4-5". but when i playback a half a second or so is missing from the beginning : "3-4-5-".

when i test this on the desktop all is fine is this a result of the iPhone 3g's cpu power or is it a bug or is it my code?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scripting 3D In Flash?

Jul 28, 2007

I'm going to have a bunch of questions as I progress through the tutorial.http:[url]....At the bottom of the page, sen writes this:Finally the function to make it all happen.This will base camera movement off of the arrow keys and use

clip._x += Math.cos(angle)*radius;
clip._y += Math.sin(angle)*radius;However in his code he writes this:cameraView.x += Math.sin(cameraView.rotation)*movement;
cameraView.z += Math.cos(cameraView.rotation)*movement;what happens is he switches the sin and cos methods from what he said. However, for displaying all the "figures" those far and including this example, cos was used for "x" and sin was used for "y" like so:
var x = Math.cos(angle)*this.radius;
var z = Math.sin(angle)*this.radius;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scripting Language In Flash?

Dec 2, 2009

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Flash :: AS3 Cross-scripting Between 2 SWFs?

Aug 13, 2010

I have a movie with a document class ( wich load 2 SWF:

private var mainContainer:Sprite = new Sprite();
var loaderx:Loader = new Loader();[code]....

Now I need to access some var/objects in PhotoLoader from PhotoViewer but anytime I compile PhotoViewer the compiler complains:


1119: Access of possibly undefined property loaderx through a reference with
static type flash.display:DisplayObject.

Notice I need communication between the 2 loaded SWFs, not from the movie that loaded them

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IDE :: Flash Website Scripting And 1009 Error

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Flash - Errors 1119 1120 On Button Scripting?

Feb 4, 2010

I'm am super new at this, and this is my first time ever using Adobe. I get the "joy" of doing a project in my school using The CS4 Suite. I was playing around and using this book to help me get a button to start an action. I have tried many different codings, but this one gets me the least amount of errors. This is what I have so far:


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Flash :: Jquery - Effect Achieved With A Lighter Form Of Scripting?

Nov 24, 2010

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Flash :: Load Facebook ID Vars Into Client Side Scripting?

Sep 2, 2011

I'd like to simply display the users name and photo inside a flash app. I hope to do this only in the client without using any backend scripting. The ActionScript 3 SDK for Facebook Platform is under construction for the next few weeks to comply with new facebook requirements so I don't trust the current build to be useful.

We have searched and built tests for a week with no luck. I have a feeling the answer is either very simple or not possible.

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Flash :: Sending Information From Scripting Side To Video Player?

Mar 28, 2012

I don't know how to ask this, but the thing is that i was thinking that how does youtube or like video blogs send the video path & all info to a flash video player i mean when e click on any video link how does it sets up everything and displays the chosen video, because actually i've created one but in that i had to set up the whole page via flash so that it can manipulate the information like path & name of the video, and cannot use html links, php and all.. so can u people tell me how do i start up & how this process is done & what i need to do & other important things on this.. i mean sending any info to a flash player via any scripting or server side language.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Scripting Call The Sound From The Library At The Timeline?

Sep 12, 2002

I have a flash movie which has got 5 scenes and from scene 2 onwards i am using sound. In scene 1 I have made a prelaoder. My problem is that it starts loading sounding in scene 1 frame 1. Is there any way by which the sound starts prelaoding in frame 2.

Problem 2.I am using same sound in different scenes timeline. How can we by flash scripting call the sound from the library at the timeline.I am using F 5.

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Javascript :: Possible To Access The Internal Elements Of An Embedded Flash Object Via A Scripting Language?

Nov 16, 2010

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Flex :: Preventing Cross Site Scripting Attack On Flash Container Pages

Jun 2, 2011

I have a website with a flex application. The flex application has no user input - except for clicks for navigation. The website also uses no scripting language - i.e. no php, asp, jsp or cfm.

The website just consists of one page which contains the flash file for the flex application. The source code of this page is here: [URL]

I have been advised (by a software program used by my client) that this website is vulnerable to a reflective type XSS attack and have been advised to 'sanitize' all user input.

respect to XSS and would respectfully like to ask that AFAIK there is no user input. What should I sanitize and how?

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Flash - Webcam Service For A Website: User To User Directly?

Mar 14, 2010

I wonder wether on a website like chatroulette for example, the streaming video is going directly from user to user or wether it is going through a server.

In other words I wonder wether it is possible to offer a webcam service on a website, so that the streaming video goes directly from user to user, without overloading the system.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Sending User-generated Info To The User

Feb 22, 2011

We have a sort of game, generated with Flash in AS3, on our website where the reader is invited to eliminate the California Budget Deficit. It's connected to a database where we keep track of the responses and print them in chart form and post the results on the website so everyone can see the most popular budget items the readers want to cut.

See the interactive in question here:


We've had many, many requests to have an option where the reader can get a copy of his/her choices that he/she can print out. I've thought about having a movieclip pop up that shows those choices (and that would be simple enough), but in addition to that, what I'd really like to do is have a way to download those choices to the reader's computer as a text file or maybe have a "Print" button on the movieclip showing the choices that would print just that movieclip. The database we have wouldn't really be suitable because it's set up to simply show which were chosen and which not, and the names of the submissions and choices are variables that don't really mean anything except to us when we put it all in an excel file.

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Video Recording Using Flash?

Jan 27, 2012

i have to record the video at client side n then save it on server side, so that it can be viewed when ever act like a video testimony by client.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Recording Through Mic?

May 22, 2011

how to record using mic feature. I had modified the example in the AS3 guide to something like this:

import flash.utils.ByteArray;


Here, there are two buttons, one starts recording and the other stops recording. The resulting .swf file is only 2kb in size and it doesn't do what it is supposed to do.What am I doing wrong here? Other players similar to this have sizes in the range of 80-100 kb.

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Flash :: Recording A Flv From An Air Window?

Jul 28, 2011

Is it possible to record and stream an air window to flv?

I would like to be able to use multiple video inputs and use text and graphics. To create a video mixer, picture in picture, key in graphics, etc. I'm able to do this on the display but would like to be able to record and stream it as well. I would also like to retain HD resolution. Recording the window maybe a dirty method. Is there another way?

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Flash :: Approach For User To User Audio Communication?

Jul 2, 2010

For one of my projects I need users to be able to communicate with each other in an audio mode. The thing I'm concerned about is the scalability of the project if it even gets big in terms of bandwidth consumption.

What are the alternatives to passing the audio through my server to the users?Is it possible to create a link between two users so they can exchange their stream of data (audio in this case) so that it doesn't pass through me, while still being able to control the time they've been connected to each other and some other information?

As for now it's just an idea I have in mind but I don't really know what to look into. I think it will probably need to be some plugin dependant solution so that's why I tagged the question like that.

I'm not looking for a concrete solution, just a little push in the right direction from someone who has been through something similar.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Do Voice Recording Using Flash 8?

Jun 29, 2009

How to do voice recording using flash action script 8 with example.

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As3 :: Flash - Recording Video Using Webcam?

Dec 19, 2011

i know how to use a webcam in as3,i want to record webcam video and save to my Local disk

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Flash - Recording WAV In Adobe AIR?

Jan 7, 2012

I'm trying to record from my headphone port directly into my microphone port (using an aux cable) in Adobe Flash Builder / AIR, but I'm having a couple problems:

1. The recording never sounds "full" compared to the original MP3 file that I'm playing in iTunes. PCM is supposed to be an uncompressed format, so the quality should be lossless.

2. The saved recording (WAV) is always half the length of what I recorded. (Example: if i record for a minute, I'll end up with a 0:30 wav file, with the second half of the recording not there)

This is the code I'm using.

import flash.display.NativeWindowSystemChrome;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sound Recording In FLASH MX

Mar 14, 2003

Is there any way to provide the functionality of sound recording (e.g. record, stop & play) in flash MX?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Recording Sound In Flash?

May 19, 2007

I'm actually working on a website where I want to integrate an online mixer such as[url]...I would like that after the user create his mix, he can record it and save it to a DB.

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Flash :: Recording H.264 Video Using Media Server3.5?

Jan 5, 2010

need some help in recording the H.264 video using Flash media server 3.5, does anyone have working experience (or) any idea about H.264 video  recording with the Flash player. I am trying to publish the stream using  the netstream.publish(mp4:streamname.mp4);  but the video codec id of this recorded video is coming as H.263, hence I tried to record the video  in H.264 format.I am using logitech webcam for capturing the video.

Do i need to install anyother codec plugin for h.264 support?

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